Campaign: Kerbinai Program/ru
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Теперь появилась возможность поглазеть с Кербина на блестящие со своих орбит, созданные кербалами спутники. ГеоСат обнаружил (вопреки распространенному мнению), что за пределами Кербиканского материка нет каких-либо построек, кроме островного аэродрома и Космического Центра Кербиетов. Космический Центр был единственным зданием во всей Кербике, но тем не менее ученые не обнаружили нехватки добровольцев.
Президент Кербики (Президент? Никогда не видел его лица. Он существует? Иногда мне кажется, что я становлюсь частью этой истории...) заявил, что хочет увидеть кербала на Муне до конца десятилетия. Кербальская Космическая Программа начала поиск возможности посадки на Муну и возвращения, хотя большая часть ученых находили это дело весьма сомнительным. Многое предстояло изучить, чтобы добраться до Муны. Было призвано несколько добровольцев, но многие добровольно становиться героями не желали, даже за бесплатное угощение. Джебедайя Керман, сорвиголова из Керникопии, был первым и единственным волонтером...на некоторое время. Как только он похвалился своим новым космическим скафандром с встроенным реактивным ранцем, весьма заинтригованные девайсом братья Билл и Боб вскоре присоединились к храбрецу.
Кампания призвана представить вам миссии по усовершенствованию ваших космических навыков путем совершения пилотируемых полетов, используя более продвинутые орбитальные маневры, а также по подготовке к путешествию на Мун до конца недели.
(Обучающие материалы по сближению и стыковке можете найти во внутриигровых туториалах или, например, здесь)
Характеристики кампании
- Длительность: 5-8 часов
- Сложность: Профессионал
- Наличие навыков:
- Продвинутое владение навболлом
- Использование маневровых узлов на среднем уровне
- Продвинутое построение орбиты
- Точное понимание термина "стартовое окно"
- Понимание работы сближения
- Основы стыковки
- Навигация вне корабля
- Версия игры: Любая (начиная с 0.20.2)
Рекомендуемые модификации
- Frizzank Aeronautics and Space Administration (FASA) - Мы уже обсуждали этот мод в кампании Космическая Гонка, и не будет лишним еще раз упомянуть, что мод имеет части кораблей программы "Гемини", а также целый ракетоноситель Титан-2. Также имеются так и не реализованные в программе детали (например, конфигурации для полета на Луну, луноход, спасательная версия Гемини, пилотируемая орбитальная лаборатория (включая Титан-3, который пригодится нам позже) и конфигурация размещения Гемини на Сатурн 1Б.
- Historical Rockets, Probes, and Mods series - Также упоминался в Космической Гонке, имеются весьма полезные детали:
- Salyut Stations-Soyuz Ferries: Включает космический корабль "Восход".
- Soviet Rockets: Включает ракету Р-7.
Пилотируемые полеты
- Design a Launch Escape System if disaster strikes.
- Craft must contain: 1 nose cone with several sepratrons, 1 sepratron at top to evade the launch vehicle
- Escape system must be able to pull command module away from a rocket in flight under its own power, then detach from pod allowing it to descend with a parachute system
- Command module must be able to land safely from any launch altitude up to 70 km
- Escape system must be triggered by the Abort action group (default: Backspace key)
- Test the system by itself (unmanned)
- Test the system at higher altitude using a launch stage (manned or unmanned)
- (Escape systems for manned missions are not required though until Gene takes over the KSC after The Kerbinai Program.)
- (Version 0.24 added a part specifically for this, though custom systems can work 'better'.)
- (Tip: Set your abort group to shut down all liquid fueled engines to help with escape launch.)
- (Tip: Use translation and rotation tools to center objects on the nosecone, or even store a parachute underneath it.
- Запустите Косход-2, пилотируемый Алексеем Керманом. Perform an EVA in orbit, and return the Kerbal unharmed
- Reach Low Kerbin Orbit (LKO)
- Have your Kerbal exit the command pod, let go and get back inside (no jet flight)
- Приводнитесь
Программа "Кербини"
- Design the Kerbinai Spacecraft, or the Titan II Kerbinai Launch Vehicle.
- Spacecraft must have a 2-stage launch vehicle and a 2-stage "Re-entry Vehicle" (RV).
- Stages should all be in-line.
- Stage I should contain enough propulsion to carry the craft outside the atmosphere.
- Stage II should be able to achieve a circular orbit.
- The RV should contain: 1 parachute, small manned capsule, heat shield with decoupler, RCS propulsion, battery and a small service bay for extra snacks.
Before carrying out Kerbinai 4, it may be best to do the first three Kerbinai missions before you tackle this mission, just to make sure any two-man spacecraft you built is working. If using the FASA mod, do it for the sake of completion, but remember these parameters for both construction methods:
- Кербини-1, 2 и 3 (По желанию)
- Kerbinai 1 is an unmanned orbital test that was never meant for recovery. Test the structural integrity of the ship by launching into low orbit. Let the RV burn up during re-entry (no heatshield)
- Kerbinai 2 is an unmanned suborbital flight to test the heat shield.
- Kerbinai 3 is the first manned flight of the program; use this mission to practice changing inclination and eccentricity.
- Кербини-4: Let Kerbican astronaut Ed Kerman attempt the first jet-assisted EVA...and successfully return to the spacecraft.
- Must use the Titan II KLV (with only slight modifications) for all Kerbinai missions
- Reach LKO
- Have your Kerbal leave your comfy spacecraft and float around the spacecraft
- Complete one circuit around the craft
- EVA must take place entirely on the day side of Kerbin, else you must let your Kerbal drift in space until daylight comes back and he can "see" the ship and try to make it back.
- (If you lose your Kerbal because you have run out of jetpack fuel... well... um... your first orbital intercept will be to rescue him using a remotely controlled intercept vehicle)
- Replace ComSat I with the new-and-improved ComSat IV by performing a rendezvous
- New satellite must contain: more solar power, more energy storage, RCS system and a probe body
- Launch a new ComSat to replace ComSat I.
- Time your launch (or adjust orbit) to reach space within 500m of ComSat I.
- Reduce relative velocity. Your orbit should be Kerbostationary above KSC.
- Propel ComSat I into graveyard orbit, circular orbit at least 20km above Kerbostationary Orbit (scaled from real-life graveyard orbits).
- Designate ComSat I as Debris (so it no longer shows up on your map, or you can choose to end its mission to save cpu resources)
- (This mission is a good one to practice your first orbital intercept, assuming your old satellite is where you want your new one to be)
- Кербини-6 и 7: Intercept and Rendezvous a manned ship to within 100m of another manned ship
- Both ships must carry a single Kerbal, for a total of 2 Kerbals at the rendezvous.
- Crafts must contain: no docking port, SAS module (new technology, since previous missions may have been "a wee bit wobbly")
- Launch both crafts into LKO and rendezvous
- Take a screenshot from inside the cockpit of one ship through the window looking at the other ship, when both ships are less than 100m apart.
- (Building orbital intercept vehicles will require a more powerful launch vehicle. Consider your trial by error development as Kerbinai 5 (if you seek completion, do Kerbinai 5 anyway as an endurance test; for that mission, just leave a Kerbinai spacecraft in orbit for about eight days and launch some satellites; your crew will have spent "eight days in a garbage can" by the time they land). Experiment first before committing Kerbonaughts to an official Kerbinai mission)
- (KSC scientists don't think it's possible on the first try, so that's why both ships don't have docking ports. Prove them wrong with a screenshot. Of course, the actual Gemini 6 and 7A never docked, either.)
- Launch an unmanned Kerbina Target Vehicle with docking point into orbit.
- Satellite must contain: 1 small fuel tank, 1 docking port, battery power, 1 antenna
- Launch satellite into orbit
- Кербини-8: Launch a manned vehicle carrying Neil Kerbstrong to refuel from the target vehicle.
- Intercept and rendezvous with the waiting unmanned vehicle
- Dock with the unmanned vehicle
- Transfer fuel from the Kerbina Target Vehicle to your ship, make sure there is enough for the manned vehicle to deorbit and the unmanned vehicle to reach a graveyard orbit (10-20km away from other satellites, come up with a standard for future LKO satellites)
- If you're feeling daring, don't transfer fuel, but rather, send the entire ship into an uncontrolled spin and simulate the actual Gemini VIII abort.
- After you're done, you are welcome to deorbit the Target Vehicle, send it to graveyard orbit, or use it for the Kylab mission. Then, rinse and repeat Kerbinai 8 by doing Kerbinais 9-12, and continue honing your rendevouz and docking skills with these missions.
2 кербала, 2 корабля и вечеринка
- Transfer a Kerbal between docked ships for the first party in space.
- Launch 2 manned ships with docking ports
- One ship should have space for 2 or more Kerbals with one empty seat, the other one with a Mk1 Command Pod
- Rendezvous in LKO
- Dock the ships together
- Transfer a Kerbal through the docking port and have a party for one orbit
- Transfer a Kerbal back via EVA
- Transfer fuel so both ships have equal amounts for the return
- Undock and return both ships safely.
- (Tip: Switch between EVAs by using the bracket keys)
- (Don't forget to bring four bottles of Fizzy Kerbin Ocean Water with straw caps to celebrate!)
- NOTE: If you seek to do a campaign that follows real-life, now would be a good time to deviate from history a bit. This mission profile was never flown during Project Gemini, so in your campaign, this mission can be considered Kerbinais 13 and 14. With the FASA mod, you could delve further into an alternate history and use Gemini spacecraft for moon missions!
Поздний период программы "Муна"
The Kerbeits need to study the Mun's surface (and see if it's actually made of cheese) before a manned landing.
- Land Muna 9, a self-sustaining probe on the Mun.
- Probe must land on the Kerbin-facing side of the Mun.
- Probe must land without losing any parts except as intended.
- Отправьте Луну-10 на орбиту Муны.
- Probe's orbit must be inclined at least 10 degrees.
- Probe must orbit at a circularized altitude of 80 km.
The Kerbicans also need information for their planned manned missions, the Kerbollo Program.
- Land a probe in or near the big crater on the Mun, preferably near the north rim.
- Probe must contain at least one retractable solar panel.
- After landing, pretend there is a glitch that retracts the solar panel, and retract it, letting it run out of electricity.
(This probe will be visited by a future Kerbollo mission.)
After the completion of the Kerbinai Program, Robert Kerbin retired to much fanfare, and settled down to write books about the early pioneers of Kerbal Spaceflight who he helped put into space. A new director, Gene Kerbin, arrived to take his place at the Kerbal Space Center.
After the Kerman family reunion which took place in orbit during the program, Gene ordered the Kerbonaught Corps. to take a well deserved vacation while the space program ramped up its final preparations for a Mun shot. While on vacation, Jebediah took the initiative in his home town of Kernicopia to fund a new start up company: Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spaceship Parts Co. - cobbled together from a number of junkyard parts he had laying around from his daredevil days. Being an insider, her figured he'd be able to score a number of kontracts with the Kerbal Space Program after the Kerbollo missions.
Meanwhile, Gene Kerbman and his intrepid team of space explorers at the Kerbal Space Center furiously scrambled to start the Kerbollo Program and save face by getting the first Kerbal to orbit the far side of the Mun in what many were calling the last lap of the Мунная Гонка.