Talk:Gene Kerman
Real-life Namesake
--Brendan (talk) 13:06, 8 March 2014 (CST) :
I think it's far more likely that Gene Krantz is the namesake of Gene Kerman than Eugene Cernan, enough for the link to Cernan to be removed entirely. I accidentally overwrote Crush's introduction of Cernan before (from a tab I'd left open), but I definitely want to discuss it properly.
They're equal on the name given that Eugene Cernan's 'goodbye Moon' address begins "Bob, this is Gene, and I'm on the surface..." But beyond the coincidence of two men at NASA at that time sharing a (biblical) first name, I see two reasons for Krantz, none against, and meanwhile I find none for Cernan.
- Krantz had the role Kerman has being ground-based personnel in mission command. Cernan was an astronaut and did not act as a flight controller during any NASA missions.
- Krantz was noted for his "dapper white "mission" vests (waistcoats), of different styles and materials made by his spouse, Marta Kranz, during missions for which he acted as Flight Director" according to Wikipedia's article on Gene Krantz. Gene Kerman also wears white vests. Cernan was not known for wearing white vests and may never have worn one given they weren't typical attire in his day.
I believe the evidence stacks very much in favor of Krantz. Cernan just happens to have been a man with the same given name in the Moon program, but otherwise bears no resemblance to the Kerman.