
From Kerbal Space Program Wiki
< Navball
Revision as of 12:21, 13 September 2014 by Kspjptrans (talk | contribs) (ターゲット順方向とターゲット逆方向)
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1: 基準点設定
2: 相対速度
3: RCS作動ランプ(点灯中)
4: SAS作動ランプ(点灯中)
5: スロットル開放率(0~100%)
6: G負荷(-5~+15G)
7: マニューバの予定delta-V
8: マニューバ情報
9: Navball上に表示された姿勢表示とマーカー
10: 方位角
11: Navballの非表示切り替え








地上にいる場合、青色の半球は上空方向(上・反重力方向)を、茶色の半球は地面方向(下・重力方向)を表している。青と茶の中間にある白線は人工水平線を表している。これらの指標はControl指定したパーツに相対したもので、必ずしも直近の天体やターゲット、軌道面と連動しているわけではない。Control指定は機体の司令ポッドもしくはドッキングポートを右クリックし、パーツ情報にあるControl from Hereをクリックすることで変更が可能である。










Map viewでマニューバを設定すると、Navball上に青いマーカーが追加される。マニューバ地点でこのマーカーに機首を合わせてエンジンを点火することで予定通りの結果が得られる。このマーカーには唯一、逆方向のマーカーが無い。




On maneuvers, there is a maneuver Δv indicator, a green bar and small info text right of the navball. The bar gives a visual indication of the total amount Δv required to accomplish the maneuver, and it will deplete as the burn is performed. The bar has no scale; it always starts out full, regardless of the amount of the burn. Below that is the estimated burn time: how long the burn will have to continue until the maneuver is completed. This is a simple estimate based on the current maximum thrust available. When engines get activated or deactivated this value will adjust automatically and may result in a longer burn time. The time estimate doesn't change if the engines are operated at less than 100% thrust; it simply counts down more slowly. Below the burn-time estimate is a countdown timer indicating the time left until the craft reaches the next maneuver node. Because a maneuver node assumes an instantaneous velocity change, a perfect burn is impossible. To get the closest to the plotted maneuver, it is recommended to burn half of the time before the node and the other half after the node. However, opinions vary on whether to:

  • Start the burn before the maneuver point, finishing at T-0
  • Start the burn halfway before, so that half of the maneuver's Δv is applied at T-0
  • Start the burn maneuver exactly at T-0


Throttle indicates how much power all engines in the current stage are delivering (in percent). Beware of continuous full throttle, as engines can overheat and be destroyed. A single throttle controls all activated engines, so if the engines are not balanced the only way to adjust individual throttles is by setting/adjusting total thrust limits of the engines by using tweakables. The throttle controls percentage of maximum thrust, not absolute thrust, so smaller engines at full throttle will apply less force than large engines at partial throttle. Solid rocket boosters cannot be throttled.


The heading is the compass direction the craft is facing, in degrees ranging from 0° - being true north - to 359°, going clockwise (meaning 90° equals an eastern direction).


Pitch is indicated in degrees, ranging from +90° (up) to -90° (down). To better indicate positive and negative pitch, the bottom half of the navball is painted brown and the top half in blue.

Roll Angle

Roll angle is indicated using the level indicator. If the level indicator is parallel to the dashed pitch lines, the vessel is orientated horizontally. Combining this with the knowledge that blue means skyward and brown ground-ward, it can even deduce if it is flying upside down by only looking at the navball.


G force(G負荷)計は機体にかかる天体重力および加速度を表示するもので単位は重力加速度(G)。1Gは9.81 m/s2で地球の重力加速度を基準とした単位である。読みは「ジー」で「グラム」とは関係が無い。Gには正と負それぞれが設定されている。継続的に高いG負荷(赤い目盛)がかかり続けるとが死んだりデリケートなパーツが破損したりする恐れがあることには注意が必要である。


Clicking the little arrow on the top of the navball (Hide) will toggles its display on-screen. There is also an assignable keybinding to do the same in the input menu.

Basic controls

These are the most basic orientation controls of the craft, here is a short explanation on how their actions are represented on the navball with the default key bindings:

  • W moves the indicator down on the navball.
  • S moves it up.
  • A moves it left.
  • D moves it right.
  • Q rolls it counterclockwise.
  • E rolls it clockwise.