Docking Port Drive
The 'Docking Port Kraken Drive', z-Drive or zompi-Drive is a form of physics exploit which, alongside the other Kraken Drive and ladder drives which use phantom force-based exploits to propel or halt ships effectively forever, at no cost, out of stock parts.
Use and "operating modes"
Docking Port Drives are based on the attractive forces of docking ports. By facing two docking ports against one another, and adjusting the force of one port to increase relative to the other, a net force is generated as a vector from the higher force port towards the lower force port. This net force (which has been experimentally determined to be a maximum of around 9kN) can then provide an acceleration on the vessel. The gap between ports is a key factor in determining the force produced by the drive.
Multiple z-Drives can be used in parallel, increasing the overall force.
While no direct keyboard/action group control method is yet known, the power of the force (up to the maximum value) can be precisely controlled through context menu of the docking port. One indirect method for toggling z-Drives has been to use an inflatable docking port, the extent of which is then bound to an action group, which only activates as a docking port when fully extended. Further indirect methods can use robotics to adjust the separation or orientation of the ports as a method of disrupting the drive power.
While it was initially believed that the drive required self-interaction, experimentation has determined this not to be the case. The distance required to maximise the force is approximately equal to the width of 4 structural plates. Both ports must have their port node "active", i.e. no parts must be attached to the open end.
The first known mention of this effect is on a post made by 'u/74oshua' on reddit here z-Drives were first highlighted on the reddit channel by u/zompigespons (after whom the drive has been named) in August 2020. Unlike many of the physics exploits, z-Drives do not require self-interaction or any second vessel.