
From Kerbal Space Program Wiki
Revision as of 08:47, 12 December 2012 by Bohtauri (talk | contribs) (Formulating for my epic sized tutorial for non math minded people.)
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Bohtauri is a 26 year old New Zealander living in Melbourne, Australia. He has professionally worked on wiki's for and Creating over 600,000 wiki articles over his career so far. Bohtauri is also a avid wikipedia contributor and a minor Minecraft celebrity.

P.S also has a habit talking in third-person :P

Task 1: Create a layman guide to KSP, as I find serious flaws in current tutorials and help for people who dont want to learn geometry or calculus. (you CAN play this game without those skills!)

Hitchhikers Guide to KSP

Contained on this extremely long tutorial is all the basics you need to know to get off the ground, into orbit, land on planets and/or return home safely.


  • Length: Up to you, stop and start as you wish
  • Difficulty: Very Easy
  • For version: 0.18.1+


Step 1 - The weird step

This is step 1, everything about this step is weird, that's why I don't write this so long.

Step 2 - Finish the weird step

This concludes step 1, the weird step. Hopefully, step 2 isn't as weird as step 1 but still a little weird.

Step 3 - This is no weird?!

Exactly, this isn't any weird at all!

Finishing word

Tada! Now you've read a full tutorial. Congratulations!