KSP 2 parts

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KSP 2 Parts are the basic science and rocketry items for exploration in Kerbal Space Program 2. The parts come in twelve major categories: Command, Fuel Tanks, Engines, Structures, Coupling, Payloads, Aerodynamics, Ground, Thermal, Electrical, Communication and Utility, with a total of over 350 of them.



Image Name Size Mass Cost Crew Electricity Torque RW EC RCS Monoprop.
0010 Mk1 "Explorer" 04-04S 0.88 1 50 3 0.13 N 0.06
0020 Mk1 "Tin Can" 04-02XS/S 0.898 2 50 5 0.217 N 0.04
0030 Mk1-3 "Gumball" 10-04S/M 2.643 3 150 12.5 0.541 Y 0.12
0040 Mk2 "Tuna Can" 10-10M 1.935 2 100 12.5 0.541 N 0.16
0050 PPD-12 "Sightseer" 10-04S/M 0.985 1 200 9 0.39 N 0.04
0060 Mk 3-5 "Cockatoo" 12-04S/L 4.531 5 225 25 1.083 Y 0.24
0070 Mk 3-L "Wanderer" 12-10M/L 3.646 4 175 15 0.65 N 0.3


Image Name Size Mass Cost Cmd. level EC Stored EC Required Torque RW EC Hibernation
0010 "Stayputnik" 02N/XS 0.053 10 0.025 0.1 0.004 N
0020 HECS 02XS 0.112 30 0.022 0.5 0.025 Y
0030 OKTO 02XS 0.109 20 0.03 0.4 0.017 Y
0040 OKTO2 02XS 0.042 5 0.02 0.1 0.004 Y
0050 QBE 00RM 0.082 50 0.025 0.2 0.009 Y
0060 HECS2 04S 0.055 300 0.025 2 0.087 Y
0070 RC-001S 04S 0.12 7.5 0.05 0 0 N
0080 RC-R "RoveMate" 00RM 0.156 120 0.025 0 0 Y
0090 Mk2-DC 06Mk2 0.253 250 0.05 15/3/3 0.39 N
0100 RC-L01 10M 0.502 30 0.05 5 0.217 N
0110 RC-HL02 12L 1.103 67.5 0.05 0 0 N
0120 RC-XL01 16XL 2.006 120 0.05 0 0 N


Image Name Size Mass Cost Crew Electricity Torque RW EC Monoprop.
0010 Mk1 "Peregrine" 04-04S 1.248 1 50 10 0.443 0.04
0020 Mk1 "Raven" 04-00N/S 1.225 1 50 10 0.443 0.02
0030 Mk2 "Osprey" 06-06Mk2 2.42 2 150 15 0.65 0.1
0040 Mk2 "Phoenix" 06-00N/Mk2 2.375 2 150 15 0.65 0.06
0050 Mk3 "Condor" 12-04S/Mk3 5.275 4 500 40/40/20 1.5 0.4


Image Name Size Mass Cost Crew Electricity Torque RW EC
alt = 0010 EAS-1 "Grumble Seat" 00RM 0.05 1 0 0 0
alt = 0020 TR-3 "Bulldog" 08N/TR-3 3.823 450 40/40/20 1.5
Section notes
The specs of command modules are: Thrust: 0.4/1; Isp: 100/240 (Atm./Vac.)
If torque isn't uniform across axes, it's displayed in pitch/yaw/roll, respectively.

Fuel Tanks


Image Name Size Mass Cost Methalox
Full Empty
alt = 0010 "Oscar-B" 02XS 0.096 0.011 0.085
alt = 0020 R-12 "Doughnut" 02XS 0.225 0.025 2
alt = 0030 R-4 "Dumpling 04S 0.124 0.014 0.11
alt = 0040 FL-T100 04S 0.563 0.063 0.5
alt = 0050 FL-T200 04S 1.125 0.125 1
alt = 0060 FL-T400 04S 2.25 0.25 2
alt = 0070 FL-T800 04S 4.5 0.5 4
alt = 0080 NCS 200 04XS/S 1.35 0.15 1.2
alt = 0090 R-11 "Baguette" 00RM 0.338 0.038 0.3
alt = 0100 Mk2 RFT-400 06Mk2 2.25 0.25 2
alt = 0110 Mk2 RFT-800 06Mk2 4.5 0.5 4
alt = 0120 RF-AD 400 06S/Mk2 1.688 0.188 1.5
alt = 0130 RF-AD 800 06S/Mk2 3.375 0.375 3
alt = 0140 RF-AD-B 400 06Mk2/2•S 2.25 0.25 2
alt = 0150 RF-AD-L 800 08Mk2/M 6.75 0.75 6
alt = 0160 RS-AD 800 08S/M 7.313 0.813 6.5
alt = 0170 RS-AD-SL 800 08S/M 7.313 0.813 6.5
alt = 0180 X200-8 08M 4.5 0.5 4
alt = 0190 X200-16 08M 9 1 8
alt = 0200 X200-32 08M 18 2 16
alt = 0210 X200-64 08M 36 4 32


Image Name Size Mass Cost Methalox
Full Empty
alt = 0130 JF-50 02XS 0.281 0.031 0.25
alt = 0130 JF-200 04S 2.250 0.250 2
alt = 0130 Mk2 JFT-400 06Mk2 2.250 0.250 2
alt = 0130 Mk2 JFT-800 06Mk2 4.500 0.500 4
alt = 0130 Mk3 JFT-10000 06L 56.250 6.250 50
alt = 0130 Mk3 JFT-2500 06L 14.063 1.563 12.5
alt = 0130 Mk3 JFT-5000 06L 28.125 3.125 25


KSP 2 parts/Fuel Tanks/Monopropellant


KSP 2 parts/Fuel Tanks/Hydrogen

Fuel Line

KSP 2 parts/Fuel Tanks/Fuel Line

Section notes
The max. temp, unless otherwise specified, of Mk2 and Mk3 is 1500K and all others' are 1000K.
The impact tolerance of Mk3, all other inline and radially mounted tanks are 40, 20 and 10m/s, respectively.
Connectors take the lower value of its nodes.



Image Name Size Mass (t) Max Temp (K) Impact Tolerance (m/s) Max Thrust Atmosphere (kN) Max Thrust Vacuum (kN) ISP Atmosphere (s) ISP Vacuum (s) Gimbal Generator (ec/s)
24-77 "Twitch" XS 0.100 1000 10 14.2 16.0 265 298 Y 1.500
48-7S "Spark" XS 0.130 1000 10 17.1 20.0 270 215 Y 2.000
LV-1 "Ant" XS 0.020 1000 10 0.5 2.0 80 330 Y 0.250
LV-1R "Spider" XS 0.020 1000 10 2.2 2.5 260 290 Y 0.250
CR-7 R.A.P.I.E.R. S 2 1000 10 105.0 105.0 3200 3200 Y 1.500
LV-1000 "Cornet" S 0.450 1000 10 6.6 38.0 65 375 Y 3.000
LV-909 "Terrier" S 0.500 1000 10 30.4 60.0 170 335 Y 5.000
LV-T30 "Reliant" S 1.250 1000 10 221.6 260.0 260 305 Y 6.000
LV-T45 "Swivel" S 1.400 1000 10 188.1 215.0 280 320 Y 7.000
Mk-55 "Thud" S 0.800 1000 10 126.2 140.0 275 305 Y 1.000
S3 KS-25 "Vector" S 4.000 1000 10 769.0 850.0 285 315 Y 6.000
T-1 "Dart" S 1.000 1000 10 159.4 170.0 300 320 Y 3.000
LV-2000 "Trumpet" MD 1.650 1000 10 31.4 160.0 75 382 Y 5.000
RE-I5 "Skipper" MD 3.000 1000 10 525.5 600.0 282 322 Y 10.000
RE-L10 "Poodle" MD 1.750 1000 10 110.7 215.0 175 340 Y 6.000
RE-M3 "Mainsail" MD 6.000 1000 10 1381.1 1600.0 265 307 Y 8.000
KR-2XL "Rhino" LG 8.000 1000 10 1534.6 1750.0 285 325 Y 12.000
LV-3000 "Tuba" LG 5.000 1000 10 119.2 510.0 90 385 Y 6.000
L3- KS-100 "Mammoth-II" LG 15.000 1000 10 3701.6 4250.0 270 310 Y 10.000
SC-TT "Labradoodle" LG 5.250 1000 10 341.1 650.0 180 343 Y 7.000

Solid Fuel Booster

Image Name Size Mass (t) Max Temp (K) Impact Tolerance (m/s) Max Thrust (kN) Isp (s)
Total Propellant Atmo Vacuum Atmo Vacuum
Sepatron-1 XS 0.073 0.06 1000 10 666.7 750.0 160 180
LES "Bottle Rocket" SM 1.100 0.23 1000 10 13.8 18.0 118 154
RT-5 "Flea" SM 1.500 1.05 1000 10 162.9 192.0 140 165
RT-10 "Hammer" SM 3.560 2.81 1000 10 197.9 227.0 170 195
BACC "Thumper" SM 7.650 6.15 1000 10 250.0 300.0 175 210
SRB-KD25k "Kickback" SM 24.000 19.50 1000 10 593.9 670.0 195 220
S2-33 "Clydesdale" MD 144.000 123.00 1000 10 2948.9 3300.0 210 235

Jet Engine


Image Name Size Mass (t) Max Temp (K) Impact Tolerance (m/s) Max Thrust (kN) Isp (s) Gimbal Generator (ec/s)
Atmo Vacuum Atmo Vacuum
O-10 "Puff" XS 0.09 1000 10 9.6 20.0 120 250 Y 1.0


Image Name Size Mass (t) Max Temp (K) Impact Tolerance (m/s) Max Thrust (kN) Isp (s) Gimbal Generator (ec/s)
Atmo Vacuum Atmo Vacuum
IX-6315 "Dawn" XS 0.15 1000 10 0.0 0.2 100 4200 N 0.0


Image Name Size Mass (t) Max Temp (K) Impact Tolerance (m/s) Max Thrust (kN) Isp (s) Gimbal Generator (ec/s)
Atmo Vacuum Atmo Vacuum
LV-N "Nerv" SM 3.0 1000 10 20.8 75.0 250 900 N 10.0
LV-SW "SWERV" SM 10.0 1000 10 154.5 700.0 320 1450 Y 18.0




Engine Mount







Truss Adapter

Truss Resizer









Science collector

Name Mass Max Temp Impact tolerance
RGSCM-01 "Science Jr.Jr." 0.050t 1000 K 10 m/s
GSCM-01 "Science Jr." 1.000t 600 k 8 m/s
