MakingHistory/Parts/Pods/Size1 5 Lander.cfg
From Kerbal Space Program Wiki
PART { name = MEMLander module = Part author = RoverDude MODEL { model = SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Pods/Assets/Size1_5_Lander } INTERNAL { name = MEM_IVA } scale = 1 rescaleFactor = 1 node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -0.25, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2 node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.338, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0 buoyancyUseSine = False buoyancy = 1.1 TechRequired = commandModules entryCost = 8200 cost = 3500 category = Pods subcategory = 0 title = #autoLOC_8310157 //#autoLOC_8310157 = Munar Excursion Module (M.E.M.) manufacturer = #autoLOC_501683 //#autoLOC_501683 = Sean's Cannery description = #autoLOC_8310158 //#autoLOC_8310158 = After hearing pilots refer to their current line of landers as 'easily crushed tin cans', the marketing department decided that what customers really wanted was a lander that resembled an already crushed tin can. attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 mass = 1.355 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.20 minimum_drag = 0.15 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 8 bodyLiftOnlyUnattachedLift = True bodyLiftOnlyAttachName = bottom maxTemp = 1000 skinMaxTemp = 1800 vesselType = Lander CrewCapacity = 2 bulkheadProfiles = size0, size1, size1p5 tags = #autoLOC_8310159 //#autoLOC_8310159 = capsule control ?eva fly ?iva moment pilot rocket space lem mem mun MODULE { name = ModuleCommand minimumCrew = 1 defaultControlPointDisplayName = #autoLOC_6011003 //#autoLOC_6011003 = Default CONTROLPOINT { name = forward displayName = #autoLOC_6011001 //#autoLOC_6011001 = Forward orientation = 90,180,0 } CONTROLPOINT { name = reverse displayName = #autoLOC_6011004 //#autoLOC_6011004 = Reversed orientation = 0,0,180 } CONTROLPOINT { name = up displayName = #autoLOC_6011000 //#autoLOC_6011000 = Up orientation = 0,180,0 } } RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 150 maxAmount = 150 } MODULE { name = ModuleColorChanger shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor animRate = 0.8 animState = false useRate = true toggleInEditor = true toggleInFlight = true toggleInFlight = true unfocusedRange = 5 toggleName = #autoLOC_6001405 //#autoLOC_6001405 = Toggle Lights eventOnName = #autoLOC_6001409 //##autoLOC_6001409 = Lights On eventOffName = #autoLOC_6001408 //#autoLOC_6001408 = Lights Off toggleAction = True defaultActionGroup = Light redCurve { key = 0 0 0 3 key = 1 1 0 0 } greenCurve { key = 0 0 0 1 key = 1 1 1 0 } blueCurve { key = 0 0 0 0 key = 1 0.7 1.5 0 } alphaCurve { key = 0 1 } } MODULE { name = ModuleScienceExperiment experimentID = crewReport experimentActionName = #autoLOC_502009 //#autoLOC_502009 = Crew Report resetActionName = #autoLOC_502010 //#autoLOC_502010 = Discard Crew Report reviewActionName = #autoLOC_502200 //#autoLOC_502200 = Review Report useStaging = False useActionGroups = True hideUIwhenUnavailable = True rerunnable = True xmitDataScalar = 1.0 usageReqMaskInternal = 5 usageReqMaskExternal = -1 } MODULE { name = ModuleScienceContainer reviewActionName = Review Stored Data storeActionName = Store Experiments evaOnlyStorage = True storageRange = 2.0 } RESOURCE { name = MonoPropellant amount = 30 maxAmount = 30 } RESOURCE { name = LiquidFuel amount = 54 maxAmount = 54 } RESOURCE { name = Oxidizer amount = 66 maxAmount = 66 } MODULE { name = FlagDecal textureQuadName = FLAG01 } MODULE { name = FlagDecal textureQuadName = FLAG02 } MODULE { name = ModuleConductionMultiplier modifiedConductionFactor = 0.003 convectionFluxThreshold = 3000 } MODULE { name = ModuleDataTransmitter antennaType = INTERNAL packetInterval = 1.0 packetSize = 2 packetResourceCost = 12.0 requiredResource = ElectricCharge antennaPower = 5000 optimumRange = 2500 packetFloor = .1 packetCeiling = 5 } MODULE { name = ModuleProbeControlPoint minimumCrew = 2 multiHop = False } EFFECTS { running { AUDIO_MULTI_POOL { channel = Ship transformName = thrustTransform clip = sound_rocket_mini volume = 0.0 0.0 volume = 0.02 0.1 volume = 0.5 0.1 volume = 1.0 0.1 pitch = 0.0 0.75 pitch = 1.0 1.5 loop = true } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { modelName = Squad/FX/Monoprop_small transformName = thrustTransform emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.1 0.0 emission = 1.0 1.0 speed = 0.0 0.8 speed = 1.0 1.0 localRotation = -90, 0, 0 } } } MODULE { name = ModuleRCSFX stagingEnabled = False thrusterTransformName = thrustTransform thrusterPower = 1 resourceName = MonoPropellant resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW runningEffectName = running atmosphereCurve { key = 0 240 key = 1 100 key = 4 0.001 } } MODULE { name = ModuleStructuralNode rootObject = Adapter attachNodeNames = bottom2 } MODULE { name = ModuleInventoryPart InventorySlots = 2 packedVolumeLimit = 100 } MODULE { name = ModuleCargoPart stackableQuantity = 1 packedVolume = -1 } }