Parts/Command/probeCoreOcto2 v2/probeCoreOcto2 v2.cfg

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This is the configuration file for Probodobodyne OKTO2.
	name = probeCoreOcto2_v2
	module = Part
	author = Pablo
	model = Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreOcto2_v2/probeCoreOcto2_v2
	texture = octoDiffuse, Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreOcto_v2/octoDiffuse
	texture = octoNormal, Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreOcto_v2/octoNormal
	texture = octoSpecular, Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreOcto_v2/octoSpecular
	rescaleFactor = 1
	CrewCapacity = 0
	node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.0610621, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
	node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.0610621, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
	TechRequired = unmannedTech
	entryCost = 7500
	cost = 1480
	category = Pods
	subcategory = 0
	title = #autoLOC_500346 //#autoLOC_500346 = Probodobodyne OKTO2
	manufacturer = #autoLOC_501633 //#autoLOC_501633 = Probodobodyne Inc
	description = #autoLOC_500347 //#autoLOC_500347 = The OKTO2 is far more than a flatter variant of the original OKTO. This new iteration of the ubiquitous 8-sided probe core features a much more advanced guidance system. This new model however, does not feature built-in reaction wheels and does requires more power to run, even on standby. Its internal battery supply is also very limited, being intended mainly to keep the Standby LEDs lit.
	attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
	mass = 0.04
	dragModelType = default
	maximum_drag = 0.2
	minimum_drag = 0.15
	angularDrag = 1.5
	crashTolerance = 12
	maxTemp = 1200 // = 1200
	explosionPotential = 0
	vesselType = Probe
	bulkheadProfiles = size0
	tags = #autoLOC_500348 //#autoLOC_500348 = command control (core kerbnet octo probe sas satellite space steer
		name = ModuleCommand
		minimumCrew = 0
			name = ElectricCharge
			rate = 0.03
		hasHibernation = True
		defaultControlPointDisplayName = #autoLOC_6011003 //#autoLOC_6011003 = Default
			name = forward
			displayName = #autoLOC_6011001 //#autoLOC_6011001 = Forward
			orientation = 90,0,0
			name = reverse
			displayName = #autoLOC_6011004 //#autoLOC_6011004 = Reversed
			orientation = 0,0,180
		name = ElectricCharge
		amount = 5.0
		maxAmount = 5.0
		name = ModuleSAS
		SASServiceLevel = 2
		name = ModuleKerbNetAccess
		MinimumFoV = 13
		MaximumFoV = 72
		AnomalyDetection = 0.18
			Mode = Biome,#autoLOC_438890 //#autoLOC_438890 = Biome
			Mode = Terrain,#autoLOC_438839 //#autoLOC_438839 = Terrain

		name = ModuleDataTransmitter
		antennaType = INTERNAL
		packetInterval = 1.0
		packetSize = 2
		packetResourceCost = 12.0
		requiredResource = ElectricCharge
		antennaPower = 5000
		optimumRange = 2500
		packetFloor = .1
		packetCeiling = 5

		name = ModuleCargoPart
		packedVolume = 50