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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
21:45, 21 November 2012 Free Return.PNG (file) 44 KB This is a basic mock-up of a Free Return, showing where the burn should take place and how the different orbital tracks should interact. It is colour coded as follows, with the lighter/greyer colours representing what would have happened without the ne... 1
15:16, 17 November 2012 Medal.jpg (file) 4 KB A medal icon for use on User Pages etc. 1
15:13, 17 November 2012 Talk.jpg (file) 2 KB A speech bubble used as a "talk" icon 1
15:10, 17 November 2012 PDLander.png (file) 371 KB A Mun lander shortly after the Mun was inserted into the game and Mods emerged to tackle the problem, taken by User:PD as a screen shot. 1
14:53, 17 November 2012 Munlander small.PNG (file) 57 KB A small image for use as a thumbnail taken by User:PD as a screen shot. 1