Template talk:Locations
This template should be used for Locations on different celestial objects. Like the Kerbal Space Center, or face on Duna. It serves a different purpose than the Celestial Bodies template, it should not be removed.
I agree that this page is distinct from Celestial bodies and locations should theoretically have their own template (there are A LOT, many we don't even know about yet), but are we supposed to be providing this information? Or would it be considered spoilers?
other possible locations if we're keeping this (I suggest we remove celestials with no known locations for now to save space):
But is this information vital enough to be worth cluttering articles with it? Maybe a Points of Interest article would be sufficient. -- Trinexx ► 12:05, 24 September 2012 (UTC)
I suspect that in the near future there will be a need for fully-fleshed out articles for each location, because it seems that Squad is interested in pursuing a narrative with some of these (in light of what's been found on Duna). When they start expanding on these locations, a template might be necessary.
However, I agree that at the moment it is not needed and should not be here. A points of interest article would be perfectly suitable for now.