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Latest revision as of 10:29, 23 October 2016


This is an overview of all science activities which can be performed and how results differ by biome and situation. Activities performed within one sphere of influence(SOI) have no effect on the Science Points that can be earned doing science activities within the SOI of any other celestial body.

Possible combinations of Activity, Situation, and Biome

The top row of the chart names each Activity; the left hand column shows the six possible Situations.

Each intersection shows whether the Activity is possible for a given Situation and, if so, whether it differs by Biom or gives one Globalnie result for the entire celestial body.

Activities and situations requiring an atmosphere are italicized and colored. Surface: Splashed currently can only be accomplished on Kerbin, Eve, and Laythe.

Kerbonauta Kapsuła Moduły
Próbka powierzchniowa Raport EVA Próbka asteroidy Raport załogi Obserwacja Mystery Goo Badanie materiałów Pomiar temperatury Pomiar ciśnienia atmosferycznego Pomiar grawitacji Pomiar sejsmiczny Analiza atmosfery
Powierzchnia Biom Biom Biom Biom Biom Biom Biom Biom Biom Biom Biom
W wodzie Biom Biom Biom Biom Biom Biom Biom Biom Biom
Dolna atmosfera Biom Biom Biom Globalnie Globalnie Biom Globalnie Biom
Górna atmosfera Globalnie Globalnie Globalnie Globalnie Globalnie Globalnie Globalnie Biom
Bliska przestrzeń Biom Globalnie Globalnie Globalnie Globalnie Globalnie Globalnie Biom
Daleka przestrzeń Globalnie Globalnie Globalnie Globalnie Globalnie Globalnie Globalnie Biom