Difference between revisions of "Template:Stats Table Air Intakes"

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m (Fixed a typo in the German translation.)
(11 intermediate revisions by 7 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{{Stats Table Header|r|m}}
{{Stats Table Header|r|m||t|m|t}}
!{{Dict/header|Max Temp}}
! {{lang
! {{lang
|en=Intake Air {{nowrap|({{mark|airu}})}}<br>(Initial/Max)
|en=Intake Air {{nowrap|({{mark|airu}})}}<br>(Initial/Max)
|fr=Air entrant {{nowrap|({{mark|airu}})}}<br>(Initial/Max)
|pl=Wlot powietrza {{nowrap|({{mark|airu}})}}<br>(Początkowy/Max)
|pl=Wlot powietrza {{nowrap|({{mark|airu}})}}<br>(Początkowy/Max)
|ko=흡입공기 {{nowrap|({{mark|airu}})}}<br>(초기/최대)
|ko=흡입공기 {{nowrap|({{mark|airu}})}}<br>(초기/최대)
Line 11: Line 10:
|hr=Usis zraka {{nowrap|({{mark|airu}})}}<br>(početan/maksimalan)
|hr=Usis zraka {{nowrap|({{mark|airu}})}}<br>(početan/maksimalan)
|hu=Felvett levegő {{nowrap|({{mark|airu}})}}<br>(Kezdeti/Maximális)
|hu=Felvett levegő {{nowrap|({{mark|airu}})}}<br>(Kezdeti/Maximális)
|ru=Поступление воздуха {{nowrap|({{mark|airu}})}}<br>(Начальное/Максимальное)
|ru=Объём воздуха{{nowrap|({{mark|airu}})}}<br>(Нач. / Макс.)
|ja=吸気量 {{nowrap|({{mark|airu}})}}<br>(初期/最大)
|ja=吸気量 {{nowrap|({{mark|airu}})}}<br>(初期/最大)
|it=Aria in ingresso{{nowrap|({{mark|airu}})}}<br>(Initial/Max)
! {{lang
! {{lang
|en=Intake Area<br>(m<sup>2</sup>)
|en=Intake Area<br>(m<sup>2</sup>)
|fr=Surface d'entrée<br>(m<sup>2</sup>)
|pl=Powierzchnia<br>wlotu (m<sup>2</sup>)
|pl=Powierzchnia<br>wlotu (m<sup>2</sup>)
Line 22: Line 23:
|hr=Površina usisa<br>(m<sup>2</sup>)
|hr=Površina usisa<br>(m<sup>2</sup>)
|hu=Beömlő kereszt&shy;metszet<br>(m<sup>2</sup>)
|hu=Beömlő kereszt&shy;metszet<br>(m<sup>2</sup>)
|ru=Площадь<br>всасывания (м<sup>2</sup>)
|ru=Проходное<br>сечение (м<sup>2</sup>)
|it=Superfice d'ingresso<br>(m<sup>2</sup>)
| {{SortCell|1}}[[File:SmallCircularIntake.png‎|60x60px|center]]
| {{SortCell|1}}[[File:SmallCircularIntake.png‎|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|Small Circular Intake
| [[Small Circular Intake{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|Small Circular Intake}}]]
|es=Toma circular
|hr=Kružni usisnik
|ru=Маленький круглый воздухозаборник<br>(англ. "Small Circular Intake")
|hu=Kicsi Kör Alakú Beömlőnyílás<br>[Circular Intake]}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|0}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|0}}
| 250
| 250
Line 37: Line 35:
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1200}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1200}}
| 7
| 7
| 50
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.5|1}} / {{Formatnum|0.5|1}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.5|1}} / {{Formatnum|0.5|1}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.01|3}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.1|2}}
| {{SortCell|2}}[[File:Circular_Intake.png‎|60x60px|center]]
| {{SortCell|2}}[[File:Circular_Intake.png‎|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|Circular Intake
| [[Circular Intake{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|Circular Intake}}]]
|es=Toma circular
|hr=Kružni usisnik
|ru=Круглый воздухозаборник<br>(англ. "Circular Intake")
|hu=Kör Alakú Beömlőnyílás<br>[Circular Intake]}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|1}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|1}}
| 680
| 680
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.01|2}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.04|2}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1900}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1900}}
| 7
| 7
| 50
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2|1}} / {{Formatnum|2|1}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2|1}} / {{Formatnum|2|1}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.6|3}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.6|2}}
| {{SortCell|3}}[[File:RamIntakePJ.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{SortCell|3}}[[File:RamIntakePJ.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|Ram Air Intake|Adjustable Ramp Intake
| [[Adjustable Ramp Intake{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|Adjustable Ramp Intake}}]]
|es=Toma Ram-Air
|hr=Sabijač zraka
|ru=Поршневой воздухозаборник<br>(англ. "Adjustable Ramp Intake")
|hu=Állítható Lejtős Beömlőnyílás[Adjustable Ramp Intake]}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|small}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|small}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2680}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2680}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.05|2}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.06|2}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2400}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2400}}
| 7
| 7
| 50
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2|1}} / {{Formatnum|2|1}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2|1}} / {{Formatnum|2|1}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.74|3}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.74|2}}
| {{SortCell|4}}[[File:Shock Cone Intake.png‎|60x60px|center]]
| {{SortCell|4}}[[File:Shock Cone Intake.png‎|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|Shock Cone Intake
| [[Shock Cone Intake{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|Shock Cone Intake}}]]
|es=Shock Cone Intake
|hr=Shock Cone Intake
|ru=Ударный Конусный Воздухозаборник<br>(англ. "Shock Cone Intake")
|hu=Mach-Kúpos Beömlőnyílás<br>[Shock Cone Intake] }}
{{Radial Size/Cell|1}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|1}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|3050}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|3050}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.12|3}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.12|2}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2400}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2400}}
| 7
| 7
| 50
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2|1}} / {{Formatnum|2|1}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2|1}} / {{Formatnum|2|1}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.75|3}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.75|2}}
| {{SortCell|5}}[[File:Mk1 Driverterless Supersonic Intake.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{SortCell|5}}[[File:Mk1 Driverterless Supersonic Intake.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|Mk1 Fuselage - Intake|en=Mk1 Diverterless Supersonic Intake
| [[Mk1 Diverterless Supersonic Intake{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|Mk1 Diverterless Supersonic Intake}}]]
|es=Mk1 Fuselage - Intake
|hr=Mk1 Géptörzs-Beömlőnyílás
|ru=Фюзеляж "Mk1" - воздухозаборник<br>(англ. "Mk1 Diverterless Supersonic Intake")
|hu=Mk1 Átkapcsolásnélküli Szuperszonikus Beömlőnyílás<br>[Mk1 Diverterless Supersonic Intake]}}
<ref group="{{dict|Note}}" name="lftint">{{lang
<ref group="{{dict|Note}}" name="lftint">{{lang
|en=The Mk1 Diverterless Supersonic Intake, the Engine Nacelle and Engine Pre-cooler are a combination of air intake and liquid fuel tank of 200, 160 and 40 units. Only the air intake properties are shown.
|en=The Mk1 Diverterless Supersonic Intake, the Engine Nacelle and Engine Pre-cooler are a combination of air intake and liquid fuel tank of 200, 160 and 40 units. Only the air intake properties are shown.
|de=Die Engine Nacelle und Engine Pre-cooler sind eine Kombination eines Lufteinlasses und Flüßigtreibstofftanks. Nur die Eigenschaften des Lufteinlasses werden aufgelistet.
|fr=L'Entrée d'air Supersonique sans Partiteur Mk1, la Nacelle de moteur et le Prérefroidisseur de propulseur sont une combinaison d'entrée d'air et de réservoir à carburant de 200, 160 et 40 unités respectivement. Seules les propriétés d'entrée d'air sont affichées.
|ru=Мотогондола со звездообразным корпусом двигателя является комбинацией бака с жидким топливом и воздухозаборника. Указаны только свойства воздухозаборника.
|de=Die Engine Nacelle und Engine Pre-cooler sind eine Kombination eines Lufteinlasses und Flüssigtreibstofftanks. Nur die Eigenschaften des Lufteinlasses werden aufgelistet.
|ja=Engine Pre-coolerとEngine Pre-coolerはエアインテークとジェット燃料タンクの複合体であるため、本項ではエアインテークとしての性能のみ記載する。
|ru=Мотогондола, Предохладитель потока и Сверхзвуковой воздухозаборник - это комбинации воздухозаборника и бака для жидкого топлива. Указаны только свойства воздухозаборника.
|ja=Mk1 ダイバータレス超音速インテーク、エンジンナセルとエンジン プリクーラーは、液体燃料タンク(容量200、160と40)付エアインテークであるが、エアインテーク性能のみ記載。
|hu=Ezek az alkatrészek a légbeömlőnyílás mellett egy (200, 160 és 40 egység tárolóképességű) tartályt is tartalmaznak. Itt csak a beömlőnyílás tulajdonsága szerepel.
|hu=Ezek az alkatrészek a légbeömlőnyílás mellett egy (200, 160 és 40 egység tárolóképességű) tartályt is tartalmaznak. Itt csak a beömlőnyílás tulajdonsága szerepel.
|es=La admisión supersónica sin desviador Mk1, la góndola del motor y el preenfriador del motor son una combinación de admisión de aire y tanque de combustible líquido de 200, 160 y 40 unidades. Sólo se muestran las propiedades de admisión de aire.
|it=La Presa d'aria supersonica senza deviatore Mk1, la Gondola motore e i Pre-raffreddatore per motori sono una combinazione di presa d'aria e serbatoio di carburante liquido di 200, 160 e 40 unità. Sono mostrate solo le proprietà della presa d'aria.}}</ref>
{{Radial Size/Cell|1}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|1}}
| 720<br>({{Formatnum|560}})
| 720<br>({{Formatnum|560}})
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.18|2}}<br>({{Formatnum|0.18|2}})
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.17|2}}<br>({{Formatnum|0.17|2}})
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| 20
| 10
| 50
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2|1}} / {{Formatnum|2|1}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2|1}} / {{Formatnum|2|1}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.61|3}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.61|2}}
| {{SortCell|6}}[[File:Engine_Nacelle.png‎|60x60px|center]]
| {{SortCell|6}}[[File:Engine_Nacelle.png‎|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|Engine Nacelle
| [[Engine Nacelle{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|Engine Nacelle}}]]<ref group="{{dict|Note}}" name="lftint" />
|es=Carcaza de motor
|hr=Usisnik zraka
|hu=Motorgondola<br>[Engine Nacelle]
|ru=Мотогондола<br>(англ. "Engine Nacelle")
}}<ref group="{{dict|Note}}" name="lftint" />
{{Radial Size/Cell|1}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|1}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|600}}<br>({{Formatnum|480}})
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|600}}<br>({{Formatnum|480}})
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.905|3}}<br>({{Formatnum|0.155|3}})
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.9|2}}<br>({{Formatnum|0.15|2}})
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| 20
| 10
| 50
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|5|1}} / {{Formatnum|5|1}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|5|1}} / {{Formatnum|5|1}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.5|3}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.5|2}}
| {{SortCell|7}}[[File:Engine Pre-cooler.png‎|60x60px|center]]
| {{SortCell|7}}[[File:Engine Pre-cooler.png‎|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|Engine Pre-cooler
| [[Engine Pre-cooler{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|Engine Pre-cooler}}]]<ref group="{{dict|Note}}" name="lftint" />
|hu=Levegő Előhűtő<br>[Engine Pre-cooler]
}}<ref group="{{dict|Note}}" name="lftint" />
{{Radial Size/Cell|1}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|1}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1650}}<br>({{Formatnum|1618}})
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1650}}<br>({{Formatnum|1618}})
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.35|2}}<br>({{Formatnum|0.15|2}})
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.35|2}}<br>({{Formatnum|0.15|2}})
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| 20
| 10
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.5|1}} / {{Formatnum|0.5|1}}
| 50
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.005|3}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|5|1}} / {{Formatnum|5|1}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.5|2}}
| {{SortCell|8}}[[File:XMG50RadialAirIntake.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{SortCell|8}}[[File:XMG50RadialAirIntake.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|XM-G50 Radial Air Intake
| [[XM-G50 Radial Air Intake{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|XM-G50 Radial Air Intake}}]]
|es=Toma de aire radial XM-G50
|hr=Radijalni usisnik zraka XM-G50
|ru=Радиально размещаемые<br>воздухозаборники "XM-G50"<br>(англ. "XM-G50 Radial Air Intake")
|hu=XM-G50 Radiális Légbeömlőnyílás}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|r}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|r}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1000}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|250}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.01|2}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.02|2}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| 80
| 10
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.6|1}} / {{Formatnum|0.6|1}}
| 50
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.006|3}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2|1}} / {{Formatnum|2|1}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.31|2}}
| {{SortCell|9}}[[File:Structural Intake.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{SortCell|9}}[[File:Structural Intake.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|Structural Intake
| [[Adjustable Ramp Intake (Radial){{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|Adjustable Ramp Intake (Radial)}}]]
|es=Structural Intake
|hr=Structural Intake
|ru=Конструкционный воздухозаборник<br>(англ. "Structural Intake")
|hu=Szerkezeti Beömlőnyílás<br>[Structural Intake]}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|r}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|r}}
| 900
| 900
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.008|3}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.01|2}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2400}}
| 7
| 7
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.082|3}} / {{Formatnum|0.082|3}}
| 50
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.00082|5}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.5|1}} / {{Formatnum|0.5|1}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.1|2}}
|en=The values of masses in the table don't consist the mass of the [[intake air]] {{nowrap|(5&nbsp;kg/{{mark|airu}})}}, as you can see in the [[SPH]]/[[VAB]].
|en=The values of masses in the table don't consist the mass of the [[intake air]] {{nowrap|(5&nbsp;kg/{{mark|airu}})}}, as you can see in the [[SPH]]/[[VAB]].
|fr=Les valeurs de masse dans le tableau ne prennent pas en compte la masse d'air aspiré {{nowrap|(5&nbsp;kg/{{mark|airu}})}}, contrairement à ce que vous pouvez voir dans le [[VAB/fr|VAB]]/[[Spaceplane Hangar/fr|HAS]].
|hu=A táblázatban a tömegek értékei nem tartalmazzák a [[intake air/hu|beszívott levegő]] tömegét {{nowrap|(5kg/{{mark|airu}})}}, ahogy a [[SPH/hu|SPH]]/[[VAB/hu|VAB]] kezelőfelületén láthatóak.
|hu=A táblázatban a tömegek értékei nem tartalmazzák a [[intake air/hu|beszívott levegő]] tömegét {{nowrap|(5kg/{{mark|airu}})}}, ahogy a [[SPH/hu|SPH]]/[[VAB/hu|VAB]] kezelőfelületén láthatóak.
|ru=Указанная масса не включает в себя массу [[intake air/ru|воздуха]], которая учитывается в параметрах, отображаемых в [[SPH/hu|SPH]] и [[VAB/hu|VAB]].
|ja=表の質量は[[intake air|吸気量]] {{nowrap|(5&nbsp;kg/{{mark|airu}})}}ではない。[[SPH/ja|SPH]]/[[VAB/ja|VAB]]で閲覧可能。
|es=Los valores de masas en la tabla no consisten en la masa de la [[intake air/es|entrada de aire]] {{nowrap|(5&nbsp;kg/{{mark|airu}})}}, como se puede ver en el [[SPH/es|HAE]]/[[VAB/es|EEV]].
|it=I valori delle masse nella tabella non consistono nella massa dell'[[intake air/it|aria in ingresso]] {{nowrap|(5&nbsp;kg/{{mark|airu}})}}, come puoi vedere sia nel [[SPH/itit|SPH]] che nel [[VAB/it|VAB]].
<references group="{{dict|Note}}" /></small>
<references group="{{dict|Note}}" /></small>
<!--1.0.5 - not checked yet! -->
<noinclude>[[Category:Template:Stats Tables]]</noinclude>
<noinclude>[[Category:Template:Stats Tables]]</noinclude>

Latest revision as of 14:51, 10 October 2022

Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
Intake Air (Air unit)
Intake Area
Small Circular Intake Tiny 250 0.007 1 200 7 50 0.5 / 0.5 0.10
Circular Intake.png
Circular Intake Small 680 0.04 1 900 7 50 2.0 / 2.0 0.60
Adjustable Ramp Intake Small 2 680 0.06 2 400 7 50 2.0 / 2.0 0.74
Shock Cone Intake.png
Shock Cone Intake Small 3 050 0.12 2 400 7 50 2.0 / 2.0 0.75
Mk1 Driverterless Supersonic Intake.png
Mk1 Diverterless Supersonic Intake

[Note 1]

Small 720
2 000 10 50 2.0 / 2.0 0.61
Engine Nacelle.png
Engine Nacelle[Note 1] Small 600
2 000 10 50 5.0 / 5.0 0.50
Engine Pre-cooler.png
Engine Pre-cooler[Note 1] Small 1 650
(1 618)
2 000 10 50 5.0 / 5.0 0.50
XM-G50 Radial Air Intake Radial mounted 250 0.02 2 000 10 50 2.0 / 2.0 0.31
Structural Intake.png
Adjustable Ramp Intake (Radial) Radial mounted 900 0.01 2 400 7 50 0.5 / 0.5 0.10

The values of masses in the table don't consist the mass of the intake air (5 kg/Air unit), as you can see in the SPH/VAB.

  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Mk1 Diverterless Supersonic Intake, the Engine Nacelle and Engine Pre-cooler are a combination of air intake and liquid fuel tank of 200, 160 and 40 units. Only the air intake properties are shown.