Debug Toolbar
From Kerbal Space Program Wiki
The Debug toolbar is a window designed for testing and debugging purposes. It can however also be used by the average player to ease gameplay, cheat or "goof off".
With Mod+F12 the toolbar can be opened. It has four sections: Cheats, Debug, Database and Progress.
This section contains multiple checkboxes and buttons used to ease gameplay or debugging in cheaty ways.
- Always available
These options are available at any time, however they may not always have an effect.
- Show/Hide Input Lock Stack: Shows or hides a list showing if a certain type of input is locked and why, for example when staging has been locked with Mod+L.
- Pause on vessel unpack: Currently does not have any effect.
- Unbreakable Joints: When active, conections between parts cannot break.
- No Crash Damage: When active, parts cannot be destroyed by crashing into each other or anything else. They can however still be destroyed by other means, such as overheating.
- Infinite Fuel: When active, liquid fuel and oxidizer are not used or required.
- Infinite RCS: When active, monopropellant is not used or required.
- Infinite EVA Fuel: When active, the jetpack of a kerbonaut on EVA does not use or require any fuel.
- Allow Part Clipping in Editors: When active, the editor will not check if a newly placed part would collide with existing ones, hence allowing intersecting parts ("clipping").