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Acapello on the launchpad

The Acapello is a stock vessel that comes with the Making History expansion. It is a Kerbal analogue for the Saturn V, with the first two stages (S-IC and S-II) merged together. It uses a cluster of five Kerbodyne KE-1 "Mastodon" Liquid Fuel Engines for its first stage, like the Saturn V's five F-1s. Its (S-IVB) like-stage has 1 Skiff engine. It has a crew capacity of 3 and is capable of landing 2 Kerbals on the Mun or Minmus. It is the heaviest and most expensive stock craft in the game and has the highest part count of any stock craft.

Craft Description

This titanic rocket can propel its paired lander/command module combo to the Mun or Minmus with ease. Make sure to dock the lander and command module together after you decouple them.
