Deb Deb

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As of June 28, 2024, Intercept Games is no longer working on KSP2. There is no information about what might happen to the game or the Intellectual Property in the future. Take-Two, which owns the game, has provided no information regarding the future of the project. This content may never be implemented.

"Kerbal Space Program 2: Episode 5 - Interstellar Travel" screenshot showing Deb Deb system with visible planetary debris disk

Debdeb would have been one of the two new star systems in KSP2. Debdeb is likely the name of the star. Debdeb would have been the first star system to be added to the game after early access, along with interstellar scale parts.


Deb-rise on Gurdamma

Debdeb is home to many planets and celestial bodies. The only confirmed celestial bodies are (from innermost to outermost): Charr, Gurdamma with its moon Donk and Glumo with its moons, Merbel is the only one that we have name of. [1]

Other unconfirmed planets are: Ovin, Lapat, Axod, and Dorau.

Star and system characteristics

Debdeb appears to be a very young star, estimated to be only 5-50 Myr, and appears more orange than Kerbol. This means it could be a K type star, meaning it would be smaller than Kerbol. It is still young enough to have remnants of the planetary disk now condensed and formed into a planetary debris disk and inner and outer asteroid belts.[1]

If Debdeb is modeled and heavily inspired by Alpha Centauri, it could be assumed that Debdeb is around 3-5 light years away.[1]

The system moves in a circle style configuration with a radius of 0.3 units. The system is offset by -0.5 X axis and -2.5 Z axis units from Kerbol, making it the closest of the other star systems, and roughly analogous in position to Alpha Centauri.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 KSP 2: Debdeb System Overview - New moon, possible order of planets, unknown map