Extend-o-matic Series A1 Deployable Flag

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A flag on the surface of the Mun
The plaque of that flag opened
Symbol of that flag viewed from another craft

The Extend-o-matic Series A1 Deployable Flag is an object that can be planted by a Kerbal on EVA, and was added in version 0.20. Known simply as a “flag”, the Extend-o-matic can be customized with designs chosen and made by the player. With 0.21 it is possible to choose a flag prior to every launch. The default flag can be chosen on the start of a new save and can be changed later on the flag pole at the astronaut complex.

Every Kerbal can plant one flag but also can recover planted flags. To plant, simply right-click a Kerbal and click “Plant Flag”. Every flag has a name and a plaque; the text of both can be chosen upon planting.

Planted flags are treated as vessels by the game. They appear in the tracking station and map view in their own category and they can be "controlled" (although they can't actually do anything) to examine the area around the flag. The flag's name will be visible in the tracking station but the contents of its plaque can only be viewed by having a Kerbal approach and examine it. Vehicles can collide with planted flags and they can be knocked over by sufficient force.

By default, there are 26 available flags, counting the Minimalist flag, which will be discussed later. These flags are:

Hexagon Circles
Kerbal 1
Kerbal 2
Kerbin-Mun Flag
Minimalistic. NOTE: The Minimalist flag, while it can be selected, appears as the default flag when planted. Some people say that the minimalist flag is overlaid onto non-default flags for realism, and while all non-default flags do bear wrinkles in the same pattern, it is unknown if the file is responsible.
Rocket Science
Squad Logo 1
Squad Logo 2

To find the flags folder, open your KSP folder and go to GameData, then Squad, then Flags. All flags are 256 pixels wide by 160 pixels tall and are in the .png file format. A new flag can be added and used if it fits this description and is placed in this folder. A flag filename can have spaces; underscores are not required to separate words.