
Одноступенчатая аэрокосмическая система (англ. "single-stage-to-orbit" (также называемая SSTO) is any craft that can reach orbit without having to rely on multiple stages or jettisoning components. A typical SSTO takes off from a ВПП or Стартовый стол and reaches orbit with only the fuel stored within the tanks of the craft. SSTOs are not exclusively required to break orbit and re-enter the atmosphere for a landing as they may be refueled in orbit. Designing a Single Stage to Orbit craft generally requires a firm grasp of spacecraft as well as aircraft design in order to create a craft that can operate both within and outside of an atmosphere without changing aerodynamic profile and size.
- It wasn't until C7 released his spaceplane pack in version 0.12 that spaceplanes were truly introduced into Kerbal Space Program.
- Space planes were officially included in Kerbal Space Program following version 0.15 with the addition of the Space Plane Hangar.
Approaches to constructing a SSTO
SSTOs can be constructed using various engines like their siblings the multi-stage rockets, however many issues must be considered when it comes to constructing a spaceplane.
There are 2 common types of SSTOs that are being created. There is the single stage to orbit spaceplane which takes off horizontally from a runway and lands horizontally. There is also a single stage rocket that takes off vertically and lands vertically.
When it comes to choosing engines for SSTOs there are two primary things that need to be addressed, power to weight ratio and efficiency.
Solid fuel rocket-powered SSTOs are less than ideal since the thrust can not be controlled or vectored in any meaningful way and is unable to use fuel located on other parts of the spacecraft.
Air breathing engines, although useless in space, are quite popular launch engines for SSTOs due to their extreme fuel efficiency which allows the SSTO to conserve precious rocket fuel until an altitude where air breathing engines are no longer effective.
Liquid fuel rockets are ideal for SSTOs due to the ability to control thrust levels as well as the ability to thrust vector. Many SSTOs use aerospike engines due to their excellent power to weight ratio and efficiency. The inability to attach separate stages onto aerospike engines has no effect on SSTO design.
Whether rocket-powered or air-breathing, a reusable vehicle must be rugged enough to survive multiple round trips into space without adding excessive weight or maintenance. In addition a reusable vehicle must be able to reenter without damage, and land safely.
An example stock craft which is a working single-stage-to-orbit spaceplane is the Aeris 4A.
Issues to consider while constructing
Внешняя конструкция орбитального самолета намного важней и сложней конструкции ракеты. Принимая во внимание, что при разработке ракет необходимо обратить внимание только на устойчивость конструкции, центр масс и центр тяги, при разработке орбитального самолета нужно обеспокоится также о центре подъемной силы, угле атаки и аэродинамическом сопротивлении из-за вертикальной асимметричности конструкции самолета.
Особенности и Достоинства
- Может быть более эффективным на доступной орбите, чем многоступенчатые ракеты, из-за использования воздушно-реактивных двигателей. Это вызвано тем, что они используют потребление воздуха вместо окислителя в атмосфере, уменьшая требование топлива и вес;
- Не выбрасывает за борт дорогие двигатели и другие конструкции;
- Предотвращает необходимость возврата и обновления выброшенных за борт компонентов;
- Может работать как самолет в пределах атмосферы.
- Одноступенчатые аэрокосмические системы из разряда космопланов не могут быть такими же тяжелыми, как и вертикальные ракеты из-за конструкционных ограничений;
- Одноступенчатые аэрокосмические системы из разряда космопланов требуют выполнения жестких требований по аэродинамике;
- Недостаточное количество топлива для доставки тяжелых грузов на орбиту;
- Обычно не может вмещать достаточно топлива для межпланетного перелета;
- Тяжелее проектировать, чем многоступенчатые ракеты.
Обратите внимания
- Single-stage-to-orbit on Wikipedia