Debug Toolbar

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Revision as of 22:14, 12 August 2013 by Dgelessus (talk | contribs) (* overhaul, trying to give a more complete documentation of the debug toolbar. Not done yet!)
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The Debug toolbar is a window designed for testing and debugging purposes. It can however also be used by the average player to ease gameplay, cheat or "goof off".


With Mod+F12 the toolbar can be opened. It has four sections: Cheats, Debug, Database and Progress.


This section contains multiple checkboxes and buttons used to ease gameplay or debugging in cheaty ways.

Always available

These options are available at any time, however they may not always have an effect.

  • Show/Hide Input Lock Stack: Shows or hides a list showing if a certain type of input is locked and why, for example when staging has been locked with Mod+L.
  • Pause on vessel unpack: Currently does not have any effect.
  • Unbreakable Joints: When active, conections between parts cannot break.
  • No Crash Damage: When active, parts cannot be destroyed by crashing into each other or anything else. They can however still be destroyed by other means, such as overheating.
  • Infinite Fuel: When active, liquid fuel and oxidizer are not used or required.
  • Infinite RCS: When active, monopropellant is not used or required.
  • Infinite EVA Fuel: When active, the jetpack of a kerbonaut on EVA does not use or require any fuel.
  • Allow Part Clipping in Editors: When active, the editor will not check if a newly placed part would collide with existing ones, hence allowing intersecting parts ("clipping").