Difference between revisions of "Template:Infobox/Kerbonaut"

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m (Use dict, move documentation)
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|occupation trans={{lang|en=|ru=Кербанавт|es=Kerbonaut|de=Kerbonaut|pl=Kerbonautą|fr=Kerbonaute|it=Astronauta|ja=宇宙飛行士|hu=Kerbonauta}}
{{Infobox/Line|{{lang|en=Specialisation|de=Spezilisierung|hu=Szakterület|tr=Uzmanlık alanı}}|{{#switch: {{{special<noinclude>|p</noinclude>}}}
{{Infobox/Line|{{Infobox/Kerbal/Dict|Specialisation}}|{{#switch: {{{special}}}
|s={{lang|en=Scientist|de=Wissenschaftler/in|hu=Tudós|tr=Bilim Adamı}}
{{if||{{{extra occupations|}}}|{{Infobox/Line|{{lang|en=Other occupations:|de=Andere Tätigkeiten:|pl=Inne zawody:|ru=Другие занятия:|ja=副職:|hu=További szakma|tr=Diğer meslekleri:}}|{{{extra occupations}}}}}
}}}}{{if||{{{extra occupations|}}}|
}}{{Infobox/Line|{{lang|en=KSC ID#:}}|{{if||{{{id|}}}|{{{id}}}|{{Dict|Unknown}}}}}}
{{Infobox/Line|{{Infobox/Kerbal/Dict|Other}}|{{{extra occupations}}}}}}}
{{Infobox/Line|{{if lang link|Courage|ru=Смелость|es=Valentía|de=Mut|pl=Odwaga|fr=Courage|it=Coraggio|hu=Bátorság}}|{{Infobox/Kerbonaut/bar|{{{brave<noinclude>|0.3</noinclude>}}}}}}}
{{Infobox/Line|{{if lang link|Stupidity|ru=Глупость|es=Estupidez|de=Dummheit|pl=Głupota|fr=Stupidité|it=Stupidità|hu=Butaság}}|{{Infobox/Kerbonaut/bar|{{{dumb<noinclude>|0.6</noinclude>}}}}}}}
{{Infobox/Line|{{lang|en=Badass|ru=Задира|es=Badass|de=Badass|pl=Twardziel|fr=Dur à cuire|it=Cazzuto|hu=Fenegyerek|tr=Sert adam}}|{{Boolean|{{{badass<noinclude>|y</noinclude>}}}|{{No}}}}}}
An infobox for [[kerbonaut]]s. If it is about a Kerbal use {{Tl|Infobox/Kerbal}} instead.
{{Parameter table|parameters=
{{Parameter row|name|The name of the kerbal, including nicknames.|The name of the article}}
{{Parameter row|file|An image of the kerbal.|[[:File:Image needed.svg]]}}
{{Parameter row|hovertext|The image's hovertext and subtitle.|Not set}}
{{Parameter row|special|The specialisation of this kerbonaut. Must be either p (pilot), s (scientist) or e (engineer).}}
{{Parameter row|extra occupations|Extra occupation besides Kerbonaut, like Manufacturer|Not set}}
{{Parameter row|id|Identification number (from promo vid "Selection Process")|<tt>Unknown</tt>}}
{{Parameter row|brave|The courage of the kerbal with value between 0 and 1.}}
{{Parameter row|dumb|The stupidity of the kerbal with value between 0 and 1.}}
{{Parameter row|badass|Set to <tt>yes</tt> if the badass flag is set.|{{No}}}}
[[Category:Infobox templates|Kerbal]]</noinclude>

Latest revision as of 14:46, 22 September 2024

Documentation icon Template documentation[view] [edit] [history] [purge]Pages that link to Template:Infobox/Kerbonaut
John Kerman
Image needed.svg
Occupation Kerbonaut
Specialisation Pilot
Other occupations Manufacturer
KSC ID# 0015
Badass Yes

Shows an infobox for Kerbonauts. If it is about a Kerbal use {{Infobox/Kerbal}} instead.

# Optional Description Default
name Yes The name of the Kerbonaut, including nicknames. Infobox
file Yes An image of the Kerbonaut. File:Image needed.svg
hovertext Yes The image's hovertext and subtitle. Not set/Hidden
special Yes The specialisation of the Kerbonaut. Suppported values are:
  • p - Pilot
  • s - Scientist
  • e - Engineer

If the value is not known, shows Unknown.

extra occupations Yes Extra occupation besides Kerbonaut, like Manufacturer. Not set/Hidden
id Yes Identification number (from promo vid "Selection Process"). Unknown
brave Yes The courage of the Kerbonaut with a value between 0 and 1. 0
dumb Yes The stupidity of the Kerbonaut with a value between 0 and 1. 0
badass Yes Wether the Kerbonaut is a badass. Set to y if the badass flag is set. No