Solid fuel

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Revision as of 23:48, 27 July 2021 by ArnePeirs (talk | contribs) (Add changelog)
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Solid fuel
Density 7.5 kg/l
Transferable No
Tweakable Yes
Drainable No
Flow mode Internal
Cost 0.6 Funds/l
0.08 Funds/kg
Since version 0.18
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Solid fuel is a resource contained in and used by solid rocket boosters. Unlike other resources, it can't be replenished, transferred between parts, or routed throughout a vessel. Solid fuel is only ever found inside solid rocket parts, and it can only be used by activating the part and allowing it to consume its entire supply.

Solid fuel is heavier than an equivalent quantity of liquid fuel or oxidizer with a density of 7.5kg/l, but lighter than liquid fuel and oxidizer together, and is mostly used to provide quick acceleration to a vessel immediately after launch.


  • Added display name
  • Added abbreviation (used in KerbNet)
  • Added volume
  • Added hsp value (heat capacity)
  • Added cost
  • Resource is now tweakable in the VAB/SPH
  • Initial release
