Talk:Main Page

From Kerbal Space Program Wiki
Revision as of 21:22, 29 July 2013 by XZise (talk | contribs) (New Wiki section Encyclopedia of Space Travel terms and topics related to KSP ("Encyclopedia" for short))
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CoolNavBoxes are out of date

Could we get an update? There are two new planets now, and I imagine people are being turned away if the wiki looks that outdated.

Special:WantedPages behaving strangely

I've been looking through the wanted pages a bit and noticed very strange page links such as Minmus/bcc. When I look at the pages that supposedly link there (like Minmus) I can't find a link to that page anywhere, not even in the source. Any ideas where these links might be coming from? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Dgelessus (talkcontribs)

{{Languages}} tests all languages, and if a page for a language doesn't exists it will show up on the wanted pages. For example Kerbol/bcc is only linked from English, Swedish, Czech and Chinese while all other translations don't use the template. My suggestion would be, to use the templates if it is really required, as you can easily change the language on the left sidebar. Especially when the template is included at the end of the site. — xZise [talk] 14:56, 20 May 2013 (CDT)
Okay I removed all template usages in the main namespace (so the Kerbol example don't work anymore, and Category:Celestials don't work the same). — xZise [talk] 15:15, 20 May 2013 (CDT)
I still have no idea why /bcc is linked - that isn't even a language code. There are also some other strange suffixes in the list that aren't language codes either, like ml. Also there sometimes are double codes. I wouldn't find it strange if RoboJeb accidentally created links to those pages. --Dgelessus (talk) 16:16, 20 May 2013 (CDT)
Look in the source code of {{Languages}}. It tries to add a link to bcc and ml. So those are “explained” and you find them only on pages which use this template. For your “double” feature: This is the very same template but in the category namespace it affects are different. When you look at the page Category:Celestials/cz you see that there is also the template added but not quite working, because in the category namespace the forward slash (/) doesn't separate the name and any template checking the language of this page would return “English”. This is simply because to detect the language it selects the {{SUBPAGENAME}} which always return nothing (= English). That is also the reason why it doesn't show the Russian celestial names on Category:Celestials/ru. — xZise [talk] 18:22, 20 May 2013 (CDT)
12019 is about this problem. — xZise [talk] 13:51, 28 May 2013 (CDT)


Please add Campaigns to the Section list on the left menu, as well as add it to the the Main Page. Inigmatus (talk) 00:09, 9 June 2013 (CDT)

Data templates

They appear in the sidebar as an empty menu. What exactly are they for? --dgelessus (talk · logs) 17:41, 21 June 2013 (CDT)

Check out the „Data templates“ on Kerbin or LV-N. — xZise [talk] 18:31, 21 June 2013 (CDT)

"Registered users can edit" banner

Would it be possible to hide it if you are logged in? It doesn't make much sense to remind already registered users of the fact. Also the "we moved" message is from late '12/early '13, maybe that could be removed as well. --dgelessus (talk · logs) 08:40, 30 June 2013 (CDT)

New Wiki section Encyclopedia of Space Travel terms and topics related to KSP ("Encyclopedia" for short)

Considering everyone's desire to add pages defining every single concept and term used in KSP or this Wiki, we might want to make a section dedicated to that.

This would include some pages that contain lists of terms, but also have some pages dedicated to a single term of worthy note, like rocket engine or jet engine.

Each term should mainly be documented in context to its use in KSP, but for educational purposes would also include contrasting to real world rocketry and space travel, and a link to the usually more detailed, and technical, Wikipedia article on the real world equivalent.

The goal here would be to provide both a knowledge base, make it easier to read and write documentation (not having to worry about vocabulary issues), and to provide a way to make learning the game via this wiki a fun educational exploration of the concepts around space travel.

The easy way to expand this over time is simple: If you are a regular contributor, maintainer or moderator, and have to look up a term, and it's not in the encyclopedia, it should be recommended add it in the appropriate place in the encyclopedia.

The end goal of this project should be that exploring the documentation on this Wiki and learning about space travel in the process of planning your next KSP should be as fun and captivating as playing KSP. This will encourage users to spend hours planning fun and complex missions, and really learning about space travel in the process. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Ruedii (talkcontribs)

Do you mean some kind of general "table of contents", split up into sections (mathematic terms, part types, spacecraft types, guides, etc.)? Because what you are saying is basically the purpose of this wiki. There is however no central "starting place", that is true. --dgelessus (talk · contribs) 15:46, 29 July 2013 (CDT)
Hmmm, there is already terminology with quite a list of terms. Although many pages are lacking categories which automatically would generate a list of terms of that kind (like Category:Physics?). Also you can search easily for a term (which would I define as “starting place”), so if you wondering how liquid fuel engines work, you can search for that. Of course if it is missing but you think there should be one and you have no idea about this topic (that why you were searching it here) it is hard to let other (maybe experienced) editors know about that missing article. — xZise [talk] 16:22, 29 July 2013 (CDT)