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Gup is a theorized moon of Gurdamma. It may also be called Gop.

If Gup is within Gurdammas ring it may be a large ring particle or a forming moon

Pre-alpha image showing gurdamma and rings pottentally where gup/gop orbits

in the description of the show and tell video for gurdamma it says that a new moon will be added within the rings, this may be in reference to gup

Gurdamma is a young terrestrial planet that's still experiencing heavy asteroid bombardment, much like Kerbin did billions of years ago. Still to come: a thick atmosphere and a very close (i.e. within the rings) moon!''

due to the usual norm of small moons and asteroids being named short simple names, gup might be a small moon similar to gilly, pol, bop, minmus or the new asteroid skutt in KSP 2

since Gup is not confirmed this is all speculation