Deep Space Kraken/zh-cn
0.17中实施了一种修复方法,涉及抵消载具周围宇宙的速度,这意味着聚焦的容器将始终处于低速状态。然而,这导致了一个类似的错误出现,称为[#深空克苏鲁| 深空克苏鲁]],当快速切换到高时间加速度时(截至0.17),它可以分解船只。这种修复的另一个副作用是,海怪可以以非常高的速度攻击靠近的船只,因为速度被转移到它们身上,而不是主动的船只。
- 1 主要的海妖
- 2 Drag Kraken
- 3 Minor/Poorly Documented Krakens
- 3.1 Action Kraken
- 3.2 Apocalypse Kraken
- 3.3 Kerbin Kraken
- 3.4 Ghost Kraken
- 3.5 Kerbal Kraken
- 3.6 Space Center Kraken
- 3.7 Launchpad Kraken
- 3.8 IDK what Kraken
- 3.9 Quicksave Kraken
- 3.10 Solar Kraken
- 3.11 Phase Kraken
- 3.12 Rover Kraken
- 3.13 NoMass Kraken
- 3.14 Docking Kraken
- 3.15 Water Kraken
- 3.16 Intercontinental Kraken
- 3.17 Launchclamp Kraken
- 3.18 Spaghetti Kraken
- 3.19 Distance Kraken
- 3.20 Wheel Kraken
- 3.21 Lock-Kerbal Kraken
- 3.22 Compact Kraken
- 3.23 Thermal Cooling System Kraken
- 3.24 SAS Kraken
- 3.25 Impact Kraken
- 3.26 Skycrane Kraken
- 3.27 Launchpad Kraken
- 3.28 Vehicle Return Kraken
- 3.29 Relativistic Kraken
- 3.30 Targeting Kraken
- 4 Recently discovered/submitted krakens
- 4.1 OrbitKan Kraken
- 4.2 Possible Apocalypse Kraken
- 4.3 Island Kraken
- 4.4 Low Altitude Reentry Kraken
- 4.5 Jool Kore Kraken
- 4.6 The Glitch Device Kraken/Danny2462 Kraken
- 4.7 Splat-Spazz Kraken
- 4.8 Altitude Kraken
- 4.9 Censored Kraken
- 4.10 Solar Escape Kraken
- 4.11 Console Apocalypse Kraken
- 4.12 Speed Kraken
- 4.13 VAB Kraken
- 4.14 Mun Kraken
- 4.15 Highly modded Apocalypse Kraken
- 5 Suspicious / Fake Krakens
- 6 Changes
- 7 Help
- 8 References
狭义上的深空海妖 一般指在行星际旅行时. Kraken只会破坏航天器的几个部分,然后可能会发生碰撞并导致爆炸。海怪也可能迫使零件缓慢地相互穿过,导致灾难性的爆炸。与克苏鲁不同,海怪在退出地图视图和IVA模式时倾向于攻击。这个Kraken在KSP开发的早期就基本上得到了修复,一个正式命名为“Krakensbane”的系统将参考点从Kerbin更改为当前的船只,从而减少了引发连锁反应的舍入误差。它们只影响少数部分,如果你忘记快速保存,会很烦人。
陀螺海妖是当一个航天器强烈旋转和振动时,航天器将被摧毁。旋转的速度极高以至于不可能手动产生。这实际上是一个错误,零件之间相互剪切并相互碰撞,导致了所谓的“鬼力”。 有时,它会出现,好像是什么东西高速击中你的飞船,而不仅仅是旋转失控-因为它旋转太快而不能渲染。
时间加速海妖 是一种攻击刚从高时间加速中出来的载具的错误。一旦接触到星球表面,Bug就会使小绿人以令人难以置信的速度(可能超过光速)射出太阳系,同时摧毁附近的所有航天器。
深空克苏鲁 是一个玩家群体内自创的术语,指的是0.17版本的一个类似于海妖(狭义上的)的错误,只不过它似乎只在退出高时间扭曲速度时才会产生。这个海妖不是产生“鬼力”,而是倾向于分离部件。在更温和,但更令人沮丧的形式中,深空克苏鲁将分离发动机,使其不可能进行轨道燃烧。克苏鲁是H.P.洛夫克拉夫特小说中的一个宇宙邪神,与海妖有一点相似。据报道,克苏鲁海妖可以在从高时间加速中出来时攻击仍然在发射台上的载具。
地狱海妖 地狱海怪是在0.21版本中发现的一个bug。当正在出舱活动的的一个小绿人撞击天体表面时,它似乎会死机,导致屏幕变黑,但UI仍然存在。高度将保持在2/3 Mm,显示为“666,666 m”。从0.23版本开始,海拔GUI将显示“666,666”,并会像这样快速改变数字:“666,666”-“555,555”-“444,444”等。
导航球也消失了,当返回太空中心时,屏幕仍然是黑色的,必须从桌面手动关闭游戏。这种海妖特别危险,因为当在行星表面遇到它时,它会导致附近所有的飞船被摧毁,剩下的飞船被射出Kerbol轨道。日志中显示“look viewing vector is zero”。从V1.1开始,海拔GUI将变为空白,游戏将崩溃。
NaN 海妖
NaN 海妖 是一个只有通过修改游戏代码或修改天体的轨道才能引发的Bug。如果一艘飞船在一颗行星的表面,另一颗行星突然移动,使飞船在其SoI内,重力的突然变化将导致飞船以难以置信的速度向后者移动,有时甚至会穿过一颗行星。请注意,第二颗行星的重力不一定要更大,因为在任何给定的时间只允许一个重力源。
Kore Kraken
T这个bug[1] 在0.22版本中被发现. 这种类型的海妖只会在当载具设法来到Kerbin的海面下时发生。当恢复时,某些部分可能不会与地面接触,通过地面进入到地球的核心。当这些部分足够接近行星核心时,它们将获得极高的速度(约为光速的97.8%)并射向无限远处,而不是真正击中Kerbin的表面(可能是因为基于错误的物理学计算,高速时很容易“错过”碰撞)。
6 Death Kraken
The 6 Death Kraken attacks mostly during early launch stages. It strikes craft that is inside of Kerbin's atmosphere. Around 6,000 meters, at random, the craft will accelerate suddenly, blasting out of view. The trajectory will wobble extremely fast. The engine sound will become warped and robotic-sounding. It is impossible to recover from this form of the Kraken, as the craft is out of view and extremely likely to crash. You can save your Kerbal by going on EVA out of the ship and hope you survive. Reverting back to "Launch" or "VAB/SPH" may not fix it, as this Kraken will most likely strike again. The only way to vanquish this Kraken is to re-install the game. The 6 Death Kraken has not been confirmed in .24 or .25. It appears to be caused by the game attempting an extremely high physics warp, which breaks everything.
The 6 Death Kraken has been sighted and confirmed for 1.0.5, as of 12/15/2015.
A similar, less dangerous, Kraken has also been sighted, where physics will accelerate slightly at 6,000 meters, similar to physical warp but less intense. No actual acceleration is observed, but it is similarly relentless.
Ass Kraken
The Ass Kraken, discovered by forum user Clockwork13, is a rare Kraken that occurs while loading quicksaves. It makes the screen get completely wiped out by red fire particles that can be seen when entering atmospheres. The screen then turns white, and the game needs to be manually closed. Once the game is restarted, all of ships will disappear except for EVAs and Flags. Occasionally debris in orbit around the sun will survive. When reopening the save, it says that the parts to just about all of ships are missing. This doesn't just affect ships but also affects the research. All archives go unharmed, but random parts go missing. The node is still researched, just a lot of parts require another entry fee to gain access to them again. There seem to be varying degrees of Ass Kraken, sometimes deleting parts and ships, and other times leaving them unharmed. This is probably the most devastating, but rarest Kraken. The Ass Kraken has been confirmed in .90, so be careful with quick-loading. The name stems from the discoverer's initial frustration after discovering the Ass Kraken. It is unknown if this bug occurs with recent versions of KSP.
Map Kraken
Appears in 0.24 only in the map screen when switching directly to it the moment you get on the launch pad. The vessel will be destroyed and blasted through your map screen as you stand by, helpless to say a word. This is an 'Ultra-rare' Kraken and has not been able to be reproduced. (This may be due to the fact that the incident shown to the right occurred in the presence of mods.) This Kraken has been able to be reproduced by Forum user Resident_Crash_Lander without the presence of mods; However the criteria for this occurring are incredibly rare, as you need a launch clamp to detach from the launchpad and collide with a vessel in motion and open the map at the exact time of the collision, This occurred in .24.
Drag Kraken
This is a gigantic mashup of different variable-related effects and may as well be the most complex Kraken ever.
Stage 1: Minus Drag
When you set the drag value to something really high, like 12345678.0, you experience a lot of drag, as usual. In some cases, you glitch into the ground. But, in other cases, you suddenly shoot off at ridiculously high speeds, hundreds of times the speed of light. Those two glitches may be caused by some drag-related variable overflowing, causing massive negative drag and shooting you off at insane speeds. At those speeds, you soon encounter the second stage: Low precision.
Stage 2: Imprecision
Soon, your capsule starts shaking due to reduced precision. This is caused by the extreme distance. Your capsule soon starts shaking violently from low precision, and when you EVA, you get shot off at about 115 quintillion m/s! This extreme speed is enough to cause some serious precision reduction. Once you timewarp to yottameters, the “steps” get truly macroscopic. Now, the moon orbits get bit-crushed, becoming more and more glitchy. The camera also starts to glitch out. At the extreme, all the planets are in the same “step”, and even the sun starts to glitch out! Going back to launch seems to fix it, but things are still glitchy.
Stage 3: Land Glitch and Final Kraken
You try it again, but you glitch into the ground. After that, the land gets completely corrupted, possibly due to other “bit-crushing” effects, and the final Kraken happens in a few seconds. This final Kraken is the same as the Hell Kraken, and is independent of, but caused by, the rest of the weirdness.
Minor/Poorly Documented Krakens
Action Kraken
This Kraken occurs when you open action group editior in flight. you cannot control orientation of your view, and map view is broken. the only way to fix it is to restart the game. tested in 1.11.1
Apocalypse Kraken
The Apocalypse Kraken is a bug of unknown cause and unknown rarity. Little is known about this bug because it has been recorded only once. This report has not been confirmed. It causes the craft to accelerate to ridiculous speeds, exiting the solar system in seconds. After leaving the solar system, the map shows empty space. Reverting the flight will return the craft to Kerbin, but the map will remain empty. No sun or Mun will appear in the sky, and Kerbin experiences an eternal night. This affects all save files, lasting until the game is reinstalled.
Kerbin Kraken
The Kerbin Kraken is a bug found in 0.25 to 1.0 or earlier than 0.25. It is a fairly small glitch that attacks when you are time-warping toward Kerbin and you enter the map screen. When the ship crashes into Kerbin with the map screen open, Kerbin will explode and you will be on an escape velocity out of the solar system.
Ghost Kraken
The Ghost Kraken is a bug when entering a time warp. The ship being controlled will bend until most of the parts have detached. Phantom forces will pull parts down to the planet until they crash into it. It is possible that when you reselect the ship's command pod the ship will duplicate itself and will be okay. It is impossible to time warp while being affected by this Kraken because the parts are under acceleration.
Kerbal Kraken
This Kraken occurs in 0.24 & 0.24.2 when the player attempts to edit save file configuration settings of the original three astronauts--or possibly all active astronauts--at any time, whether the game is running or not. If a player attempts to edit something in the .Persistent
file in the save folder, the game will glitch, causing the player to be unable to access the VAB and SPH. The player can access Mission Control, R & D, The Tracking Station, and the Astronaut Complex; However, when attempting to return to the KSC screen, the screen becomes locked and stuck. The player can still click buttons and control some parts of the game, but cannot exit the current building or the save file. The only fix is to delete the affected save file. This Kraken is particularly dangerous because it requires you to delete the entire save file.
In .90, a version of this Kraken can appear when you fire a Kerbal (even one who is MIA) if that Kerbal had completed an achievement (such as first flight, first Mun landing, altitude records, etc.). Editing the save file to add the Kerbal back in with the "Dead" status will allow the game to work normally while still freeing up the slot to hire another Kerbonaut. There is a fix among the Stock Bug Fix Modules that will prevent this bug from happening, but any save already hit by this will still need to be manually edited.
Space Center Kraken
This Kraken occurs rarely when you build a vehicle that extends beyond the VAB or SPH limits, upon leaving either It causes you to zoom in near the VAB and freezes your camera control. It is difficult but not impossible to access the main menu from this state but the game must be restarted in order to access the save file in which it occurred again without this Kraken appearing. This has only been observed in versions .24, and .24.2, and was reported by wiki user TJ McCaustland.
Launchpad Kraken
This Kraken occurs any time an exceptionally large spacecraft is placed on the launchpad in version 0.25. Once the craft has loaded, the weight of the spacecraft triggers the explosion sequence of the launchpad, destroying first the launchpad, and then breaking the craft apart and sending any surviving pieces flying in different directions. The remaining pieces can then destroy other facilities. This can be avoided by using Launch Stability Enhancers to elevate the heavy craft above the launchpad. This may not be an actual Kraken, rather a bug associated with version 0.25. Still, it's something to worry about.
IDK what Kraken
So, a few days ago I was flying a steam workshop plane, and I was warping to get to another steam workshop vehicle, but it was an aircraft carrier this time, and then, while I was warping, I got shot off at I think 1294775729.2 m/s, which is like, 5 times the speed of light, and I would have gotten to another star system if I had a mod for more star systems installed, and I had to revert to launch. I don't have any pictures of that. Could be a new kraken.
Quicksave Kraken
A new, quite poorly documented Kraken can cause quicksaves to exhibit what is known as "loading teleportation", i.e. when we quicksave close to a ground comms structure, like the one on HarvesteR Massif, the loaded quicksave will contain misplaced vessels and flags, that will levitate in the air indefinitely...
Solar Kraken
This Kraken happens very rarely when switching to a ship in a 180-degree inclination in an orbit. Then, it destroys the entire solar system, removes the orbit indicators, and leaves only your ship, and some random parts flying near you, even if you haven't unlocked them with science left. Reloading the game fixes this.
Phase Kraken
Phase Kraken is when parts of spacecraft will clip inwards through itself when anchored weakly and enough thrust is applied. This phasing happens not vertically, but rotating inwards around an anchor point. Usually happens with boosters, the parts will phase through the craft at time warp and eventually explode, either because you leave time warp or the thrust stops being applied at it whips back and the other ends collide, destroying all parts in the explosion radius. Note: this may fall under another Kraken or not actually be a Kraken, but I consider it to be a Kraken, and its own one. Known to exist in 1.0.4.
Rover Kraken
A possible new Kraken, it occurs frequently when testing rovers on Kerbin. Rovers will hit invisible bumps, coming a few meters off of the ground and will usually land wheels up. Any rover with combustible parts is usually destroyed on impact. It appears to be very common in 1.0.4. The bug is probably caused by spaces in between Kerbin's Terrain Tiles, that act as bumps and cause R.U.D - Random Unplanned Disassembly.
NoMass Kraken
A very interesting Kraken manifests itself when a craft's mass leaves the positives. This can happen by part-editing, for example, let's say we create a part with -20.0 mass value. This object, if launched alone, will float up to around 0.7 meters, then remain stationary and immovable. It can still be destroyed. Now, if an object is attached to our massless part, a spaceplane, for example, we will observe it get unmovable. Upon applying thrust, the affected ship will start shaking rapidly, losing integrity and falling apart. Objects free of the massless piece will behave as expected. This bug was first checked by Alto and has not been proven. It is anticipated that the momentum equation returns a damaged value, that cannot be acted upon by other parts.
Docking Kraken
The Docking Kraken does not actually affect the craft itself, but rather interferes with its instruments, showing a sudden and inexplicable gain of velocity, even if the actual relative velocity is zero. While not damaging, it makes docking nearly impossible, unless the affected player is very good at flying by eye.
Water Kraken
This Kraken may happen when you are landed on water, and you time-warp resulting in your kerbal dropping 1000 meters into the water. It is caused by the physics engine not rendering the surface correctly and allowing the kerbal to fall, can cause minor spaghettification.
Intercontinental Kraken
The Intercontinental Kraken was arguable, the first-ever Kraken. It happens in 0.7.3 (the pre-alpha stage) when you move too far from the KSC. Your craft starts wobbling and possibly completely disassembles itself. (R.U.D)
Launchclamp Kraken
The launchclamp has extreme integrity... Because of that, it can survive a Kraken. Let us have some fun and trigger one! Place a big rocket on the launchpad with one clamp so it bends. Then engage some engines so that the clamp is strained more! Next step... hit the craft on time warp with a different craft and object thrower! Bam! The clamps separate upon touching the runway/launchpad with their top and damage it! Luckily they reenter the atmosphere after a nice hop! Mine ended up on the arctic as well as in water... Have fun! Please also write Your experience to make this important Kraken data more valid!
Spaghetti Kraken
Sometimes, after a Kerbal disembarks from a spacecraft on a slope, the Kerbal begins falling strangely, with its limbs stretching to painful and insane lengths, similar to the effect caused by black holes' "spaghettification". The Kerbal keeps "falling" even after it hits smooth terrain and eventually gets killed from the "impact". This Kraken is found in Version 1.2.1 - 1.6.1. Reported by wiki user RedRapter a.k.a forum user RandomGuy1824.
Distance Kraken
This Kraken was very severe (And funny) when it still existed. It was activated by spinning extremely fast, and doing an EVA after the craft's spinning was slowed by something unknown. The effects were that the Kerbal would move at faster-than-light speeds, causing the game to bug out and glitch map view. If the smallest celestial body, Gilly, had the camera focused on it, all other bodies would appear to overlap, appearing and disappearing rapidly. The Kerbolar System would become completely glitched, as orbit lines and planets blink and distort wildly, sometimes appearing duplicated. This also affected every save file, and you would need to restart KSP to fix it. This is probably caused by KSP having a supermassive number, which then makes KSP completely trash numerical accuracy. This was fixed in 1.2 when the new PhysX rolled in, fixing the Distance Kraken (As of 1.2.2). Not to be confused with the Gyro Kraken.[1][2] (These videos show this Kraken in action)
Wheel Kraken
The Wheel Kraken is a Kraken that is activated by wheels. The Wheel Kraken can make parts with wheels in them float up in the air, and go out of control. This Kraken is also the culprit of the thing where if Kerbals are hit with wheels, the hit Kerbal stretches before hitting the ground and exploding. The stretched Kerbal can damage spacecraft and also damage the KSC. The outcome is the Spaghetti Kraken's main effect. This is confirmed for KSP 1.1.2.[3][4]
Lock-Kerbal Kraken
This Kraken is very rare, and if your Kerbal ragdolls after something is triggered, and get up, you will be locked in the position that you were in when rag-dolled.[5]
Compact Kraken
The Compact Kraken is an occurrence when having a large craft go through maximum time warp, and out very quickly, The craft will squeeze together making a glitchy ball or other shape of parts, and immediately explode.
Thermal Cooling System Kraken
This Kraken can be rarely found when after docking a part with Thermal Cooling Systems (doesn't matter how big or small the docking part is) onto a surface base and then exiting the game or going to the Space Center, such part will start spinning and alternating from left to right. This Kraken can destroy entire bases by flipping them completely. A "solution" to this problem is to quickly undock the part, though it will still spin out of control until the Thermal Cooling Systems are destroyed, which is unpractical as because it may also spin towards a base.
SAS Kraken
This is a Kraken that seems to attack in 1.1 and beyond if SAS is left on during flight while a ship is orbiting a celestial body. The SAS Kraken can rip apart a ship and kill the entire crew very easily. It is currently not yet known if this is actually a Kraken or not, but it can do nasty damage to an unsuspecting player by destroying a craft.
Impact Kraken
This Kraken, found in the 1.1.x versions, toys with debris resulting from collisions. Usually, it manifests when something hits a celestial body at high speed, but sometimes it can be caused by internal self-collision (most notably, by using clipping parts). It propels debris away with impossible velocities, sending it to escape trajectories from Kerbol. This video demonstrates the summoning of the Impact Kraken through clipped parts (the effect itself is at 1:35).
Skycrane Kraken
This Kraken, found in 1.2, affects the stock vehicle rover+skycrane. A slightly modified skycrane, if decoupled while the rover is stationary, appears to hit one wheel. It then sends the rover flying, spinning wildly. This Kraken is reproducible with these modifications: remove the solar panels, add Gigantor XL panels on the sides of the command module, add a PB-Nuk generator on top of the command module, and use struts to connect it to the command module. Next, replace the wheels with 4 Rovemax M1 wheels. This Kraken can be alleviated by throttling the skycrane up slightly before releasing it. These modifications included adding an XL parachute to the top of the skycrane.
Launchpad Kraken
This Kraken, reported by steam user Cpt. Bob, is achieved by simultaneously launching your craft and reverting to launch. This causes the craft to have random parts laying sideways on the launchpad, have all engines running, and have no effect by physics. Once the craft is launched, physics starts affecting the craft, and it goes to hell, as the craft is likely unbalanced by the Kraken. This Kraken is only reported in 1.1.2
Vehicle Return Kraken
This Kraken has apparently an unknown cause but has been observed multiple random times. When a Kerbal is returning to a craft from Eva, the camera switches to the vehicle. The Kerbal stays on the ladder and is not inside the vehicle. You are unable to switch to the Kerbal, making it seem they had a heart attack. This Kraken is reported only in 1.1.2 and has only been observed to affect the PPD 12 Cupola Module and the Mk2 Lander Can.
Relativistic Kraken
The Relativistic Kraken emerges when a craft accelerates to a very high speed, like near lightspeed (either legitimately, i.e. through KSP-Interstellar fusion drives, or as a result of another type of Kraken). It begins oscillating the craft along all axes, making it impossible to turn if the SAS or RCS aren't very powerful. This can easily result in missing the retrograde burn and flying by your target at insane speed (if the acceleration was deliberate).
Targeting Kraken
The Targeting Kraken is found when you target an external craft while on the launchpad with a clamp attached to your rocket. If you enable SAS and set it to target, the craft destroys itself, launching parts at near light-speed. The cause may be that the craft is trying to move toward the target, but it can't, so the game tries to force it to face the craft, but the launch clamp prevents it from moving, so it keeps trying to force itself to face it building up a tremendous amount of speed.
Recently discovered/submitted krakens
OrbitKan Kraken
The OrbitKan Kraken is a Kraken that rarely occurs during a polar orbit of Kerbin. It most often occurs after one sends a rocket into orbit with no fuel to return early into the game, jettisoning the fuel tanks leaving only the command module and a heat shield and parachutes behind, give or take a nose cone. The glitch occurs when one EVA's out of the craft, resulting in it spinning at an exponentially increasing rate, resulting in incredible speeds of rotation, making it impossible to let go of the craft without flinging the Kerbal kilometers or worse apart, dooming your Kerbal. This results in Manley maneuvers becoming close to impossible. Note: rotation of the craft and Kerbal can be stopped using time warp, I do not know if this is a glitch or not.
Possible Apocalypse Kraken
I user Xeno'quaza have believe i performed a Apocalypse kraken, while i have no screenshot of the initial part of the bug i do have screen shots of the after affect and the whole thing matches the description provided as best as it can here are some of the screen shots of it (i do have more which will be posted shortly) it happend when i was flying at the corona of the sun at around 3000m/s at a angle nearly parallel to the surface the acceleration was not instantaneous but took place over several seconds accelerating to well past the speed of light, also the permanent night appears randomly when loading a quicksave or a craft, but after restarting the game goes away until the next time it randomly appears. this next one dosent match the description provided but it happend when reverting back to the quicksave when the beleived apocalypse kraken happend
Island Kraken
(note this kraken has since been fixed) This was a kraken that I discovered in ksp 1.5.1 but disappeared in 1.6. This kraken was very simple to achieve by just flying the stock slim shuttle craft straight up and down again and when you reached space and looked down the area surrounding the ksc would be turned into water but nothing else including the surrounding area and the buildings would be left untouched leaving a floating ksc (giving the island appearance) that when you touched down a hill would randomly spawn on top of you and destroy your craft. I am sure other craft work but the slim shuttle was the only thing that worked for me. This glitch would go away when you reverted to the vab or launchpad (although that wouldn't have much use as the glitch would reappear as soon as you reached space) but you couldn't use the affected craft untill 1.6. This glitch is still present in a small form as of 1.9.1 when you exit the atmosphere you can see the ksc floating on an island with a square around it being water but will return to normal as soon as you get below 70,000 meters
Low Altitude Reentry Kraken
This kraken is triggered when you have a parachute that is off centered causing the rocket or capsule to sway and when you speed up to 4x while parachuting on kerbin causes the speed to stay the same but give off reentry heating effects but amplified that destroy everything on the craft
(I found a similar kraken using 1.9 while entering Eve's atmosphere. My craft had a off centered parachute (the biggest one) and it was obliterated during entry, and shot out of the solar system near light speed. This can be fixed by just not using x4 warp with off centered chutes, and does not cause and save data to get corrupted, to my knowledge. (well duh)
Jool Kore Kraken
The Kore Kraken strikes in water or whatever the hell is in Eve's oceans (update: it's probably jet fuel. Don't launch ships from there). But in many situations, a version where the craft is traveling at high velocities towards 'solids' can occur. The most easy-to-replicate example is Jool's 'surface', where even so much as attempting a proper 'landing' (lots of quotation marks in this Kraken's description, huh?) can replicate the Kore Kraken. However, the altimeter will register a static altitude of a few negative dozen meters. It persists as late as 1.81, but does not harm the save file and can be deterred with a simple revert. Or by not trying to land on goddamn Jool. --Ntchdbythkrkn (talk) 03:50, 30 March 2020 (UTC)
The Glitch Device Kraken/Danny2462 Kraken
It is unclear as to whether or not this is actually classifiable as a Kraken, but it is catastrophic nonetheless. Discovered by YouTube user [2] and explored in his videos Kerbal Space Program: The Glitch Device and 100k Sub Special - Destroying the Solar System, if an Advanced Grabbing Unit holding a Kerbal will have its Kerbal also attached to another AGU, this Kraken will glitch the entire celestial body that the contraption sits on, should it even be on the ground at all.Designs for said contraptions can vary, but the basic results and principles remain the same. They are as follows:
- A Kerbal, while affixed to an AGU, is also grabbed by another AGU that is touching the ground of a given celestial body. (The KSC counts.)
- The terrain will disappear, and the contraption will fall into a void featuring a series of large blue rings. It will hit an invisible surface and begin to explode perpetually.
- In the map view, the body will still be there, but the light of the Sun will visibly shine through it.
- Even after a revert, the camera perspective changing system will have been notably altered.
When switching to a vessel that was not on the ground on the first place, the terrain will have disappeared, replaced by ocean. (Note: This particular effect has only been publicly tested on Kerbin. The same occurrence may happen on Eve and Laythe, but testing this on non-oceanic bodies has yet to be shown.) However, the hitboxes will still be present, and so will the KSC, even if the device is tested on its grounds. The visibility of the terrain will also be restored when zooming out to the maximum level, and those parts. Note:' This does not appear to affect game data, and can be deterred through a simple revert. --Ntchdbythkrkn (talk) 07:00, 1 April 2020 (UTC)
Splat-Spazz Kraken
When a Kerbal hits the ground hard, but not hard enough to die they will spaghettify. An easy way to do this is walking off the roof of the VAB.
Altitude Kraken
When warping to really high altitudes above the Sun, the game will crash.
Censored Kraken
This kraken occurs when you load a quicksave in which a dead kerbal is alive. It's quite rare, I only got it once. The science tree resets itself and all of the rocket parts in the editor turn pitch black, like if they were censored. Some late-science-tree stuff is randomly unlocked, as the tree gets corrupted.
This Kraken corrupts the savefile and the tree is permanently corrupted, ruining it. The censored effect only happens within the VAB or the SPH. The effect stays after a restart, however in a different save it doesn't appear unless you have visited the save with the Kraken.
If you visit the save with the Kraken, the game is permanently infected with the censored effect in the VAB/SPH. It's impossible to get rid of it by changing graphics settings. The only way to fully rid your game of this kraken is to reinstall the game (or repair the files) and delete your savefile. Interestingly, visiting a save with the kraken seems to damage a lot of the files of KSP. The Kraken itself is not caused by corruption of data files, as repairing the game files and visiting the save with the Kraken still has the censored effect.
Solar Escape Kraken
This kraken occurs using certain mods. When flying on a Sun escape trajectory at fast speeds, engaging the highest timewarp setting will cause this Kraken. Come out of time warp and go back to the KSC. The entire map is broken after a long loading screen. The buildings of the KSC have spaghettified and are bugging out. Interestingly, the buildings can still be accessed via the left hand corner buttons and are fully functional. The only way to fix this is to terminate the flight of the ship that is on the Kerbol escape.
Console Apocalypse Kraken
This variant of the Apocalypse Kraken is only proven to work on KSP Enhanced Edition. It likely works on PC. This kraken occurs either when travelling at high speeds or when at a far distance from the solar system (It is hard to tell which as it would take an eternity to test this). When returning to the KSC, similar effects to the Apocalypse Kraken are observed. Switching to the map view causes the game to crash. My personal theory on the cause of this kraken is the high distance. It could exceed the distance limit for the ScaledSpace of planets, causing them to deload. This explains the absence of the Sun, Mun and Minmus in the sky and the game crashing when switching to map view.
Speed Kraken
This Kraken can happen by getting a spacecraft to a extremely high surface velocity (e.g, getting into an EXTREMELY high orbit), and then using the Cheat Menu to edit the spacecraft's position to be on a planet (e.g Kerbin). What happens is that the craft completely disappears, you are still at the position you were before changing your position, and also, the Map view, IVA view, and EVA won't work, time is frozen, the apoapsis height and periapsis height may say NaN and the time to Apoapsis might be Infinity, and the time to periapsis might be NaN. Toggling the Interior Overlay reveals the camera is in the center of the command pod. Your only hopes is to load a previous quicksave, go back to the Space Center, or revert to launch or VAB. Upon launching another rocket, many parts in the rocket will explode likely due to the fact for some reason the high surface velocity is still kept. The spacecraft will also start going randomly up and the spacecraft isn't visible. Reverting to launch after that will make it offset from the launchpad by a bit. Each time you revert to launch after this, it will still be offset until you decide to revert to VAB.
VAB Kraken
This was a glitch that happened while playing the 0.18.3 Demo. I made a rocket and hit the VAB, but tried to save my kerbal by sending him on an EVA, the result was when he hit the VAB he would ragdoll and be flung into a possibly random direction, He also didn't get spaghettified. (If you have more info or can replicate this contact me at [email protected] . Also I misplaced this so I moved it to here.)
Mun Kraken
When landing on the Mun, sometimes the Mun will spontaneously become dark and lights must be used to navigate the surface. During this state it is also possible to fall through the ground and enter the center of the Mun. Not sure if this happens with other celestial bodies.
Highly modded Apocalypse Kraken
An user by the name of Ameoba who has 200+ mods experienced the this rare kind of kraken after removing most of their mods. Some minor errors were seen before but the removal of certain mods lead to ksp booting up with a black screen of death. No meddling was done with the actual game files or mod files and ksp refused to boot up normally. When the screen was clicked the exe crashed. Here is a video of the Kraken Version 1.12.5
Suspicious / Fake Krakens
Editor Kraken
This Kraken can be found by quicksaving and editing a Kerbal. The remainder of the craft (And Kerbin) is destroyed, with only the cockpit remaining. You cannot usually destroy crafts afflicted by this Kraken through conventional means. Craft destruction methods include, but are not limited to, HyperEdit and save file editing. This Kraken has been tested and reproduced multiple times and has been confirmed true, reported in KSP 1.2.2. This Kraken is a nasty one, especially when you need to change a little thing, such as a Kerbal's data. The Kraken may or may not exist in recent versions. It's impossible to know without doing a deep dive in the code, as the quicksaves no longer load and instead are on perpetually black loading screens.
- (Bug fix) 'Off loading' velocity to the universe alleviated this problem, though it still exists in 'new' form.
See the Kraken Handbook