Action group/ja
Action Groups(アクショングループ)は特定のキーにパーツの動作をグループ化して割り当てることができる機能である。VABとSPHの画面左上のAction Groupsタブから設定することができる。
グループ名 | 操作名[注 1] | デフォルトキー | デフォルト効果 |
Stage | Launch/Stages | Space | 次ステージの全パーツを作動 |
Gear | Landing Gear | G | 全ての着陸脚パーツを切り替え |
Light | Lights | U | 全ての照明のon/off |
RCS | RCS Toggle | R | 全てのRCSのon/off |
SAS | SAS Toggle | T | 全てのSASモジュールのon/off |
Brakes | Brakes | B | 全てのブレーキを作動 |
Abort | Emergency abort | Backspace | - |
Custom01 | Custom action 1 | 1 | - |
Custom02 | Custom action 2 | 2 | - |
Custom03 | Custom action 3 | 3 | - |
Custom04 | Custom action 4 | 4 | - |
Custom05 | Custom action 5 | 5 | - |
Custom06 | Custom action 6 | 6 | - |
Custom07 | Custom action 7 | 7 | - |
Custom08 | Custom action 8 | 8 | - |
Custom09 | Custom action 9 | 9 | - |
Custom10 | Custom action 10 | 0 | - |
- ↑ 操作名はSettingsの"Input"項目名に準拠。
An action group can cause any action that can also be triggered by right-clicking a part and making a selection from its popup menu. This makes action groups useful for coordinating the functions of multiple parts all over a spacecraft, or for making the same change to several identical parts. Action groups trigger all their parts simultaneously, allowing quick changes in situations where using the popup menus would be impractical or dangerous, such as surface landings or while the engines are throttled up during a maneuver.
Common uses of custom action groups include:
- An abort or command module ejection sequence.
- Extending ladders along with landing gear.
- Switching from jet engines to rockets on an SSTO to avoid asymmetric flameouts.
- Switching active engine groups on complicated craft such as VTOL planes.
- Toggling the gimbal lock of all engines.
- Deploying solar panels.
- Activating multiple environmental sensors.
- Deploying parachutes.
To create a sequence for an action group, the action group has to be selected. It then shows all actions which are executed in this action group and it is possible to remove any action from the sequence. When a part is selected it also shows all actions possible which can be triggered and will highlight all parts which are affected. The action apply to all parts which are placed together with symmetry. From there it is possible to add remaining actions to the sequence.
See also
- Tutorial:Action group
- Tutorial by Doc Faustus to answer Kerbal space program number binding on Arqade
- Explanation by You're Killing Me Smalls! answering Group actions on Steam community