Difference between revisions of "Template:Stats Table Liquid Fuel Engines"

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m (Undo revision 107202 by Davvblack (talk) -> DLC parts are separate tables)
(79 intermediate revisions by 25 users not shown)
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{| class="wikitable sortable" style=white-space:nowrap
{| class="wikitable sortable" style=white-space:nowrap
! colspan=8 | <!-- Leave this blank -->
!colspan=10 style="background: #F9F9F9"|
! colspan=2 | {{Dict/header|Thrust}}
! colspan=2 | {{lang
|en=[[w:Rocket_propellant|Fuel]] [[w:Flow_measurement|(≈t/s)]]
|en=[[w:Thrust-to-weight_ratio|T/W<br> ratio]]
|ru=[[wikipedia:ru:Ракетное_топливо|топливо]] [[wikipedia:ru:Расходомер|(≈t/s)]]
|fr=[[Thrust-to-weight ratio/fr|Rapport<br>poussée-poids]]
|pl=[[w:pl:Paliwo_rakietowe|Paliwo]] [[w:pl:Przepływomierz|(L/s)]]
|ko=[[w:ko:로켓 연료|연료]] [[w:Flow_measurement|(≈t/s)]]
|zh-cn=[[w:火箭推进剂|推进剂]] [[w:Flow_measurement|(≈t/s)]]
|de=[[w:de:Raketentreibstoff|Raketentreibstoff]] [[w:de:Massenstrom|(≈t/s)]]
|es=[[w:es:Propelente#Propulsión de cohetes|Combustible]] (≈t/s)
|hr=[[w:hr:Raketno gorivo|Raketno gorivo]] (L/s)
|es=[[w:es:Relación empuje a peso|Relación empuje<br>a peso]]
|hu=[[w:hu:Rakéta-hajtóanyag|Hajtóanyag]] (egység/s)
|hr=Omjer potiska<br>i težine
|hu=[[Thrust-to-weight ratio/hu|Tolóerő-súly <br> arány (TWR)]]
! rowspan=2 scope="col" width="60px" | {{lang
|en=[[w:Specific_impulse|I<sub>sp</sub>]] [[w:Second|(s)]]
|en=Max. [[w:Rocket_propellant|Fuel]]<br>Consumption<br>({{Mark|fuelu}}/{{Dict|s}})
|ru=[[wikipedia:ru:Удельный_импульс|Удельный импульс]] [[wikipedia:ru:Секунда|)]]
|fr=Conso. max. en [[w:fr:Ergol|Ergol]] ({{Mark|fuelu}}/{{Dict|s}})
|pl=[[w:pl:Impuls_właściwy|Isp]] [[w:pl:Sekunda|(s)]]
|ko=[[w:ko:비추력|비추력]] [[w:ko:초 (시간)|(s)]]
|zh-cn=[[w:比冲|比冲]] [[w:Second|(s)]]
|ko=[[w:ko:로켓 연료|연료]]<br>({{Mark|fuelu}}/{{Dict|s}})
|de=[[w:de:Spezifischer_Impuls|Spezifischer Impuls]] [[w:de:Sekunde|(s)]]
|es=[[w:es:Impulso específico|I<sub>sp</sub>]] [[w:es:Segundo|(s)]]
|hr=[[w:hr:Specifični impuls|I<sub>sp</sub>]] [[w:hr:Sekunda|(s)]]
|hu=[[Specific_impulse/hu|I<sub>sp</sub>]] [[w:hu:Másodperc|(s)]]
|es=[[w:es:Propelente#Propulsión de cohetes|Combustible]]<br>({{Mark|fuelu}}/{{Dict|s}})
|hr=[[w:hr:Raketno gorivo|Raketno gorivo]]<br>({{Mark|fuelu}}/{{Dict|s}})
|it=Consumo Max<br> di [[w:Razzo_a_propellente_liquido|carburante]]<br>({{Mark|fuelu}}/{{Dict|s}})
! colspan=2 | {{Dict/header|Isp}}
! {{lang
|fr=[[w:fr:Poussée vectorielle|Poussée<br>vectorielle]]
|es=[[w:es:Empuje vectorial|Empuje vectorial]]
|es=[[w:es:Empuje vectorial|Empuje vectorial]]
|hr=Vektorski potisak
|hr=Vektorski potisak
{{Stats Table Header|s|m|d|t|m}}
{{Stats Table Header|r|m||t|m|t}}
! scope="col" width="60px" | {{Dict/header|atm}}
! scope="col" width="60px" | {{Dict/header|vac}}
! scope="col" width="60px" | {{Dict/header|atm}}
! scope="col" width="60px" | {{Dict/header|vac}}
! scope="col" width="60px" | {{Dict/header|atm}}
! scope="col" width="60px" | {{Dict/header|vac}}
! scope="col" width="60px" | {{lang
! scope="col" width="60px" | {{lang
|en=Thrust [[w:Newton_(unit)|(kN)]]
|ru=Тяга [[w:ru:Ньютон_(единица_измерения)|(кН)]]
|fr=Degrés de [[w:fr:Cardan (suspension)|Cardan]] (°)
|pl=Ciąg [[w:pl:Niuton|(kN)]]
|ko=추력 [[w:ko:뉴턴 (단위)|(kN)]]
|zh-cn=推力 [[w:牛頓_(單位)|(千牛)]]
|ko=[[w:ko:짐벌|짐벌]]<br>[[w:ko:도 (각도)|(°)]]
|ja=推力 [[w:Newton_(unit)|(kN)]]
|de=Schub [[w:de:Newton_(Einheit)|(kN)]]
|es=Fuerza de empuje ([[w:es:Newton (unidad)|kN]])
|hr=Potisak (kN)
|es=[[w:es:Gimbal|Gimbal]]<br>([[w:es:Grado sexagesimal|º]])
|hu=Tolóerő [[w:hu:Newton_(mértékegység)|(kN)]]
|hr=Vektorski potisak<br>([[w:hr:Stupanj_(kut)|º]])
|hu=[[Gimbal/hu|Sugárel-<br>térítés]] ([[w:hu:Fok (szög)|°]])
! scope="col" width="60px" | {{lang
|it=[[Gimbal|Cono Operativo]]<br>[[w:it:Grado_(angolo)|(°)]]
|en=[[w:Thrust-to-weight_ratio|T/W ratio]]
|pl=[[w:pl:Współczynnik_ciągu_do_ciężaru|Współczynnik T/W]]
|es=[[w:es:Relación empuje a peso|Relación empuje a peso]]
|hr=Omjer potiska i težine
! scope="col" width="60px" | {{lang
|es=[[w:es:Atmósfera (unidad)|atm]]
! scope="col" width="60px" | {{lang
! scope="col" width="60px" | {{lang
|es=[[w:es:Atmósfera (unidad)|atm]]
! scope="col" width="60px" | {{lang
! scope="col" width="60px" | {{lang
|en=[[w:Gimbal|Gimbal]] [[w:Degree_(angle)|(°)]]
|ru=[[w:ru:Карданов_подвес|Карданов подвес]] [[w:ru:Градус_(геометрия)|(°)]]
|pl=[[w:Gimbal|Gimbal]] [[w:pl:Stopień_(kąt)|(°)]]
|ko=[[w:ko:짐벌|짐벌]] [[w:ko:도 (각도)|(°)]]
|zh-cn=[[w:Gimbal|角度]] [[w:Degree_(angle)|(°)]]
|de=[[w:de:Schubvektorsteuerung|Schub&shy;vek&shy;tor&shy;steu&shy;er&shy;ung]] [[w:de:Grad_(Winkel)|(°)]]
|es=[[w:es:Gimbal|Gimbal]] ([[w:es:Grado sexagesimal|º]])
|hr=Vektorski potisak ([[w:hr:Stupanj_(kut)|º]])
|hu=[[Gimbal/hu|Sugáreltérítés]] ([[w:hu:Fok_(szög)|°]])
| [[File:LV-1R Liquid Fuel Engine HD.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{SortCell|1}}[[File:LV-1R Shroud.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|LV-1R Liquid Fuel Engine|es=Motor de combustible líquido LV-1R|hr=Motor na tekuće gorivo LV-1R|hu=LV-1R Rakétahajtómű}}
| [[LV-1R "Spider" Liquid Fuel Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|LV-1R "Spider" Liquid Fuel Engine}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|radial}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|r}}
| 650
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|120}}
| 0.03
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.02|2}}
| 0.2
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| 3600
| 7
| 7
| 4
| 50
| 13.6
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.79|2}}
| 0.0019
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2|1}}
| 0.0014
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|9.14|2}}
| 220
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|10.2|2}}
| 290
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.141|3}}
| -
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|260}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|290}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|10|1}}
| [[File:O-10 MonoPropellant Engine.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{SortCell|2}}[[File:24-77 Orange.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|O-10 MonoPropellant Engine}}
| [[24-77 "Twitch" Liquid Fuel Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|24-77 "Twitch" Liquid Fuel Engine}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|radial}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|r}}
| 800
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|230}}
| 0.09
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.08|2}}
| 0.2
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| 3600
| 7
| 7
| 20
| 50
| 22.7
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|15.17|2}}
| 0.0092
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|16|1}}
| 0.007
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|19.34|2}}
| 220
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|20.39|2}}
| 290
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.125|3}}
| -
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|275}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|290}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|8|1}}
| [[File:Rockomax 24 77 Transparent.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{SortCell|3}}[[File:Mk-55 Radial mount engine.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|Rockomax 24-77}}
| [[Mk-55 "Thud" Liquid Fuel Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|Mk-55 "Thud" Liquid Fuel Engine}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|radial}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|r}}
| 480
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|820}}
| 0.09
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.9|2}}
| 0.2
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| 3600
| 7
| 7
| 20
| 50
| 22.7
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|108.2|2}}
| 0.0082
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|120|1}}
| 0.0068
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|12.26|2}}
| 250
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|13.6|2}}
| 300
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|8.024|3}}
| 1.0
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|275}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|305}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|8|1}}
| [[File:Mark 55 Radial mount engine.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{SortCell|4}}[[File:O-10.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|Rockomax Mark 55 Radial Mount Liquid Engine|es=Motor de combustible líquido radial Rockomax Mark 55|hr=Radijalni motor na tekuće gorivo Rockomax Mark 55|hu=Rockomax Mark 55 Felszínre Illeszthető Rakétahajtómű}}
| [[O-10 "Puff" MonoPropellant Fuel Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|O-10 "Puff" MonoPropellant Fuel Engine}}]]<ref group="{{Dict|Note}}">{{lang
{{Radial Size/Cell|radial}}
|en=Consumes [[monopropellant]]. (the density of monopropellant is less: 4kg/unit)
| 850
|fr=Consomme du [[Monopropellant/fr|monergol]]. (la densité du monergol est plus faible: 4kg/unité)
| 0.9
|hu=[[monopropellant/hu|Egykomponensű hajtóanyagot]] fogyaszt. (a sűrűsége kevesebb: 4kg/egység)
| 0.2
|ru=Потребляет [[monopropellant/ru|монопропеллент]] (плотность монопропеллента меньше, 4кг/ед.).
| 3600
|es=Consume [[monopropellant/es|monopropelente]]. (La densidad del monopropelente es menor: 4kg/unidad.)
{{Radial Size/Cell|r}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|150}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.09|2}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| 7
| 7
| 120
| 50
| 13.6
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|9.6|2}}
| 0.0422
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|20|1}}
| 0.0382
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|10.88|2}}
| 290
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|22.66|2}}
| 320
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2.039|3}}
| 3.0
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|120}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|250}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|6|1}}
| [[File:LV-1 Liquid Fuel Engine HD.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{SortCell|5}}[[File:LV-1 Shroud.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|LV-1 Liquid Fuel Engine|es=Motor de combustible líquido LV-1|hr=Motor na tekuće gorivo LV-1|hu=LV-1 Rakétahajtómű}}
| [[LV-1 "Ant" Liquid Fuel Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|LV-1 "Ant" Liquid Fuel Engine}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|tiny}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|0|r}}
| 350
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|110}}
| 0.03
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.02|2}}
| 0.2
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| 3600
| 7
| 7
| 4
| 50
| 13.6
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.51|2}}
| 0.0019
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2|1}}
| 0.0014
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2.59|2}}
| 220
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|10.2|2}}
| 290
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.129|3}}
| -
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|80}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|315}}
| {{SortCell|0}}—
| [[File:Rockomax 48-7S.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{SortCell|6}}[[File:48-7S_Shroud.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|Rockomax 48-7S}}
| [[48-7S "Spark" Liquid Fuel Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|48-7S "Spark" Liquid Fuel Engine}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|tiny}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|0}}
| 300
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|240}}
| 0.1
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.13|2}}
| 0.2
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| 3600
| 7
| 7
| 30
| 50
| 30.6
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|16.56|2}}
| 0.0102
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|20|1}}
| 0.0087
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|12.99|2}}
| 300
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|15.69|2}}
| 350
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.275|3}}
| 1.0
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|265}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|320}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|3|1}}
| [[File:LV-T30 Liquid Fuel Engine recent.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{SortCell|7}}[[File:LV-909_Shroud.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|LV-T30 Liquid Fuel Engine|es=Motor de combustible líquido LV-T30|hr=Motor na tekuće gorivo LV-T30|hu=LV-T30 Rakétahajtómű}}
| [[LV-909 "Terrier" Liquid Fuel Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|LV-909 "Terrier" Liquid Fuel Engine}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|small}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|1}}
| 850
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|390}}
| 1.25
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.5|2}}
| 0.2
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| 3600
| 7
| 7
| 215
| 50
| 17.5
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|14.78|2}}
| 0.0685
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|60|1}}
| 0.0592
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|3.01|2}}
| 320
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|12.24|2}}
| 370
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|3.547|3}}
| -
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|85}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|345}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|4|1}}
| [[File:LV-T45 LFE.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{SortCell|8}}[[File:LV-T30 Liquid Fuel Engine recent.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine|es=Motor de combustible líquido LV-T45|hr=Motor na tekuće gorivo LV-T45|hu=LV-T45 Rakétahajtómű}}
| [[LV-T30 "Reliant" Liquid Fuel Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|LV-T30 "Reliant" Liquid Fuel Engine}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|small}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|1}}
| 950
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1100}}
| 1.5
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.25|2}}
| 0.2
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| 3600
| 7
| 7
| 200
| 50
| 13.6
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|205.16|2}}
| 0.0637
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|240|1}}
| 0.0551
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|16.74|2}}
| 320
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|19.58|2}}
| 370
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|15.789|3}}
| 1.0
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|265}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|310}}
| {{SortCell|0}}—
| [[File:LV-T909 LFE.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{SortCell|9}}[[File:LV-T45 LFE.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|LV-909 Liquid Fuel Engine|es=Motor de combustible líquido LV-909|hr=Motor na tekuće gorivo LV-909|hu=LV-909 Rakétahajtómű}}
| [[LV-T45 "Swivel" Liquid Fuel Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|LV-T45 "Swivel" Liquid Fuel Engine}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|small}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|1}}
| 750
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1200}}
| 0.5
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.5|2}}
| 0.2
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| 3600
| 7
| 7
| 50
| 50
| 10.2
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|167.97|2}}
| 0.0170
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|215|1}}
| 0.0131
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|11.42|2}}
| 300
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|14.62|2}}
| 390
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|13.703|3}}
| 0.5
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|250}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|320}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|3|1}}
| [[File:Rapier_Engine_01.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{SortCell|10}}[[File:KS-25 LFE.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|R.A.P.I.E.R. Engine|es=Motor R.A.P.I.E.R|hr=Motor R.A.P.I.E.R.|hu=R.A.P.I.E.R. Hajtómű}}<ref group="Note">{{lang
| [[S3 KS-25 "Vector" Liquid Fuel Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|S3 KS-25 "Vector" Liquid Fuel Engine}}]]
|en=The R.A.P.I.E.R. Engine is a combination of liquid fuel and jet engine. Only the liquid fuel engine properties are shown.
{{Radial Size/Cell|1|r}}
|hu=A R.A.P.I.E.R. egy sugár-rakéta kettős üzemmódra tervezett speciális hajtómű. Itt csak a rakétahajtómű üzemmód alatti tulajdonságai látszódnak.
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|18000}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|4|2}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|small}}
| 22
| 3600
| 50
| 1.2
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|936.51|2}}
| 0.2
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1000|1}}
| 3600
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|23.87|2}}
| 20
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|25.49|2}}
| 175
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|64.745|3}}
| 14.9
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|295}}
| 0.0558
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|315}}
| 0.0496
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|10.5|1}}
| 320
| 360
| 3.0
| [[File:ToroidalAerospikeRocket.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{SortCell|11}}[[File:ToroidalAerospikeLiquidFuelEngine.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|Toroidal Aerospike Rocket|es=Motor aerospike toroidal|hr=Toroidalni aerospike motor|hu=Toroid Aerospike Rakétahajtómű}}
| [[T-1 Toroidal Aerospike "Dart" Liquid Fuel Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|T-1 Toroidal Aerospike "Dart" Liquid Fuel Engine}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|small}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|1|r}}
| 3850
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|3850}}
| 1.5
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1|2}}
| 0.2
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| 3600
| 20
| 20
| 175
| 50
| 11.9
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|153.53|2}}
| 0.0460
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|180|1}}
| 0.0457
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|15.66|2}}
| 388
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|18.35|2}}
| 390
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|10.797|3}}
| -
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|290}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|340}}
| {{SortCell|0}}—
| [[File:RockomaxPoodle.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{SortCell|12}}[[File:LV-N Atomic.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|Rockomax "Poodle" Liquid Engine|es=Motor de combustible líquido Rockomax "Poodle"|hr=Motor na tekuće gorivo Rockomax "Pudlica"|hu=Rockomax "Poodle" Rakétahajtómű}}
| [[LV-N "Nerv" Atomic Rocket Motor{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|LV-N "Nerv" Atomic Rocket Motor}}]]<ref group="{{Dict|Note}}">{{lang
{{Radial Size/Cell|large}}
|en=Consumes [[liquid fuel]] only.
| 1600
|fr=Ne consomme que de l'[[Liquid fuel/fr|ergol liquide]].
| 2
|hu=Csak [[liquid fuel/hu|folyékony üzemanyagot]] fogyaszt.
| 0.2
|ru=Потебляет только [[liquid fuel/ru|жидкое топливо]].
| 3600
|ja=[[liquid fuel|液体燃料]]のみ消費する。
| 7
|es=Consume [[liquid fuel/es|combustible líquido]] solamente.
| 220
| 11.2
{{Radial Size/Cell|1}}
| 0.0831
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|10000}}
| 0.0575
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|3|2}}
| 270
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2500}}
| 390
| 12
| 2.5
| 50
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|13.88|2}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|60|1}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.47|2}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2.04|2}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.53|3}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|185}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|800}}
| {{SortCell|0}}—
| [[File:Rockomax Mainsail transparent.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{SortCell|13}}[[File:RE-L10.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|Rockomax "Mainsail" Liquid Engine|es=Motor de combustible líquido Rockomax "Mainsail"|hr=Motor na tekuće gorivo Rockomax "Glavno jedro"|hu=Rockomax "Mainsail" Rakétahajtómű}}
| [[RE-L10 "Poodle" Liquid Fuel Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|RE-L10 "Poodle" Liquid Fuel Engine}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|large}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|2}}
| 5650
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1300}}
| 6
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.75|2}}
| 0.2
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| 3600
| 7
| 7
| 1500
| 50
| 25.5
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|64.29|2}}
| 0.4778
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|250|1}}
| 0.4247
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|3.75|2}}
| 320
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|14.57|2}}
| 360
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|14.568|3}}
| 1.0
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|90}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|350}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|4.5|1}}
| [[Image:Skipper.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{SortCell|14}}[[File:SkipperV2.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|Rockomax "Skipper" Liquid Engine|es=Motor de combustible líquido Rockomax "Skipper"|hr=Motor na tekuće gorivo Rockomax "Skiper"|hu=Rockomax "Skipper" Rakétahajtómű}}
| [[RE-I5 "Skipper" Liquid Fuel Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|RE-I5 "Skipper" Liquid Fuel Engine}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|large}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|2}}
| 2850
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|5300}}
| 3
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|3|2}}
| 0.2
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| 3600
| 8
| 8
| 650
| 50
| 22.1
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|568.75|2}}
| 0.2071
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|650|1}}
| 0.1791
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|19.33|2}}
| 320
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|22.09|2}}
| 370
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|41.426|3}}
| 1.0
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|280}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|320}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2|1}}
| [[File:LV-N Atomic.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{SortCell|15}}[[File:MainsailV2.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|LV-N Atomic Rocket Motor|es=Motor Atómico LV-N|hr=Nuklearni raketni motor LV-N|hu=LV-N Nukleáris Rakétamotor}}
| [[RE-M3 "Mainsail" Liquid Fuel Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|RE-M3 "Mainsail" Liquid Fuel Engine}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|small}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|2}}
| 8700
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|13000}}
| 2.25
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|6|2}}
| 0.2
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| 4000
| 7
| 12
| 50
| 60
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1379.03|2}}
| 2.7
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1500|1}}
| 0.0278
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|23.44|2}}
| 0.0076
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|25.49|2}}
| 220
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|98.683|3}}
| 800
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|285}}
| 1.0
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|310}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2|1}}
| [[File:LFB KR-1x2.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{SortCell|16}}[[File:LFB KR-1x2.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|LFB KR-1x2}}<ref group="Note">{{lang
| [[LFB KR-1x2 "Twin-Boar" Liquid Fuel Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|LFB KR-1x2 "Twin-Boar" Liquid Fuel Engine}}]]<ref group="{{Dict|Note}}">{{lang
|en=The LFB KR-1x2 is a liquid fuel booster -- a combination of a "normal" engine and a fuel tank. Mass and TWR are given with the tank emptied.
|en=The LFB KR-1x2 is a liquid fuel booster -- a combination of a "normal" engine and a fuel tank.
|hu=Az  LFB KR-1x2 egy folyékony hajtóanyagú gyorsítórakéta -- egy "normális" rakétahajtómű és egy hajtóanyagtartály egyesítése. A tömeg és a TWR értékek az üres tartály esetére vonatkoznak.
|fr=Le LFB KR-1x2 est un booster à ergol liquide -- une combinaison d'un propulseur "normal" et d'un réservoir.
|ja=LFB KR-1x2はエンジンと燃料タンクが一体となっているため、質量とTWRは燃料が空の状態での数値を記載する。
|hu=Az  LFB KR-1x2 egy folyékony hajtóanyagú gyorsítórakéta -- egy "normális" rakétahajtómű és egy hajtóanyagtartály egyesítése.
|ru=LFB KR-1x2 - жидкотопливный ускоритель, комбинация "нормального" двигателя и топливного бака.
|ko=LFB KR-1x2는 액체 연료 엔진과 액체 연료 탱크가 결합된, 말하자면 '액체 연료 부스터'입니다.|ja=LFB KR-1x2はエンジンと燃料タンクが一体となっているため、質量とTWRは燃料が空の状態での数値を記載する
|es=El LFB KR-1x2 es un propulsor de combustible líquido, una combinación de un motor "normal" y un tanque de combustible.
{{Radial Size/Cell|large}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|2|r}}
| 16400
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|17000}}<br>({{Formatnum|14062.4|1}})
| 10
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|42.5|2}}<br>({{Formatnum|10.5|2}})
| 0.2
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| 3600
| 20
| 20
| 2000
| 50
| 20.4
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1866.67|2}}
| 0.7037
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000|1}}
| 0.6002
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|4.48|2}}<br>({{Formatnum|18.13|2}})
| 290
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|4.80|2}}<br>({{Formatnum|19.42|2}})
| 340
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|135.964|3}}
| 0.5
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|280}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|300}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.5|1}}
| [[File:Big1.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{SortCell|17}}[[File:Big1.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|Kerbodyne KR-2L Advanced Engine|hu=Kerbodyne KR-2L Rakétahajtómű}}
| [[Kerbodyne KR-2L+ "Rhino" Liquid Fuel Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|Kerbodyne KR-2L+ "Rhino" Liquid Fuel Engine}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|xl}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|3}}
| 20850
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|25000}}
| 6.5
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|9|2}}
| 0.2
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| 3600
| 7
| 7
| 2500
| 50
| 39.2
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1205.88|2}}
| 0.9101
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000|1}}
| 0.6706
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|13.66|2}}
| 280
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|22.66|2}}
| 380
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|119.968|3}}
| 1.0
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|205}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|340}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|4|1}}
| {{SortCell|18}}[[File:Quad.png|60x60px|center]]
| [[S3 KS-25x4 "Mammoth" Liquid Fuel Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|S3 KS-25x4 "Mammoth" Liquid Fuel Engine}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|3}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|39000}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|15|2}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| 20
| 50
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|3746.03|2}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|4000|1}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|25.47|2}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|27.19|2}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|258.978|3}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|295}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|315}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2|1}}
| [[File:Quad.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{SortCell|19}}[[File:Rapier_Engine_01.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|S3 KS-25x4 Engine Cluster|hu=S3 KS-25x4 Többfúvókás Rakétahajtómű}}
| [[CR-7 R.A.P.I.E.R. Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|CR-7 R.A.P.I.E.R. Engine}}]]<ref group="{{Dict|Note}}">{{lang
{{Radial Size/Cell|xl}}
|en=The R.A.P.I.E.R. Engine is a combination of liquid fuel and jet engine. Only the liquid fuel engine properties are shown.
| 32400
|fr=Le propulseur R.A.P.I.E.R. est une combinaison de propulseur à ergol liquid et de moteur à réaction. Seules les propriétés en mode propulseur à ergol liquide sont affichées.
| 9.75
|es=El R.A.P.I.E.R. El motor es una combinación de combustible líquido y motor a reacción. Sólo se muestran las propiedades del motor de combustible líquido.
| 0.2
| 3600
{{Radial Size/Cell|1}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|6000}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2|2}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| 20
| 20
| 3200
| 50
| 33.5
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|162.3|2}}
| 1.0194
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|180|1}}
| 0.9061
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|8.27|2}}
| 320
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|9.18|2}}
| 360
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|12.036|3}}
| 0.5
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|275}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|305}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|3|1}}
<small><references group="Note" /></small>
<small><references group="{{Dict|Note}}" /></small>
<noinclude>[[Category:Template:Stats Tables]]</noinclude>

Latest revision as of 21:13, 30 August 2024

Max. Fuel
(Units of fuel/s)
Isp (s) TVC
Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
atm vac atm vac atm vac Gimbal
LV-1R Shroud.png
LV-1R "Spider" Liquid Fuel Engine Radial mounted 120 0.02 2 000 7 50 1.79 2.0 9.14 10.20 0.141 260 290 10.0
24-77 Orange.png
24-77 "Twitch" Liquid Fuel Engine Radial mounted 230 0.08 2 000 7 50 15.17 16.0 19.34 20.39 1.125 275 290 8.0
Mk-55 Radial mount engine.png
Mk-55 "Thud" Liquid Fuel Engine Radial mounted 820 0.90 2 000 7 50 108.20 120.0 12.26 13.60 8.024 275 305 8.0
O-10 "Puff" MonoPropellant Fuel Engine[Note 1] Radial mounted 150 0.09 2 000 7 50 9.60 20.0 10.88 22.66 2.039 120 250 6.0
LV-1 Shroud.png
LV-1 "Ant" Liquid Fuel Engine Tiny, Radial mounted 110 0.02 2 000 7 50 0.51 2.0 2.59 10.20 0.129 80 315
48-7S Shroud.png
48-7S "Spark" Liquid Fuel Engine Tiny 240 0.13 2 000 7 50 16.56 20.0 12.99 15.69 1.275 265 320 3.0
LV-909 Shroud.png
LV-909 "Terrier" Liquid Fuel Engine Small 390 0.50 2 000 7 50 14.78 60.0 3.01 12.24 3.547 85 345 4.0
LV-T30 Liquid Fuel Engine recent.png
LV-T30 "Reliant" Liquid Fuel Engine Small 1 100 1.25 2 000 7 50 205.16 240.0 16.74 19.58 15.789 265 310
LV-T45 LFE.png
LV-T45 "Swivel" Liquid Fuel Engine Small 1 200 1.50 2 000 7 50 167.97 215.0 11.42 14.62 13.703 250 320 3.0
KS-25 LFE.png
S3 KS-25 "Vector" Liquid Fuel Engine Small, Radial mounted 18 000 4.00 2 000 22 50 936.51 1 000.0 23.87 25.49 64.745 295 315 10.5
T-1 Toroidal Aerospike "Dart" Liquid Fuel Engine Small, Radial mounted 3 850 1.00 2 000 20 50 153.53 180.0 15.66 18.35 10.797 290 340
LV-N Atomic.png
LV-N "Nerv" Atomic Rocket Motor[Note 2] Small 10 000 3.00 2 500 12 50 13.88 60.0 0.47 2.04 1.530 185 800
RE-L10 "Poodle" Liquid Fuel Engine Large 1 300 1.75 2 000 7 50 64.29 250.0 3.75 14.57 14.568 90 350 4.5
RE-I5 "Skipper" Liquid Fuel Engine Large 5 300 3.00 2 000 8 50 568.75 650.0 19.33 22.09 41.426 280 320 2.0
RE-M3 "Mainsail" Liquid Fuel Engine Large 13 000 6.00 2 000 7 50 1 379.03 1 500.0 23.44 25.49 98.683 285 310 2.0
LFB KR-1x2.png
LFB KR-1x2 "Twin-Boar" Liquid Fuel Engine[Note 3] Large, Radial mounted 17 000
(14 062.4)
2 000 20 50 1 866.67 2 000.0 4.48
135.964 280 300 1.5
Kerbodyne KR-2L+ "Rhino" Liquid Fuel Engine Extra large 25 000 9.00 2 000 7 50 1 205.88 2 000.0 13.66 22.66 119.968 205 340 4.0
S3 KS-25x4 "Mammoth" Liquid Fuel Engine Extra large 39 000 15.00 2 000 20 50 3 746.03 4 000.0 25.47 27.19 258.978 295 315 2.0
Rapier Engine 01.png
CR-7 R.A.P.I.E.R. Engine[Note 4] Small 6 000 2.00 2 000 20 50 162.30 180.0 8.27 9.18 12.036 275 305 3.0
  1. Consumes monopropellant. (the density of monopropellant is less: 4kg/unit)
  2. Consumes liquid fuel only.
  3. The LFB KR-1x2 is a liquid fuel booster -- a combination of a "normal" engine and a fuel tank.
  4. The R.A.P.I.E.R. Engine is a combination of liquid fuel and jet engine. Only the liquid fuel engine properties are shown.