Category:KSP 2 Planets

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The KSP 2 Team has confirmed 12 bodies some have very little information.

The KSP2 Team have confirmed 13 new bodies in ksp2, adding to the 16 (including the sun) bodies from ksp1 while 4 bodies have strong evidence but no confirmation, and one of the star systems has been confirmed but no name given, however the name was found in the code in the SOI when outside kerbols soi, a visual glitch appears in map view where 9 bodies orbital lines can be seen, if these are all new bodies yet to be seen, this would bring the total up to at least 43 Celestial objects in ksp2 with likely many more as this only includes bodies from the system visible.

Stars/Star systems

Kerbol System home star of the kerbals and only stock system in ksp1 and ksp2 before the interstellar update.

Deb Deb the first star system to be added to ksp2, an early system, this system has the most confirmed information

Second star system (should now be renamed to third and fourth system information now that a fourth system has been found in the code)

unconfirmed (but found in code) star systems

Tuun System little is known, this star systems name was found in the code, and will likely be released in the exploration update

Qeg System little is known, this star systems name was found in the code,and will likely be released in the exploration update


Char "heat blasted world of iron" likely incredibly close to its star due to the surface glowign red hot.

Gurdamma early earth analog, with massive close moon called donk

Ovin large super kerbin 3x as massive, large rings and no mountains

Rask hot terrestial world, part of the rask-rusk binary system

Rusk hot terrestial world, part of the rask-rusk binary system

Glumo saturn analog, with rings and one confirmed large moon merbel

Puf "eyeball planet" has massive circular ocean on one hemisphere, likely due to a mojor impact.

Lapat planet vegetation likely not in deb deb system


Donk large early Moon analog in orbit around Gurdamma, it is craterless in the higher and lower latitudes, while being heavily cratered on the equator, likely from collisions from ring material

Merbel large icey moon of glumo, has liquid blue oceans of possibly water or hydrocarbons. on the higher latitudes the surface is made of an ice of somekind, likely the same compound as the oceans.

Minor Bodies

Skutt a small arrowhead shaped asteroid or small moon.


Gup unconfirmed second much further out moon of Gurdamma

Axod unconfirmed body of somekind, literally nothing but the name is known, and that 3 other objects surround it.

Eighth Planet unconfirmed eighth planet for the kerbolar system, possibly scraped gas giant 2

Pages in category "KSP 2 Planets"

The following 15 pages are in this category, out of 15 total.