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Два состыкованных космических корабля обмениваются топливом.

Стыковка (англ. "docking") была официально введена в Космическую Программу Кербала в версия 0.18 и позволила отдельным космическим кораблям объединяться в единую конструкцию, которая управляется как единое целое и позволяет передачу ресурсов (но не кербанавтов) между присоединенными модулями.

Для того, чтобы оказаться достаточно близко, хотя бы для рассмотрения варианта стыковки, Вам нужно совершить сближение на орбите.

Использование управления стыковкой

Доступные стыковочные узлы.
Специализированное управление стыковкой, хотя оно не обязательно для использования при стыковке.

The faintly purple button around the bottom left corner of the screen (just below the green staging button, and above the blue map button) sets your ships into docking mode. In docking mode your main engines are shut off and your normal WASD controls map to RCS translation maneuvers instead. This mode requires that the craft is fitted with RCS.

To dock with a nearby object (смотрите страницу об основных маневрах для того, чтобы знать как совершать сближение с другим объектом на орбите), start by rotating your ships so their docking ports are facing each-other. Remember to toggle any docking-port covers if necessary. Also keep an eye out for how your ships will connect and make sure you won't run into solar panels or other modules on your approach.

Right click the docking port on your ship and hit "control from here". Now activate docking mode. What is happening now is that docking port will be seen as the "center" of your ship. Activate RCS (the default key is R) and the controls will be very similar to the EVA controls. WS will be used to move forward and backwards, AD will be used to move left and right, Shift and ^ Ctrl will be used to move up and down.

Once your docking ports are very close (or touching) they will magnetically clamp to each-other and you will have successfully docked. The tolerance for the clamps is quite generous, however, it can take some time for it to kick in - so once you get your ports in close proximity, just wait a bit before trying to get any closer (and possibly damage your ships). If your ports stick together, but don't actually dock, try turning the SAS off: it might be preventing your ship from turning a crucial few degrees.

Note that you don't have to be in docking mode to dock - if you manage to align your docking ports using the regular controls, everything will still work.

While docked, you can transfer resources (fuel, etc.) by clicking on a tank, and then Mod+right click on another target and pressing the desired In/Out switches of the windows that pop up.

As of 0.24.2[outdated], Kerbanauts have to be transferred manually using EVAs.

To undock simply right click either of the docking clamps and click undock. In order to facilitate separation, the magnetic clamping feature is turned off when undocking is executed. Once the ships have separated (about 5-10m) the magnetic clamping feature will automatically reset.

Стыковочные устройства

Существуют пять доступных стыковочных узлов, для различных размеров и направлений стыковки. Чтобы состыковать два космических корабля, они оба должны быть снабжены стыковочными узлами одного размера. При сборке космического корабля, другая деталь, которая не является стыковочным узлом, может быть размещена на нем. Эта деталь тогда может быть отстыкована, но не пристыкована повторно.

Мульти-стыковочные устройства

Тройное соединение между двумя частями большого аппарата.

Unfortunately, docking ports are not very rigid. This makes crafts which consist of multiple large sections very difficult to control. To mitigate this problem, you can use bi- or tri-couplers to mount multiple docking ports. The resulting multi-part connection is a lot more stable. Unfortunately docking these crafts is even more difficult than docking with a single-port connection, because now you also have to take care of the rotation of your craft. Otherwise it can happen that only one port connects. Should this happen, undock your craft and try again. Sometimes when using tri-couplers, it can happen that even though the orientation is perfect, only two ports are actually connected. You can tell by right-clicking the ports. When none of two ports has an "undock" option, they are not actually connected. This problem can be solved by going to the space center and reloading the ship.

Additionally, it is recommended to control a multi-part craft from the command pod closest to the center of mass of the whole contraption. In that case the direction on the navball is affected the least by the ends of the craft wobbling around.

Alternatively, since версия 0.20, Clamp-O-Tron Sr. Docking Ports have become a better way of keeping two large ships together than triple docking small Clamp-O-Tron Docking Ports, seeing as they cover the same area, but only need one attempt to completely dock together. However, docking together several very, VERY large ships together will require using several Clamp-O-Tron Sr. Docking Port anyway. Keep in mind larger ships will increase part count, and lag as a consequence.

It is possible to establish a multi-port connection without using a multi-coupler, but great care must be taken in the VAB when manually placing ports for this purpose.

Возможность стыковки

Various new abilities arose with the introduction of docking.

Дозаправка на орбите

A large rocket, such as an interplanetary rocket, may run out of fuel before leaving Kerbin's sphere of influence. When this happens, some tankers can be sent into orbit, dock and then transfer fuel from the tanker to the rocket. In order to start the refueling Mod+right click must be pressed on the two tanks that should send/receive fuel, and click on the appropriate panel that appears.

If you need to refuel frequently, you may consider building a large orbital tanker, or a space station with one.

Сборка космического корабля на орбите

A 3-component ship in low kerbin orbit

There is a limit of how large rockets can be built in the Vehicle Assembly Building. What does one do to fix this? Dock multiple crafts together to create a larger rocket! The cancelled Constellation program by NASA was planning to use this method for manned missions to the Moon and Mars.[1]

Note though that currently (as of 0.21.1) docking connectors are a bit wobbly, so ships from too many too heavy components will be hard to control. Docking ports can even rip off when put under too much stress. This problem can be mitigated by using multiple docking ports on bi- or tri-couplers (see above). A mod which offers a different workaround for this problem is the Quantum Strut mod. Or, one can use time warp to force-stop all rotation, wobbling, and such. Note, this may not work every time.

Отстыковываемые посадочные модули

A vessel with a detachable lander

This method was used during the human moon landings,[2] and it can be equally useful for the Kerbal. When you do a landing mission and have the intention of getting back to Kerbin, don't take all the fuel for the return flight to the surface of whatever planet you are visiting. Undock a lander with just enough fuel to get to the surface and back, and redock it with the return stage when it's back in orbit. You can save a lot of fuel that way, because the lander doesn't need to carry all the return fuel to the surface and back into orbit.

Небольшие внутри-игровые вычислительные системы

Стыковочные Узлы также можно использовать для создания ограниченных орбитальных компьютеров.[3]

Захват астероида

→ Смотрите также: "Захват астероидов" - раздел в статье об астероидах.

Захват астероидов настолько же прост, как и стыковка, но с небольшими отличиями. Поскольку используется Улучшенный Модуль Захвата, то астероид может быть пристыкован с любого направления и не требует своей копии на астероиде. Но астероид не может маневрировать сам по себе, так что только космический корабль, который нацелен на захват астероида может совершать маневры. Астероид не может быть захвачен с использованием стыковочного узла.

Обратите внимание


  1. Constellation program of NASA
  2. Apollo program of NASA
  3. группа Космической Программы Кербала по разработке компьютера” на форуме