User:Planet Creat0r
From Kerbal Space Program Wiki
Revision as of 17:31, 10 June 2016 by Planet Creat0r (talk | contribs)
This is my profile. Welcome to my official KSP Wiki page. These planet images are visuals, seen below.
About Me
I am a user known as Planet Creat0r, and I post my own images. (not modded pictures anymore) And my gallery has pictures you might've never before seen. They're awesome right???
Random Facts
- Kerbals can survive for years.
- Somehow, Bop is home to the Kraken which is a bug found in KSP.
- Using time warp can make you get to your destinations faster, but time itself is moving at the same speed.
- Kerbin rotates 6 hours a day.
- Wernher von Kerman has a mustache.
- Similar to the Kraken, the Cthulhu is a similar bug to it but it only attacks out of high time warp speeds.
More random facts later.
A 4-manned rover.
Bob Kerman on EVA next door to the Mun.
See you later. I have posted this much information to amaze myself and you. Again, see you later. Bye! Visit the Kerbin page if you haven't already! Also see KerbinthePlanet if so!!!
2nd Ending
Bye, and see you on Planet Kerbin!!!