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Questa è una lista di domande frequenti riguardo KSP.
Sentiti libero di ampliarle o aggiornarle.
== Fondamentali ==
=== Dove posso trovare Kerbal Space Program? ===
Il sito principale è [http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/ questo].
Nel sito principale sono disponibili la demo e le versioni complete. L'ultima versione è anche disponibile presso il portale [http://store.steampowered.com/app/220200/ Steam].
=== Quali sono le differenze tra la demo e la versione completa? ===
La demo è gratuita e manca di molte features che sono state aggiunte successivamente.
La demo include booster a stato solido, motori a combustibile liquido e pochi altri pezzi strettamente necessari.
Non include l'hangar, il complesso di arruolamento di cosmonauti, il laboratorio di ricerca e sviluppo e molti pezzi da costruzione. Mancano inoltre tutti i corpi celesti ad esclusione di [[Kerbin]], [[Mun]] e [[Kerbol]].
=== Quali caratteristiche verranno aggiunte? ===
Le trovi a [[Planned features/it|questa pagina]].
== Informazioni tecniche ==
=== Quali sono i requisiti di sistema richiesti? ===
Li trovi a [[System Specs/it|questa pagina]].
=== Il file che ho scaricato è corrotto! ===
Se si presenta l'errore "Archivio corrotto", vuol dire che qualcosa è andato storto durante il download. Puoi provare a:
* Disabilitare tutti i download manager.
* Pulire i file temporanei e la cache del tuo browser.
* Provare un altro browser.
Puoi infine verificare il file tramite [http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Checksum checksum].
Solitamente riscaricare il file risolve il problema.
=== Non riesco a caricare i miei salvataggi e/o i miei razzi! ===
* Gli aggiornamenti possono eliminare i file di salvataggio o dei razzi. Se il file ti è stato passato da un'altra persona controlla che le vostre versioni del gioco siano le stesse.
* Controlla di avere tutti gli addons che sono richiesti da l salvataggio o dal razzo. Puoi trovarli nei forum o [http://kerbalspaceport.com/ qui].
* Controlla che la tua installazione di [[KSP]] non sia stata danneggiata da qualche addon. Prova a reinstallare il gioco se non trovi una soluzione.
Suggerimento: Ogni tanto fa il backup dei salvataggi e dei razzi!
=== Nothing happens when I click on the "Resume Saved" button in the main menu! ===
This is usually caused by corrupted saves files. Open the <tt>KSP/saves</tt> folder and try moving all of the folders (except for <tt>scenarios</tt> and <tt>training</tt>) somewhere else. Then move them back one at a time and see if the button works again after each one. If it doesn't work, the last save folder you copied is corrupt. Your progress on that save is probably lost, however there are two things you can do:
# '''Replace the current state with that of a quicksave or autosave:''' Go into the folder for the corrupted save (<tt>KSP/saves/SAVENAME</tt>) and rename the <tt>persistent.sfs</tt> file to <tt>persistent2.sfs</tt>, so KSP will ignore it. Then rename <tt>quicksave.sfs</tt> to <tt>persistent.sfs</tt>. This will reset your current progress to that of the last quicksave or autosave. If the save file still won't load, your current missions can't be recovered, unless you know how to repair the files manually.
# '''Copy the crafts from the corrupted save to another one:''' Go to the <tt>Ships</tt> folders in the corrupted and an intact save's folders. Then copy the contents of the <tt>SPH</tt> and <tt>VAB</tt> folders from the corrupt save to the corresponding folders of the intact save. You should then be able to load the crafts in the intact save file.
Remember that multiple saves could be corrupt, so you might have to repeat the procedure!
=== Nothing happens when I click on the "Load" button in the VAB/SPH! ===
This is also caused by corrupted files. You will have to follow a similar procedure as described above:
Go to the craft folder of the save on which the problem occured (<tt>KSP/saves/SAVENAME/Ships</tt>) and you will find two folders: <tt>VAB</tt> (Vehicle Assembly Building crafts) and <tt>SPH</tt> (Spaceplane Hangar crafts). Move all the .craft files from the folder in question somewhere else, then move them back one at a time, and see if the button works again. If it does not, the last file you copied is corrupt and you will have to delete it, unless you know how to fix it manually.
Remember that there could be multiple corrupted files, so you might have to repeat the procedure.
=== Can I get older KSP versions back? ===
Yes, the last stable version before the current one can still be downloaded on your profile page at the [http://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/kspstore/ KSP store], where you will find it on the same page as the current version. Any versions before that one cannot be downloaded anymore though.
== Gameplay Related ==
==== Is there a list of key bindings? ====
Yes. Please see [[Key Bindings]].
==== How do I get things into orbit/land on a planet? ====
See our [[Tutorials]] for more info.
==== Can I change the order of the stages? ====
Yes, [[Getting Started#The Rocket.21|just drag the stage or the part where you want]]. As of 0.18, you can now do this in flight as well as in the VAB.
==== What's the difference between S.A.S and Advanced S.A.S? ====
With {{Version|0.21}} there is no difference between them anymore. The previous function of ASAS to hold the heading was moved to the SAS while the SAS instead became reaction wheels which provide torque. Like before with ASAS only one SAS module per ship is required, its performance depends on amount and positioning of the control systems like [[RCS]].
==== Why do parts of my rocket fall when I launch it? ====
Check the stats of the parts, you can't attach more then a specific weight on each part.
* Tip: Connect parts together with [[EAS-4 Strut Connector]] to help them from disconnecting.
==== Can I take screenshots of the game? ====
Yes! With the function key F1 you'll take a screenshot of the current scene. The screenshots will be saved in a folder called "Screenshots" that is located in your root folder of [[KSP]].
* Tip: Toggle the UI with F2, and toggle the marks of ships with F4.
==== Why I can't activate the next stage? ====
Please check if:
* You have pressed [[Key Bindings#Modifier key|Mod]] + L. This action will toggle the stage lock.
* You're in [[Docking|Docking Mode]].
* There isn't any activate command pod. If it's an unmanned ship, check if there's electric charge remained. If it's a manned ship, check if there's any Kerbanaut in.
* Your mouse is hovering over the staging viewer and editor on the left.
* You're at [[Time warp#Non-physical time warp|Time Warp]].
==== Why I can't control the ship anymore? ====
Please check if:
* There isn't any activate command pod. If it's an unmanned ship, check if there's electric charge remained. If it's a manned ship, check if there's any Kerbanaut in.
* You're at [[Time warp#Non-physical time warp|Time Warp]].
* There isn't enough [[electric charge]] for [[reaction wheel]]s.
* Your ship is completely destroyed. (I'm sorry for that.)
==== Why I can't do the Time Warp/save the current progress? ====
Please check if:
* The throttle is not at 0%. Press X to set it to 0% immediately.
* Your ship is spinning too fast.
* You're flying in atmosphere.
* You're moving over the terrain.
* Your ship is completely destroyed. (I'm sorry for that, once again.)
==== How can I recover Kerbonauts that have safely landed after a mission? ====
After a successful flight mission and landing back on planet Kerbin (version 0.21.1):
* Return to the main [[Kerbal Space Center]] view.
* Select the [[Tracking Station]] (building near the bottom right).
* Select the completed flight mission from the left.
* Click on the '''Recover''' button near the bottom left.
=== Flight ===
==== How do I stabilize the ship? ====
You have two options.
* Press T to toggle/switch S.A.S. on or off.
* Press F for momentary correction/stabilization (activates only for as long as you hold the F key down).
Attention, you must have at least one "SAS-Equipped" part and electric charge.
==== How do I use RCS? ====
See [[RCS]] for the basics.
* Tip: On smaller orbital modules RCS can be used instead of [[liquid engine]]s (don't forget to take enough RCS fuel!) Normally RCS is only used for orbital and landing procedures and to correct heading, not during take off or while in the Kerbin Atmosphere.
==== How do I transfer fuel between tanks? ====
Hold the [[Key Bindings#Modifier key|modifier key]] and right click the two tanks. You can then click In or Out on either tank to specify the direction of fuel flow.
==== Can I do the [[Time warp#Physical time warp|Physics Warp]] while in space? ====
Yes. You can toggle the Physics Warp by pressing "[[Key Bindings#Modifier key|Mod]] + ," and "[[Key Bindings#Modifier key|Mod]] + ." .
==== Can the object filter in Tracking Station be shown in Map View? ====
Yes. Move mouse to the top of the screen and it will show up.
==== Can I examine multiple types of objects at the same time? ====
By right clicking, you can do multiple selection in the object filter.
==== Can I rename a vehicle? ====
Right click an active command pod, then click "Rename Vehicle". You'll be able to change the name and the type of this vehicle.
==== Why doesn't the orientation of the Nav Ball follow what I want it to be? ====
Each ship has the "axis of control". You can change it by right clicking any command pod or docking port then clicking "Control from Here". If you have tried all the command pods and docking ports and you still can't get the orientation you want, just make your way to attach a command pod or docking port with the right direction.
==== Can I see the ship at different angles? ====
By right clicking and drag you can make the camera orbit the ship, and by middle clicking and drag you can change the attitude of the camera in a limited range.
Press V to change the camera mode (Auto/Free/Orbit/Chase). Press C to switch between external view and IVA view.
==== How do I make [[Maneuver node|Flight Planning]] more precise during interplanetary transfer? ====
You can try opening settings.cfg in game folder with Notepad and change "CONIC_PATCH_DRAW_MODE = 3" to "CONIC_PATCH_DRAW_MODE = 0". This will make each trajectory drawn at the current position of celestial bodies. So you can focus the celestial body you're planning to reach.
==== Can trajectory prediction work with more SOI changes? ====
Open settings.cfg with Notepad and change "CONIC_PATCH_LIMIT = 3" to a higher value.
=== Ground ===
==== Why does my rover "lift itself" in low-gravity environments? ====
It's because of the overpowered reaction wheels. You can make reaction wheels no longer work by doing any of the following actions:
* Switch to [[Docking|Docking Mode]];
* Right click the parts with reaction wheels, then click "Toggle Torque".
* Enter the Main Menu, click Settings, then Input, then Rovers. Change the controls of rovers from W/S/A/D to something other, like I/K/J/L.
==== Why do the wheels of my rover break? ====
It's because your velocity over surface is beyond the maximum velocity of the wheel, or your wheel hits the ground too hard.
You can repair the wheel by walking a Kerbanaut near it, then right clicking on the wheel and clicking "Repair Wheel".
=== EVA ===
==== Why does my Kerbal always walk with the back to the camera? ====
Press [[Key Bindings#Modifier key|Mod]] to switch to free-walking mode.
==== Can Kerbals jump in different directions when on ladders? ====
Press Shift + (W/S/A/D) + Space. Press Shift + Space to jump backward, Shift + A to jump to the left, etc.
==== How can I orient Kerbals to the direction of camera? ====
Make sure the jet pack is activated, then press Space.
==== Why do some Kerbals laugh during the entire mission, while others panic easily? ====
The expression of Kerbals is determined by an extremely complex, mysterious and scientific system - so complicated that it can't be explained here. But you can still find some clues about this system, like Kerbals with high Courage won't become panic easily and Kerbals with high Stupidity will find fun in spinning, and Kerbals with a true badS (Badass) parameter (you can find it in .sfs files) will laugh all the way.
By the way, Jebediah's badS is true, Bill is false, and Bob is false.
=== VAB/SPH ===
==== Can I undo/redo my actions? ====
Yes, by pressing Ctrl + Z and Ctrl + Y.
==== Can I rotate the parts? ====
Yes, by pressing Q/E/W/S/A/D you will be able to rotate parts by 90° and by pressing Shift + Q/E/W/S/A/D you will rotate parts by 5°.
All right, I know you haven't read [[Key Bindings]].
==== How do I transfer a craft between the VAB and the SPH? ====
The .craft files you made are located in \saves\*The name of the save*\Ships\VAB and \saves\*The name of the save*\Ships\SPH. Any .craft file in these two folders will be shown in corresponding buildings, no matter what type it is. As for the type, you can edit the file with Notepad, change "type = VAB" or "type = SPH" to change the type of the craft permanently.
== Development Related ==
=== What happened to Experimental Releases? ===
In order to improve quality, Squad has created an internal team of community members hand-picked for their ability to post useful bug reports.  Experimental releases are now only available to this team.
=== How can I join the Experimental team? ===
Community members are chosen by Squad, so one cannot join the team by asking.  Having a knack for posting informative, clear bug reports with reproduction steps, logs, version of the game, etc. will definitely help your chances, though.
=== I think I've found a bug! ===
In a piece of software so early in development as KSP, it's very likely there will be bugs in the program. If you've found something that can potentially be a bug, you can report it to the Dev team on the [http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com Squad Bugtracker]. To make your report easier to identify as a bug, please follow the [http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/3610-Bug-Reporting-Guidelines Guidelines to Bug Reporting], and please check to see if there aren't other reports about the same issue already.
=== When is the next version coming out? ===
There are no fixed release dates for new versions. There may be announcements for new versions on the [http://kerbaldevteam.tumblr.com/ dev blog] though.
=== Is there multiplayer? ===
Not at this time, nor is it being considered until the game's development is complete. Main issues with implementing multiplayer deal with handling [[time warp]] for all players. It may be released as a DLC at some point, so please do not post suggestions for multiplayer in the development suggestions forum at this time. Current community-posted ideas and unsupported implementations can be found in the [[multiplayer]] article.
== Wiki ==
=== Why is my page edit being blocked? ===
In order to curb spam, the Kerbal Space Program wiki has a spam blacklisting system.  If a page edit has any blacklisted terms, you will be unable to post that edit.--!>

Revision as of 18:43, 17 March 2017

Questa è una lista di domande frequenti riguardo KSP.

Sentiti libero di ampliarle o aggiornarle.


Dove posso trovare Kerbal Space Program?

Il sito principale è questo. Nel sito principale sono disponibili la demo e le versioni complete. L'ultima versione è anche disponibile presso il portale Steam.

Quali sono le differenze tra la demo e la versione completa?

La demo è gratuita e manca di molte features che sono state aggiunte successivamente. La demo include booster a stato solido, motori a combustibile liquido e pochi altri pezzi strettamente necessari. Non include l'hangar, il complesso di arruolamento di cosmonauti, il laboratorio di ricerca e sviluppo e molti pezzi da costruzione. Mancano inoltre tutti i corpi celesti ad esclusione di Kerbin, Mun e Kerbol.

Quali caratteristiche verranno aggiunte?

Le trovi a questa pagina.

Informazioni tecniche

Quali sono i requisiti di sistema richiesti?

Li trovi a questa pagina.

Il file che ho scaricato è corrotto!

Se si presenta l'errore "Archivio corrotto", vuol dire che qualcosa è andato storto durante il download. Puoi provare a:

  • Disabilitare tutti i download manager.
  • Pulire i file temporanei e la cache del tuo browser.
  • Provare un altro browser.

Puoi infine verificare il file tramite checksum. Solitamente riscaricare il file risolve il problema.

Non riesco a caricare i miei salvataggi e/o i miei razzi!

  • Gli aggiornamenti possono eliminare i file di salvataggio o dei razzi. Se il file ti è stato passato da un'altra persona controlla che le vostre versioni del gioco siano le stesse.
  • Controlla di avere tutti gli addons che sono richiesti da l salvataggio o dal razzo. Puoi trovarli nei forum o qui.
  • Controlla che la tua installazione di KSP non sia stata danneggiata da qualche addon. Prova a reinstallare il gioco se non trovi una soluzione.

Suggerimento: Ogni tanto fa il backup dei salvataggi e dei razzi!