Cheat sheet/zh-cn
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推重比 (TWR)
- → See also: Thrust-to-weight ratio
- 是引擎推力
- 是航天器总质量
- 是航天器所受重力加速度 (通常为天体表面的重力加速度)
比冲 (Isp)
- → See also: Specific impulse
速度增量 (Δv)
- → See also: Tutorial:Advanced Rocket Design
- 得出的速度增量单位为 m/s
- 起飞重量
- 燃料使用(喷)光之后的重量
- 飞行器的比冲
Δv 穿越大气层所需要的速度增量
Body | Δvout |
Kerbin | 1000 m/s |
其他星球数据未知 |
计算火箭级的(Δv),考虑从大气向真空转变。Delta{v}_{out}是离开大气层所需的(Δv)量,不能达到轨道。 该方程可用于计算有大气层内发射到真空损耗的(Δv)
Δv 的章鱼图 (KSP 1.2.1):
Total Δv values
Δv change values
Δv with Phase Angles
Precise Total Δv values
WAC's Δv Map for KSP 1.0.4
最大Δv 表
- 这张表格可以使你快速检索到每种引擎能到达的(Δv)的最大值(没有分级的情况下)
比冲(Vac) (s) 最大 Δv (m/s) 对应引擎 250 5394 O-10 "Puff" 290 6257 LV-1R "Spider"
24-77 "Twitch"300 6473 KR-1x2 "Twin-Boar" 305 6581 CR-7 R.A.P.I.E.R.
Mk-55 "Thud"310 6689 LV-T30 "Reliant"
RE-M3 "Mainsail"315 6797 LV-1 "Ant"
KS-25 "Vector"
KS-25x4 "Mammoth"320 6905 48-7S "Spark"
LV-T45 "Swivel"
RE-I5 "Skipper"340 7336 KR-2L+ "Rhino"
T-1 "Dart"345 7444 LV-909 "Terrier" 350 7552 RE-L10 "Poodle" 800 21837 LV-N "Nerv" 4200 33751 IX-6315 "Dawn"
(Version: 1.2.2)
- 同上:
- TWR = F / (m * g) > 1
- 当所有引擎的比冲都相等时, 则当前级的比冲为引擎的比冲. 所以 六个比冲为200的引擎组成的引擎组,它们的比冲也是200.
- 如果不相等,则参考下列公式计算:
- 公式:
- 简化版:
- Isp = ( F1 + F2 + ... ) / ( ( F1 / Isp1 ) + ( F2 / Isp2 ) + ... )
- 解释:
- Isp = ( 第一台发动机推力 + 第二台发动机推力...等等... ) / ( ( 第一台发动机的推力 / 第一台发动机的比冲 ) + ( 第二台发动机的推力 / 第二台发动机的比冲 ) + ...第n台... )
- 举个栗子:
- 两个引擎,一号引擎200N推力120s比冲。二号引擎50N推力200s比冲.
- Isp = (200 N + 50 N) / ( ( 200 N / 120 s ) + ( 50 N / 200 s ) = 130.4347826 seconds
- 计算大气层中的速度增量使用大气层中的比冲值.
- 计算真空中的速度增量使用真空中的比冲值.
- 用下面的等式来计算每一级能获得的速度增量:
- 等式:
- 简写:
- Δv = ln ( Mstart / Mdry ) * 比冲 * g
- 解释:
- Δv = ln ( 起飞重量 / 燃料用光后重量 ) X Isp X 9.81
- 举例:
- 单级火箭起飞重量23t, 空重15t, 引擎比冲为120s.
- Δv = ln ( 23 Tons / 15 Tons ) × 120 seconds Isp × 9.81m/s² = 总速度增量为 503.0152618 m/s
- 最简单的计算方式为忽略除燃料罐(含燃料)之外的所有重量。
- 公式:
- 简化版:
- Δv =21.576745349086 * Isp
- 解释和例子:
- 这个公式中的常数是根据下ln(燃料罐满重、燃料罐空重)计算出来的,在燃料罐无线大时,其他组件的重量都可以被忽略.
- The following example will use a single stage and fuel tanks in the T-100 to Jumbo 64 range with an engine that outputs 380 seconds Isp.
- Δv = ln ( 18 Tons / 2 Tons ) × 380 seconds Isp × 9.81m/s² = Maximum Δv of 8199.1632327878 m/s
- Δv = 2.1972245773 × 380 seconds Isp × 9.82m/s² = Maximum Δv of 8199.1632327878 m/s (Replaced the log of mass with a constant as the ratio of total mass to dry mass is constant regardless of the number of tanks used as there is no other mass involved)
- Δv = 21.576745349086 × 380 seconds Isp = Maximum Δv of 8199.1632327878 m/s (Reduced to its most simple form by combining all the constants)
True Δv
- How to calculate the Δv of a rocket stage that transitions from Kerbin atmosphere to vacuum.
- Assumption: It takes approximately 1000 m/s of Δv to escape Kerbin's atmosphere before vacuum Δv values take over for the stage powering the transition.
- Note: This equation is an guess, approximation, and is not 100% accurate. Per forum user stupid_chris who came up with the equation: "The results will vary a bit depending on your TWR and such, but it should usually be pretty darn accurate."
- Equation for Kerbin atmospheric escape:
- Simplified:
- True Δv = ( ( Δv atm - 1000 ) / Δv atm ) * Δv vac + 1000
- Explained:
- True Δv = ( ( Total Δv in atmosphere - 1000 m/s) / Total Δv in atmosphere ) X Total Δv in vacuum + 1000
- Example:
- Single stage with total atmospheric Δv of 5000 m/s, and rated 6000 Δv in vacuum.
- Transitional Δv = ( ( 5000 Δv atm - 1000 Δv required to escape Kerbin atmosphere ) / 5000 Δv atm ) X 6000 Δv vac + 1000 Δv required to escape Kerbin atmosphere = Total Δv of 5800 m/s