Key bindings/zh-cn
From Kerbal Space Program Wiki
动作组( Action Group)是指游戏中可编程的控制组
按键 | 反应 | 加入版本 | 动作组 |
系统/界面控制 | |||
+ | 放大 | 0.08.5 | |
- | 缩小 | 0.08.5 | |
Mod+F2 | 打开调试控制台 | 0.08.5 | |
M | 轨道/地图切换 | 0.11.0 | |
Tab | Cycle focus in Orbital Map | 0.11.0 | |
Shift+Tab | Reverse cycle focus in Orbital Map | 0.11.0? | |
Backspace | Reset focus in Orbital Map | 0.17.0 | |
Insert | Staging view (the "default" view) | 0.18 | |
Delete | Docking view | 0.18 | |
. | 时间加速 加快 | 0.11.0 | |
, | 时间加速 减慢 | 0.11.0 | |
Mod+. | 物理时间加速 加快 | 0.17.0 | |
Mod+, | 物理时间加速 减慢 | 0.17.0 | |
. (numpad del) | Toggle Navball | 0.12.0? | |
] | Cycle through active ships (forwards) | 0.14.0 | |
[ | Cycle through active ships (backwards) | 0.14.0 | |
F1 | 截图 | 0.07.3 | |
F2 | 显示/隐藏界面 | 0.13.0 | |
F3 | Toggle Results Screen | 0.14.0 | |
F4 | Toggle Ship Labels | 0.14.0 | |
F5 | 快速保存 | 0.14.0 | |
F9 | 快速读取 | 0.14.0 | |
Ctrl+F10 | Load saved game state dialogue box (hidden feature, looks in /KSP/saves/scenarios/) | 0.14.1? | |
Mod+F12 | 调试菜单 | 0.19.0 | |
飞行控制 | |||
W | Pitch adjustment (up/back) | 0.07.3 | |
S | Pitch adjustment (down/forward) | 0.07.3 | |
A | Yaw adjustment (port/left) | 0.07.3 | |
D | Yaw adjustment (starboard/right) | 0.07.3 | |
Q | Roll adjustment (clockwise) | 0.07.3 | |
E | Roll adjustment (counter clockwise) | 0.07.3 | |
C | Toggle camera view [auto/free/chase] in 0.13.3 | 0.07.3 | |
C | Toggle IVA view | 0.17.0 | |
V | Toggle camera view [auto/free/orbital] since 0.17 | 0.17.0 | |
Left-Shift | Increase throttle | 0.07.3 | |
Left-Control | Decrease throttle | 0.07.3 | |
Space | Advance stage (This is important! Do not press accidentally!) | 0.07.3 | Yes |
T | Toggle S.A.S. Module and S.A.S functions in other parts | 0.07.3 | Yes |
F | Hold to temporarily invert S.A.S. Module state and S.A.S functions in other parts | 0.07.3 | |
Mod+L | Lock current stage (very useful before you accidentally hit the spacebar) | 0.08.4 | |
Caps Lock | Toggle between instant or precision control mode | 0.08.5 | |
R | Toggle RCS Thrusters | 0.11.0 | Yes |
H | RCS Thruster forward | 0.11.0 | |
N | RCS Thruster rearward | 0.11.0 | |
I | RCS Thruster translate down | 0.11.0 | |
J | RCS Thruster translate left | 0.11.0 | |
K | RCS Thruster translate up | 0.11.0 | |
L | RCS Thruster translate right | 0.11.0 | |
X | Stop all engines (hidden 0.12 function) | 0.12.0 | |
G | Toggle Landing Struts position | 0.14.0 | Yes |
Mod+WSADQE | Trim Pitch/Yaw/Roll | 0.15.0 | |
Mod+X | Reset trim | 0.15.0 | |
B | 轮胎刹车 | 0.15.0 | Yes |
U | 载具灯光开关 | 0.15.0 | Yes |
] | Cycle through active ships/EVAs (forwards) | 0.14.0 | |
[ | Cycle through active ships/EVAs (backwards) | 0.14.0 | |
1, 2, 3... | Toggle Custom Action Group 1, 2, 3... | 0.18.0 | Yes |
Backspace | Emergency abort (programmable as custom action group) | 0.18.0 | Yes |
Right Click | Open part info window | 0.15.0 | |
Mod + Right Click | Open multiple info windows/Fuel transfer (should click on both fuel tanks) | 0.18.0 | |
Home | Scroll Icons Up | 0.09.0 | |
End | Scroll Icons Down | 0.09.0 | |
Docking mode | |||
W | Pitch adjustment (up/back) / Translate forward | 0.18.0 | |
S | Pitch adjustment (down/forward) / Translate backward | 0.18.0 | |
A | Yaw adjustment (port/left) / Translate left | 0.18.0 | |
D | Yaw adjustment (starboard/right) / Translate right | 0.18.0 | |
Q | Roll adjustment | 0.18.0 | |
E | Roll adjustment | 0.18.0 | |
Left-Shift | Translate up | ???? | |
Left-Control | Translate down | ???? | |
Space | Toggle translation/rotation | 0.18.0 | ???? |
EVA Commands | |||
W | Walk/jet forward | 0.16.0 | |
S | Walk/jet left | 0.16.0 | |
A | Walk/jet right | 0.16.0 | |
D | Walk/jet back | 0.16.0 | |
Shift | Jet up | 0.16.0 | |
Control | Jet down | 0.16.0 | |
Space | Jump/Reorient - Let go of ladder | 0.16.0 | |
F | Use (enter vehicle) | 0.16.0 | |
L | Toggle headlamps | 0.16.0 | |
R | Toggle jetpack | 0.16.0 | |
Mod | Toggle movement | 0.16.0 | |
] | Cycle through active ships/EVAs (forwards) | 0.14.0 | |
[ | Cycle through active ships/EVAs (backwards) | 0.14.0 | |
Space | Orient camera to view | ???? | |
VAB/SPH Commands | |||
Ctrl+Z | Undo last action | 0.08.0 | |
Ctrl+Y | Redo last action] | 0.08.0 | |
Mod+left mouse click | Duplicate part or assembly in VAB | 0.08.5 | |
C | Toggle Angle Snap | 0.15.0 | |
X | Scroll through symmetry settings | 0.08.5 | |
Shift + X | Go back one symmetry setting | 0.18.0 | |
Page Up | Scroll view up | 0.08.5 | |
Page Down | Scroll view down | 0.08.5 | |
Shift+left mouse click | Select the entire ship | 0.09.0 | |
+ / Middle Click-Drag Up | Zoom view in | 0.08.5 | |
- / Middle Click-Drag Down | Zoom view out | 0.08.5 | |
W | Rotate part backwards | 0.15.0 | |
S | Rotate part forwards | 0.15.0 | |
A | Rotate part counterclockwise (flat) in VAB | 0.15.0 | |
D | Rotate part clockwise (flat) | 0.15.0 | |
Q | Rotate part counterclockwise | 0.15.0 | |
E | Rotate part clockwise in VAB | 0.15.0 | |
Shift | Hold to rotate parts in 5 degree increments | 0.15.0 | |
Space | Reset part rotation | 0.15.0 |
Highlight legend
- - RCS
- - (A)SAS
- - EVA
- - Docking
Modifier key
Because KSP can run on different operating systems the modifier key (Mod) differs between then. In the table above the generic “Mod” key is mapped to the following keys:
- Windows: Alt (Alt+L)
- Mac OS: Option (⌥) (Opt+L)
- Linux: Right Shift (Right Shift+L)
As an example Mod+L locks the current stage. The different key combinations in brackets after the text show the OS's depending key combination.
External links
- As PDF – Controls of version 0.18.0 as one single paged PDF