Kerbal Space Center/cs

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< Kerbal Space Center
Revision as of 19:39, 31 July 2013 by XZise (talk | contribs) (See also: *renamed the second/third KSC;)
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Template:Location Kerbalské vesmírné centrum (Kerbal Space Center, KSC), nacházející se na Kerbinu, je prozatím jediné místo ve hře, odkud můžete kdykoliv odstartovat. Obsahuje několik budov, které hráči dovolují dostat se k většině funkcí ve hře a ovládat je.

Funkční budovy

Vehicle Assembly Building

Vehicle Assembly Building (krátce také VAB) je velká budova v KSC, kde je možné stavět jakékoliv rakety, které startují horizontálně. Rakety postavené ve VAB mohou odstartovat pouze na Launch Padu.

Launch pad

Souřadnice 0.1027°S 74.5754°W
Nadmořská výška ~68.41 m

Crafts designed in the VAB will be launched from the launch pad. This launch platform allows only vertical launches or starts of rovers, as it is elevated and planes don't have enough space to climb.

Space Plane Hangar

The Space Plane Hangar (or SPH for short) is a facility similar to the VAB that allows construction of air- and spacecraft in a horizontal environment which can then be launched from a conventional runway.


Coordinates 0.0406°S 74.6913°W
Altitude ~65.75 m
(of the west end)

Vessels designed in the Space Plane Hangar can only be launched from the Runway. It can also be used for landing. At the moment there is only one runway (09/27) in service with a length about 1.8 km going from east to west. By default crafts designed in the SPH are facing 90° and starting from the west end.

Tracking Station

The Tracking Station allows access, observation and management of all missions currently active, including splashed-down or landed ships. Note that this does not include crashed or otherwise ended missions.

Flag Pole

The Flag Pole shows a flag which can be chosen by clicking on it on the overview screen.

Non-functional Structures

Coolant Tanks

A big globular Coolant Tank with a climbable ladder as well as three smaller Coolant Tanks can be found southwest of the Launchpad.

Water Tower

Located southeast of the Launchpad, the Water Tower is about as tall as the former Launchpad Tower.

Flag Pole

A second flag pole can be found on the northeast of the Launch Pad.

Location of the KSC on Kerbin, From Orbit

To assist in spotting the KSC from orbit, please refer to this handy map (it's marked with the red arrow):

See also


  • Added flagpoles
  • Removed Non-Functional Launchpad Tower.
  • Moved Mk1 pod memorial behind VAB.
  • Added memorial to Mk1 pod outside VAB.
  • Ladder on coolant tank made functional.
  • SPH and Runway added.
  • Tracking Station added.
  • Initial Release - included VAB and launch pad.