SPRT Medium Scanning Arm

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SPRT Medium Scanning Arm
Part image
Scanning arm by
Experimental Engineering Group

Radial size Radial mounted
Cost (total) 600.00 Funds
Mass (total) 0.140 t
Drag 0.2
Max. Temp. 2000 K
Impact Tolerance 12 m/s
Research ScanningTech.png Scanning Tech
Unlock cost 6 500 Funds
Since version 1.7.1
Part configuration RobotArmScanner_S2.cfg
Reach 3 m
Electricity required 19.7 ⚡/s
Experiment Surface Feature Report
Collectable Yes
Rerunnable Yes
Resettable Yes
Electricity required None
Packed volume 400 l

Product description

The Experimental Engineering Group has triumped in creating a larger version of their previous scanning arm, duplicating their heroic feat for a twice-in-a-lifetime scientific accomplishment.

The medium scanning arm incoporates a 3rd instrument for further data gathering, increasing the amount of data the arm can gather.

Experimental Engineering Group


Search for a surface feature from the Breaking Ground expansion, they can be found either by flyby or by using the ROC finder in the cheat menu.

Warning: Surface features may not be active if you continue a saved game right after buying the expansion. There is a (risky) workaround for this.

Here are their location per biome.

Once the surface feature is found, get close to it and right-click on the arm to start the scan. The ship must be at a full stop and the arm must have enough room and electricity to perform the experiment.

When the experiment is finished you'll have a standard experiment report telling you to upgrade your arm in order to have more science points. You can right-click on the arm while controling a Kerbal to take the experiment with you.


Real-world comparison

The name SPRT is an abbreviation of the Mars rover Spirit.


  • Initial Release