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==== {{lang
==== {{lang
|en=[[Liquid fuel tank|Liquid Fuel Tanks]]
|en=[[Fuel_tank#Rocket_fuel_tanks|Rocket fuel tanks]]
|fr=Réservoirs à Carburant Liquide
|fr=Réservoirs à ergol liquide
|ru=Баки с жидким топливом
|ru=[[Fuel_tank/ru#Баки ракетного топлива|Баки ракетного топлива]]
|pl=Zbiorniki na paliwo ciekłe
|pl=Zbiorniki na paliwo ciekłe
Line 8: Line 8:
|it=Serbatoi di carburante liquido
|it=Serbatoi di carburante liquido
|es=Tanques de combustible líquido
|es=[[Fuel_tank/es#Rocket_fuel_tanks/es|Tanques de combustible para cohetes]]
|pt=Tanques de combustível Liquido
|pt=Tanques de combustível Liquido
|hr=Spremnici tekućeg raketnog goriva
|hr=Spremnici tekućeg raketnog goriva
|hu=[[Liquid fuel tank/hu|Folyékony Hajtóanyag Tartályok]] [Liquid Fuel Tanks]
|hu=[[Liquid fuel tank/hu|Folyékony Hajtóanyag Tartályok]] [Liquid Fuel Tanks]
}} ====
}} ====
{{Stats Table Liquid Fuel Tanks}}
|ru=В этих баках содержатся одновременно [[liquid fuel/ru|жидкое топливо]] и [[oxidizer/ru|окиcлитель]]
{{Stats table rocket fuel tanks}}
==== {{lang
==== {{lang
|en=Fuselages (Jet Fuel Tanks)
|en=[[Fuel_tank#Liquid_fuel_tanks|Liquid fuel tanks]] (Jet fuel fuselages)
|fr=Fuselages (Réservoirs à Carburant pour Avions)
|fr=Fuselages (Réservoirs à carburant pour avions)
|ru=Фюзеляжи (Реактивное топливо)
|ru=[[Fuel_tank/ru#Баки жидкого топлива|Баки жидкого топлива]]
|pl=Zbiorniki na paliwo lotnicze
|pl=Zbiorniki na paliwo lotnicze
|ko=제트연료탱크|it=Serbatoi di carburante per Jet
|ko=제트연료탱크|it=Serbatoi di carburante per Jet
|es=Fuselajes (Tanques para motores jet)
|es=[[Fuel_tank/es#Liquid_fuel_tanks/es|Tanques de combustible liquido]] (Fuselajes de combustible de Jet)
|pt=fuselagens ( Tanques para motores de Jatos )
|pt=fuselagens ( Tanques para motores de Jatos )
|ja=胴体 (ジェット燃料タンク)
|hr=Trupovi (spremnici avionskog goriva)
|hr=Trupovi (spremnici avionskog goriva)
|hu=Repülőgéptörzsek (Folyékony Üzemanyag Tartályok) [Fuselages]
|hu=Repülőgéptörzsek (Folyékony Üzemanyag Tartályok) [Fuselages]
Line 32: Line 37:
|en=Jet fuel is identical to the liquid fuel in liquid fuel tanks.
|en=Jet fuel is identical to the liquid fuel in liquid fuel tanks.
|fr=Le Carburant pour avions est identique au Carburant Liquide, mais ne contient pas d'agent oxydant, afin de rendre les fuselages plus légers.
|fr=Le carburant pour avions est identique à l'ergol liquide des réservoirs à ergol liquide.
|de=Flugzeugtreibstoff ist der selben Brennstoff wie in Flüssigtreibstofftanks.
|de=Flugzeugtreibstoff ist der selben Brennstoff wie in Flüssigtreibstofftanks.
|es=El combustible para jets es idéntico al combustible líquido.
|es=El combustible para reactores es idéntico al combustible líquido en los tanques de combustible líquido.
|pt=O combustível para jato e idêntico ao combustível liquido
|pt=O combustível para jato e idêntico ao combustível liquido
Line 40: Line 45:
|hu=Csak folyékony üzemanyagot tárolnak, oxidálószer nélkül.
|hu=Csak folyékony üzemanyagot tárolnak, oxidálószer nélkül.
|ko=제트 연료는 액체 연료 통의 액체 연료와 동일합니다.
|ko=제트 연료는 액체 연료 통의 액체 연료와 동일합니다.
{{Stats Table Fuselage}}
{{Stats table liquid fuel tanks|dedicated=yes}}
==== {{lang
==== {{lang
|en=[[RCS|RCS Fuel Tanks]]
|en=[[RCS|RCS fuel tanks]]
|fr=Réservoirs de RCS
|fr=[[RCS/fr|Réservoirs d'ergol pour RCS]]
|ru=[[RCS/ru|Баки для RCS]]
|ru=Баки [[Monopropellant/ru|монотоплива]]
|pl=Zbiorniki na RCS
|pl=Zbiorniki na RCS
Line 52: Line 58:
|it=Serbatoi RCS
|it=Serbatoi RCS
|es=Tanques de combustible monopropelente (RCS)
|es=[[RCS/es|Tanques de combustible RCS]]
|pt=Tanques de combustível Monopropelente (RCS)
|pt=Tanques de combustível Monopropelente (RCS)
Line 61: Line 67:
|en=[[Xenon gas|Xenon Tanks]]
|en=[[Xenon gas|Xenon tanks]]
|fr=Réservoirs à Xénon
|fr=[[Xenon gas/fr|Réservoirs à Xénon]]
|ja=[[Xenon gas/ja|キセノンタンク]]
|it=Serbatoi di Gas Xenon
|it=[[Xenon gas/it|Bombole per Gas Xeno]]
|ru=Баки с Ксеноном
|ru=[[Xenon gas/ru|Баки с ксеноном]]
|hu=[[Xenon gas/hu|Xenontartályok]]
|hu=[[Xenon gas/hu|Xenontartályok]]
|de=[[Xenon gas/de|Xenontanks]]
|es=[[Xenon gas/es|Tanques de Xenón]]
{{Stats Table Xenon Tanks}}
{{Stats Table Xenon Tanks}}
|en=[[Ore tank]]s
|fr=[[Ore tank/fr|Réservoirs à minerai]]
|hu=[[Ore tank/hu|Érctárolók]]
|de=[[Ore tank/de|Erzcontainer]]
|it=[[Ore tank/it|Stoccaggio Minerali]]
|es=[[Ore tank/es|Tanque de mineral]]
|ru=[[Ore tank/ru|Контейнеры для руды]]
{{Stats table ore tanks}}
|en=Fuel transfer
|fr=Transfert d'ergols
|it=Trasferimento di Carburante
|es=Transferencia de combustible
|ru=Топливная арматура
{{Stats table fuel transfer}}

Latest revision as of 16:53, 30 November 2024

Rocket fuel tanks


Liquid fuel and oxidizer density are both 5 kg/unit Mass

(Units of fuel)
(Units of fuel)
Image Part Radial size Cost
Full Empty Max. Temp.
R-4 FT.png
R-4 'Dumpling' External Tank X 50
0.1238 0.0138 2 000 5 50 9.9 12.1
R-11 FT.png
R-11 'Baguette' External Tank X 50
0.3038 0.0338 2 000 5 50 24.3 29.7
R-12 FT.png
R-12 'Doughnut' External Tank Small 147
0.3375 0.0375 2 000 6 50 27 33
Oscar-B FT.png
Oscar-B Fuel Tank Tiny 70
0.225 0.025 2 000 6 50 18 22
FL-T100 Dark.png
FL-T100 Fuel Tank Small 150
0.5625 0.0625 2 000 6 50 45 55
FL-T200 Dark.png
FL-T200 Fuel Tank Small 275
1.125 0.125 2 000 6 50 90 110
FL-T400 Dark.png
FL-T400 Fuel Tank Small 500
2.25 0.25 2 000 6 50 180 220
FL-T800 Dark.png
FL-T800 Fuel Tank Small 800
4.5 0.5 2 000 6 50 360 440
X200-8 White.png
Rockomax X200-8 Fuel Tank Large 800
4.5 0.5 2 000 6 50 360 440
X200-16 White.png
Rockomax X200-16 Fuel Tank Large 1 550
9 1 2 000 6 50 720 880
X200-32 White.png
Rockomax X200-32 Fuel Tank Large 3 000
(1 531.2)
18 2 2 000 6 50 1 440 1 760
Jumbo-64 White.png
Rockomax Jumbo-64 Fuel Tank Large 5 750
(2 812.4)
36 4 2 000 6 50 2 880 3 520
Kerbodyne S3-3600 Tank.png
Kerbodyne S3-3600 Tank Extra large 3 250
(1 597.6)
20.25 2.25 2 000 6 50 1 620 1 980
Kerbodyne S3-7200 Tank.png
Kerbodyne S3-7200 Tank Extra large 6 500
(3 195.2)
40.5 4.5 2 000 6 50 3 240 3 960
Kerbodyne S3-14400 Tank.png
Kerbodyne S3-14400 Tank Extra large 13 000
(6 390.4)
81 9 2 000 6 50 6 480 7 920
Mk2 LF+O Fuselage Short.png
Mk2 Rocket Fuel Fuselage Short Mk2 750
2.29 0.29 2 500 50 50 180 220
Mk2 LF+O Fuselage.png
Mk2 Rocket Fuel Fuselage Mk2 1 450
(1 082.8)
4.57 0.57 2 500 50 50 360 440
Mk3 Rocket Fuel Fuselage Short.png
Mk3 Rocket Fuel Fuselage Short Mk3 2 500
(1 352.5)
14.29 1.79 2 700 50 50 1 125 1 375
Mk3 Rocket Fuel Fuselage.png
Mk3 Rocket Fuel Fuselage Mk3 5 000
(2 705)
28.57 3.57 2 700 50 50 2 250 2 750
Mk3 Rocket Fuel Fuselage Long.png
Mk3 Rocket Fuel Fuselage Long Mk3 10 000
(5 410)
57.14 7.14 2 700 50 50 4 500 5 500
C7 Brand Adapter - 2.5m to 1.25m.png
C7 Brand Adapter - 2.5m to 1.25m Small, Large 800
4.57 0.57 2 300 20 50 360 440
C7 Brand Adapter Slanted - 2.5m to 1.25m.png
C7 Brand Adapter Slanted - 2.5m to 1.25m Small, Large 800
4.57 0.57 2 300 20 50 360 440
Mk2 to 1.25m Adapter.png
Mk2 to 1.25m Adapter Small, Mk2 550
2.29 0.29 2 500 50 50 180 220
Mk2 to 1.25m Adapter Long.png
Mk2 to 1.25m Adapter Long Small, Mk2 1 050
4.57 0.57 2 500 50 50 360 440
Mk2 Bicoupler.png
Mk2 Bicoupler Small, Mk2 x 2 860
2.29 0.29 2 500 50 50 180 220
2.5m to Mk2 Adapter.png
2.5m to Mk2 Adapter Large, Mk2 800
4.57 0.57 2 500 50 50 360 440
Mk3 to Mk2 Adapter.png
Mk3 to Mk2 Adapter Mk2, Mk3 2 200
(1 282.0)
11.43 1.43 2 600 50 50 900 1 100
Mk3 to 2.5m Adapter.png
Mk3 to 2.5m Adapter Large, Mk3 2 500
(1 353.0)
14.29 1.79 2 600 50 50 1 125 1 375
Mk3 to 2.5m Adapter Slanted.png
Mk3 to 2.5m Adapter Slanted Large, Mk3 2 500
(1 353.0)
14.29 1.79 2 600 50 50 1 125 1 375
Mk3 to 3.75m Adapter.png
Mk3 to 3.75m Adapter Extra large, Mk3 2 500
(1 353.0)
14.29 1.79 2 600 50 50 1 125 1 375
ADTP-2-3 Gray.png
Kerbodyne ADTP-2-3 Large, Extra large 1 623
16.88 1.88 2 000 6 50 1 350 1 650

Liquid fuel tanks (Jet fuel fuselages)

Jet fuel is identical to the liquid fuel in liquid fuel tanks.

Liquid Fuel Density is 5 kg/unit Mass

(Units of fuel)
Image Part Radial size Cost
Full Empty Max. Temp.
Mk0 Liquid Fuel Fuselage Tiny 200
0.275 0.025 2 000 10 50 50
Mk1 Liquid Fuel Fuselage.png
Mk1 Liquid Fuel Fuselage Small 550
2.25 0.25 2 000 10 50 400
Mk2 Liquid Fuselage Short.png
Mk2 Liquid Fuel Fuselage Short Mk2 750
2.29 0.29 2 500 50 50 400
Mk2 FT.png
Mk2 Liquid Fuel Fuselage Mk2 1 450
4.57 0.57 2 500 50 50 800
Mk3 Liquid Fuel Fuselage Short.png
Mk3 Liquid Fuel Fuselage Short Mk3 4 300
(2 300)
14.29 1.79 2 700 50 50 2 500
Mk3 Liquid Fuel Fuselage.png
Mk3 Liquid Fuel Fuselage Mk3 8 600
(4 600)
28.57 3.57 2 700 50 50 5 000
Mk3 Liquid Fuel Fuselage Long.png
Mk3 Liquid Fuel Fuselage Long Mk3 17 200
(9 200)
57.14 7.14 2 700 50 50 10 000
NCS Adapter.png
NCS Adapter Small, Tiny 320
0.5 0.1 2 400 10 50 80

RCS fuel tanks

RCS Fuel Density is 4 kg/unit Mass
(Units of fuel)
Image Part Radial size Cost
Full Empty Max. Temp.
FL-R20 RCS Fuel Tank Tiny 200
0.10 0.02 2 000 12 50 20
FL-R25 FT.png
FL-R120 RCS Fuel Tank Small 330
0.56 0.08 2 000 12 50 120
FL-R1 Yellow.png
FL-R750 RCS Fuel Tank Large 1 800
3.4 0.4 2 000 12 50 750
Mk2 Monopropellant Tank.png
Mk2 Monopropellant Tank Mk2 750
1.89 0.29 2 500 50 50 400
Mk3 Monopropellant Tank.png
Mk3 Monopropellant Tank Mk3 5 040
(2 520)
9.8 1.4 2 700 50 50 2 100
Stratus-v roundified monopropellant tank.png
Stratus-V Roundified Monopropellant Tank X 200
0.10 0.02 2 000 12 50 20
Stratus-V Cylindrified.png
Stratus-V Cylindrified Monopropellant Tank X 250
0.23 0.03 2 000 12 50 50

Xenon tanks

Xenon density is 0.1 kg/unit Mass
(Xenon unit)
Image Part Radial size Cost
Full Empty Max. Temp.
PB-X50R Xenon Container Radial mounted 2 220
0.054 0.014 2 000 12 50 405
Pb-x150 xenon container.png
PB-X150 Xenon Container Tiny 3 680
0.100 0.024 2 000 6 50 720
PB-X750 Xenon Container.png
PB-X750 Xenon Container Small 24 300
(1 500)
0.76 0.19 2 000 6 50 5 700

Ore tanks

Ore density is 10 kg/unit Mass
(Units of fuel)
Image Part Radial size Cost
Full Empty Max. Temp.
Radial Holding Tank Radial mounted 299
(300)[Note 1]
0.875 0.125 2 000 7 50 75
Small Holding Tank.png
Small Holding Tank Small 994
(1000)[Note 1]
3.5 0.5 2 000 7 50 300
Large Holding Tank.png
Large Holding Tank Large 2 970
(3 000)[Note 1]
17.0 2.0 2 000 7 50 1 500
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Unlike the fuel tanks, these tanks are empty by default, and can be manually filled during vehicle assembly.

Fuel transfer

Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
Max. length
FTE-1 Drain Valve Radial mounted 50 0.01 2 000 12 50 -
External fuel duct.png
FTX-2 External Fuel Duct Radial mounted 150 0.05 2 000 12 50 10