NCS Adapter

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NCS Adapter
Part image
Nose cone by
C7 Aerospace Division

Radial size Tiny, Small
Cost (total) 320.00 Funds
(dry) 256.00 Funds
Mass (total) 0.500 t
(dry) 0.100 t
Drag 0.1
Max. Temp. 2400 K
Impact Tolerance 10 m/s
Research Tech tree aerodynamics.png Aerodynamics
Unlock cost 6 500 Funds
Since version 0.15
Part configuration noseConeAdapter.cfg
Liquid fuel 80 Units of fuel

The NCS Adapter is a strut-type part that acts as an adapter between size 0 and size 1 parts of rockets and spaceplanes. It can hold small quantities of liquid fuel to power jet or nuclear engines.


The NCS adapter is made for placing nose cones onto spacecraft, but like every adapter it can be used for other purposes. It holds 80 units of liquid fuel as default, but this amount is tweakable, of course.

Product description

The base of C7 Aerospace's Nose Cone system (NCS)

C7 Aerospace Division


The appearance before 1.0
  • Reduced the drag from 0.3 to 0.1
  • Initial release