Tutorial: How to Get into Orbit/zh-cn
进入环绕 Kerbin 飞行的轨道其实很简单,但它还是需要一定的基础知识和准备工作。我们常常把太空定义为 Kerbin 行星表面 70,000 米高度以上的空间。停留在此高度之上并完成一次完整的环绕飞行,那么你就成功的进入了轨道。
- 垂直发射上升至 10km 高度;
- 将飞行器的前倾角调整为向东 45° 倾斜,发动机持续推进,直到轨道远点高度达到 70 km 以上;
- 在抵达轨道远点之前,将前倾角调整至水平状态;
- 在轨道远点,执行发动机点火推进,直到轨道近点高度也调整至 70 km 以上;
- 持续时间: 15-20 分钟
- 难度: 高于亚轨道飞行任务,低于建造太空站任务
- 需要技能: 跟着感觉走就可以
- 对应的游戏版本: 全部(已于 0.20.2 测试)
阶段 0 - 火箭的设计
- 无人任务选用Probodobodyne OKTO2,或载人任务选用Command Pod Mk1 并装载 MK16 型降落伞,及 TR-18A 型级间分离环
- FL-T400 型燃料舱段单元
- LV-909 型液体燃料发动机
- TR-18A 型级间分离环
- FL-T800 型燃料舱段单元
- LV-T30 型液体燃料发动机
为提高趣味性,火箭的第一级发动机选用的是 LVT-30 型,它没有推力矢量功能,因此需要你在飞行时时刻注意导航球的变化并用 WASD 键进行实时的调整目标方向。默认的任务载荷可以提供足够的 SAS 控制能力。
Renzh (talk) 23:04, 12 June 2013 (CDT) SAS 似乎需要消耗电力,应增加电池组提供能源。建议加入 Z-400。
阶段 1 - 发射准备
1. 按 m 键打开地图模式,从太空视角观察矗立在发射场的火箭,调整视角至从北方观察的模式。这样你才能在进行重力转弯时观察到轨道远点的位置,并掌握关机的准确时刻,以及准备发动机点火进行轨道机动的时间。
2. 按住 Shift 把推力调整到最大。
3. 按 t 键打开 SAS 功能。
阶段 2 - 发射
阶段 3 - 飞行至 10,000 米高度
保持火箭的垂直升空状态(导航球中心位置应一直保持对准蓝色部分中心),直到高度达到 9,900 米。实际上在到达此高度之前第一级火箭应该已经燃料耗尽了,按空格键进行分离,次级发动机点火推进。达到预定高度后,把发动机推力降低为 2/3,因为这时的空气已经较为稀薄,阻力相对降低,这样你就能节约宝贵的推进剂了。
Step 4 - 重力转弯至向东 45 度倾角,并持续保持该角度
现在是好玩的部分了。假设火箭现在垂直向上飞行,按 d 键利用导航球指示沿 90 度东向线转弯。火箭轴向指示点到达 45 度向东倾角后停止转向。按 t 键打开 SAS 保持这一角度,不过你也得自己进行相应的调整,因为 SAS 不可能替你解决一切问题。你得一直随时进行位置调整,直到火箭飞行高度超过 70 km,即完全进入太空。这样,你就以 45 度倾角升空进入太空,并向东飞行。以该方向进行入轨飞行可以利用行星自身的自转速度,节约入轨所需要的燃料消耗量。
Step 5 - Get Your Apoapsis above 70km
While climbing up to 70km or 70,000 meters, it's now time to switch to your map view and control your ship from there entirely. Hopefully your navball is toggled on, else click on the collapsed tab at the bottom of the map view.
You will need to keep burning your fuel until you see your apoapsis marker reach 70km. You can see how high it is by hovering your mouse over it. Once it hits 70km (I usually shoot for 75km to buy me some head room) your craft will be able to coast up to it without any further fuel. Feel free to cut your engines with the x key and save some fuel for your orbital burn.
Step 6 - Orient for On-Orbit Burn
As you approach apoapsis (preferably before 30 seconds prior) orient your ship to the 0 degree latitudinal mark, heading east. Again, you should be in your map view when you start your burn. Hit tab to center your view on Kerban and zoom out so you can see your orbit as it forms.
Step 7 - Burn into Orbit
Once you are 10-30 seconds away from your apoapsis, begin your on-orbit burn using the Shift key to throttle up. Full throttle is best at lower altitude apoapsises since you don't want to burn past apoapsis lest you waste precious return fuel if that's your intent. If you aren't concerned, go full throttle baby at any point near apoapsis and claim a stake with the stars. You only need to burn your fuel long enough until you see a periapsis marker appear on the other side of the orbit from the apoapsis, and you see a full orbit circle, then cut your engine with the x key. Congrats, you made it into orbit. It's usually a good idea to keep burning your fuel until your new periapsis marker is above 70km. If it's below, then your orbit will cause your craft to aerobrake, eventually returning to Korban. If your periapsis is ever above 70km, congrats, you will orbit Kerban forever. If you have a manned flight, and fuel is low, then only burn until your periap is below 70km to ensure a safe return to Korban.
Finishing word
After orbiting for a while, depending on your fuel (with this design you won't have much if any at all) you can orient for a deorbit burn by burning backwards in the direction of your travel, once you are at your apoapsis point for maximum efficiency lest you be stuck in space with a manned crew forever.