Laythe je jeden z pěti měsíců planety Jool. Je z většiny pokryta oceánem, avšak má i skalnaté, písečné ostrovy. Laythe je v synchronní rotaci s Joolem. Synchronní obíhání okolo Laythe není možné, bylo by mimo její sféru vlivu.
Atmosféra Laythe začíná na 55,262 metrech a je o něco řidčí než atmosféra Kerbinu. Je to jediný měsíc ve hře, který má vlastní atmosféru.
Like all other atmospheres in the game, Laythe's atmosphere fades exponentially with increasing altitude (with a scale height of 4000 m). In general, the atmospheric pressure on Laythe at an altitude expressed in meters is:[1]
With proper aerobraking near Laythe and Jool, reaching Laythe may require the least delta-V of all of Jool's moons. When approaching Jool on a Hohmann transfer orbit from Kerbin, aerobraking with a Jool periapsis of 119.5 km will put your apoapsis roughly near Laythe's orbit.
Landing on higher points of Laythe's surface has to be done with a help of retro burns as parachutes alone are not enough to sufficiently lower velocity for landing.
Jet engines work in Laythe's atmosphere as it contains oxygen. However, their efficiency is slightly lower.
Reference Frames
Rotační/inerciální přechod: >600,000 m
Warp | Minimální výška | |
1x | 0 m | |
5x | 30,000 m | |
10x | 30,000 m | |
50x | 60,000 m | |
100x | 120,000 m | |
1,000x | 240,000 m | |
10,000x | 480,000 m | |
100,000x | 600,000 m |
- Přidání Laythe do hry
- ↑ A nuclear engine has a specific impulse of 220 in 1 atm, 800 in vacuum, and the following at various Laythe altitudes:
altitude (m) 600 1464 1800 2238 2698 3296 4104 16435 specific impulse 400.7 478.2 504.2 534.8 563.7 596.5 633.7 792.4