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The first few stages of the Tech tree, showing the unlock system

Science, sometimes called science points, is needed to unlock new parts in the tech tree. It is obtained by performing different scientific activities at different locations and then either returning to Kerbin and recovering the craft or sending your scientific analysis home through an antenna.

Science activities

This is an overview of all science activities which can be performed. Most activities are restricted to certain heights. Currently[outdated] the planet Kerbin and its moon Mun are divided into different biomes. On some heights, some experiments return different results per biome.

Possible activities in different locations
Location Surface Samples EVA report Crew Report Experiments
Mystery Goo Containment Unit SC-9001 Science Jr. 2HOT Thermometer PresMat Barometer GRAVMAX Negative Gravioli Detector Double-C Seismic Accelerometer Sensor Array Computing Nose Cone
On the ground Biome Biome Biome Biome Biome Biome Biome
(if atmosphere exists)
Biome Biome
(except water biome)
(if atmosphere exists)
Lower atmosphere Biome Biome Once Once Once Once Biome
Upper atmosphere Once Once Once Once Once Once Biome
Near space Biome Once Once Once Once Biome
Outer space Once Once Once Once Biome

Surface Samples

Requires any command pod, one Kerbal
Base value 30
Maximum value 40
Data scale 1
Transmission efficiency 50%

Surface samples can be taken by Kerbonauts when performing an EVA on the ground (or in the oceans) of a celestial body. The results vary by biome.

EVA Reports

Requires any command pod, one Kerbal
Base value 8
Maximum value 10
Data scale 1
Transmission efficiency 50%

EVA reports are done by Kerbonauts on an EVA. Like crew reports they give different results depending on altitude and biome if performed low enough.

In contrast to crew reports and experiments, a Kerbonaut can memorize a different report for each condition he performed an EVA in during the mission.

Crew Reports

Requires any command pod
Base value 5
Maximum value 8
Data scale 1
Transmission efficiency 100%

Crew reports can be created in every manned command pod. Each command pod can only store one report at a time (Kerbonauts seem to be unable to memorize more than one at a time), but they can be sent home with an antenna without penalty allowing the crew to create a new one.

Crew reports differ between current celestial body, altitude, and at low altitudes also between different biomes.


Experiments are parts like the Mystery Goo Containment Unit and behave similar to crew reports. They can be performed in different flight phases and on different celestial bodies returning different results. The biome, however, does not affect them unless the vessel has landed. Just like crew reports, each experiment part can only store one result at a time, but a result can be sent home with an antenna to allow the experiment to be performed again under the same or under new conditions. There is a penalty for sending it home instead of recovering the performed experiment, but when the craft has a steady supply of electricity to supply its antenna this doesn't matter much because an experiment can be repeated indefinitely resulting in the same science output as would be possible through recovery.

Experiment Mystery Goo Observation Materials Study Temperature Scan Atmospheric Pressure Scan Seismic Scan Gravity Scan Atmosphere Analysis
Required part Mystery Goo Containment Unit SC-9001 Science Jr. 2HOT Thermometer PresMat Barometer Double-C Seismic Accelerometer GRAVMAX Negative Gravioli Detector Avionics Package
Base value 10 25 8 12 20 20 20
Maximum value 18 35 10 14 23 22 24
Data scale 1 1 1 1 2.5 3 10
Transmission efficiency 40% 20% 60% 60% 60% 60% 90%

Craft recovery

Recovering a craft after it landed on Kerbin also yields science points by itself. Its value depends on how far the craft flew. Recovering a craft after a suborbital flight returns less valuable (but different) results than one which orbited the Mun, for example. The returned value appears to be 5 * (surfaces visited + bodies orbited).

Celestial body multipliers

Celestial body On the surface Lower atmosphere Upper atmosphere Near space Outer space
Sun N/A N/A N/A 11 11
Moho 9 N/A N/A 8 8
Eve 12 7 7 7 7
Gilly 9 N/A N/A 8 8
Kerbin 0.4 0.7 0.7 1 1
Mun 4 N/A N/A 3 3
Minmus 5 N/A N/A 4 4
Duna 8 7 N/A 7 7
Ike 9 N/A N/A 8 8
Dres 8 N/A N/A 7 7
Jool N/A 7 7 7 7
Laythe 10 9 9 9 9
Vall 10 N/A N/A 9 9
Tylo 11 N/A N/A 10 10
Bop 9 N/A N/A 8 8
Pol 9 N/A N/A 8 8
Eeloo 9 N/A N/A 8 8

Each celestial body has different multipliers applied to the collected scientific data, based upon where it is taken in relation to that body. Biomes do not affect these multipliers. The only exception is Kerbin on the surface for the KSC, runway, and launch pad where the multiplier is 0.3 instead of 0.4.

Repeating experiments (and science calculation)

Performing the same activity multiple times in the same environment yields additional science points, but with diminishing returns each time the activity is repeated.

There are several forms of equations relating the yield to the number of times the experiment has performed:

Step Form

This form calculates the yield of each run (i.e the increase of science). Its advantages are

  • most straightforward, because the equation coded into the save-game is in step form
  • easier to calculate the yield of each run than the total form (see below)

The equation is as follows:

  • is the yield obtained at that run
  • is the science. Listed as the base value in tables above, it is a constant based on the type of experiment.
  • is the science cap. Listed as the maximum value in tables above, it is a constant based on the type of experiment.
  • is the transmission efficiency, which is 1 for recovering the vehicle on Kerbin.
  • is the science modifier based on the situation (see the celestial body multiplier table).
  • is the sum of previous science gained from this experiment in this situation or
  • is the number of times the experiment has been performed in the past ( for the first run of the experiment).

Total Form

This form calculate the total yield for a number of runs. It is best suited for

  • calculating the total yield for doing a lot of runs, or
  • the amount of runs needed to achieve certain amount of science

, because the calculation is always done only once, in contrary to the step form.

Reduced Total Form

For experiments that have not been performed before, the total yield equation is as follows:

  • is the total science obtained from the start (which is identical to the definition above),
  • , , and is same as above, and
  • is the amount of times the experiment is going to be performed (compare , the amount of times the experiment has been performed).

Total Form

If the experiment had been performed for some runs before, then the equation is as follows:

  • is the total yield, and every symbol is the same as above.

Note that this equation reduces into the step form when , or the reduced total form when , since .

Ratio form

If one only cares about the percentage of the remaining science that will be extracted, a very simple form can be used, as follows:

  • is the percentage of the science one will extract, and
  • every symbol is the same as above.

Inverse Form

The inverse functions, calculating for a specific , or also exist, by taking log on both sides. Note that Step Form does not have any inverse, as it should be. The inverse forms are useful for determining the amount of times a experiment need to be performed to get a target science.

Inverse Reduced Total Form

  • Every symbol is the same as above, and
  • the logarithmic function can be performed at any base, provided that both bases are equal (and is a valid base).

Inverse Total Form

  • Every symbol is the same as above, and
  • the logarithmic function can be performed at any base, provided that both bases are equal (and is a valid base).

Inverse Ratio Form

  • every symbol is the same as above, and
  • the logarithmic function can be performed at any base, provided that both bases are equal (and is a valid base).

As can be seen in the total form, there is a asymptotic limit on the science on can get - it approaches as one repeats the experiment, which is the maximum amount of science one can possibly get in a game.

Known Bugs

  • The Seismic Scan, Gravity Scan and Atmosphere Analysis experiments show more science value in the report window than is retrieved upon recovery or transmission (issue 1578).