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Surface Atmosphere Space
Celestial body Landed Splashed Flying Low Flying High Border Orbit Low Orbit High Border Craft Recovery
Kerbol N/A N/A N/A 11× 1 Gm
Moho 10× N/A N/A N/A N/A 80 km
Eve 22 km 400 km
Gilly N/A N/A N/A N/A 6 km
Kerbin 0.3× 0.4× 0.7× 0.9× 18 km 1.5× 250 km
Mun N/A N/A N/A N/A 60 km
Minmus N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.5× 30 km 2.5×
Duna N/A 12 km 140 km
Ike N/A N/A N/A N/A 50 km
Dres N/A N/A N/A N/A 25 km
Jool 30× N/A 12× 120 km 4 Mm
Laythe 14× N/A 11× 10× 10 km 200 km
Vall 12× N/A N/A N/A N/A 90 km
Tylo 12× N/A N/A N/A N/A 10× 250 km
Bop 12× N/A N/A N/A N/A 25 km
Pol 12× N/A N/A N/A N/A 22 km
Eeloo 15× N/A N/A N/A N/A 12× 10× 60 km 10×
from decimal import Decimal

lines = '''Sun	In Space Low	11
Sun	In Space High	2
Sun	Surface Landed	1
Sun	Splashed	1
Sun	Recovered Craft	4
Sun	Space Threshold Altitude	1E+09
Kerbin	In Space Low	1
Kerbin	In Space High	1.5
Kerbin	Surface Landed	0.3
Kerbin	Splashed	0.4
Kerbin	Recovered Craft	1
Kerbin	Flying Low	0.7
Kerbin	Flying High	0.9
Kerbin	Flying Threshold Altitude	18000
Kerbin	Space Threshold Altitude	250000
Mun	In Space Low	3
Mun	In Space High	2
Mun	Surface Landed	4
Mun	Splashed	1
Mun	Recovered Craft	2
Mun	Space Threshold Altitude	60000
Minmus	In Space Low	4
Minmus	In Space High	2.5
Minmus	Surface Landed	5
Minmus	Splashed	1
Minmus	Recovered Craft	2.5
Minmus	Space Threshold Altitude	30000
Moho	In Space Low	8
Moho	In Space High	7
Moho	Surface Landed	10
Moho	Splashed	1
Moho	Recovered Craft	7
Moho	Space Threshold Altitude	80000
Eve	In Space Low	7
Eve	In Space High	5
Eve	Surface Landed	8
Eve	Splashed	8
Eve	Recovered Craft	5
Eve	Flying Low	6
Eve	Flying High	6
Eve	Flying Threshold Altitude	22000
Eve	Space Threshold Altitude	400000
Duna	In Space Low	7
Duna	In Space High	5
Duna	Surface Landed	8
Duna	Splashed	1
Duna	Recovered Craft	5
Duna	Flying Low	5
Duna	Flying High	5
Duna	Flying Threshold Altitude	12000
Duna	Space Threshold Altitude	140000
Ike	In Space Low	7
Ike	In Space High	5
Ike	Surface Landed	8
Ike	Splashed	1
Ike	Recovered Craft	5
Ike	Space Threshold Altitude	50000
Jool	In Space Low	7
Jool	In Space High	6
Jool	Surface Landed	30
Jool	Splashed	1
Jool	Recovered Craft	6
Jool	Flying Low	12
Jool	Flying High	9
Jool	Flying Threshold Altitude	120000
Jool	Space Threshold Altitude	4000000
Laythe	In Space Low	9
Laythe	In Space High	8
Laythe	Surface Landed	14
Laythe	Splashed	12
Laythe	Recovered Craft	8
Laythe	Flying Low	11
Laythe	Flying High	10
Laythe	Flying Threshold Altitude	10000
Laythe	Space Threshold Altitude	200000
Vall	In Space Low	9
Vall	In Space High	8
Vall	Surface Landed	12
Vall	Splashed	1
Vall	Recovered Craft	8
Vall	Space Threshold Altitude	90000
Bop	In Space Low	9
Bop	In Space High	8
Bop	Surface Landed	12
Bop	Splashed	1
Bop	Recovered Craft	8
Bop	Space Threshold Altitude	25000
Tylo	In Space Low	10
Tylo	In Space High	8
Tylo	Surface Landed	12
Tylo	Splashed	1
Tylo	Recovered Craft	8
Tylo	Space Threshold Altitude	250000
Gilly	In Space Low	8
Gilly	In Space High	6
Gilly	Surface Landed	9
Gilly	Splashed	1
Gilly	Recovered Craft	6
Gilly	Space Threshold Altitude	6000
Pol	In Space Low	9
Pol	In Space High	8
Pol	Surface Landed	12
Pol	Splashed	1
Pol	Recovered Craft	8
Pol	Space Threshold Altitude	22000
Dres	In Space Low	7
Dres	In Space High	6
Dres	Surface Landed	8
Dres	Splashed	1
Dres	Recovered Craft	6
Dres	Space Threshold Altitude	25000
Eeloo	In Space Low	12
Eeloo	In Space High	10
Eeloo	Surface Landed	15
Eeloo	Splashed	1
Eeloo	Recovered Craft	10
Eeloo	Space Threshold Altitude	60000

situations = ['Surface Landed', 'Splashed', 'Flying Low', 'Flying High',
              'Flying Threshold Altitude', 'In Space Low', 'In Space High',
              'Space Threshold Altitude', 'Recovered Craft']
bodies = dict()
for line in lines:
  body,situation,value = line.split('\t')
  if body == 'Sun':
    body = 'Kerbol'
  if body not in bodies:
    bodies[body] = {'Name': body}
  bodies[body][situation] = Decimal(value) 

for i,body in enumerate(['Kerbol', 'Moho', 'Eve', 'Gilly', 'Kerbin', 'Mun',
                         'Minmus', 'Duna', 'Ike', 'Dres', 'Jool', 'Laythe',
                         'Vall', 'Tylo', 'Bop', 'Pol', 'Eeloo']):
  bodies[body]['Rank'] = i

altitude_units = ['m', 'km', 'Mm', 'Gm']
for body in sorted(bodies.itervalues(), key=lambda body: body['Rank']):
  print '|-'
  print '| style="font-weight: bold;" | [[{0}]]'.format(body['Name'])
  for situation in situations:
    if situation not in body:
      print '| style="background-color: silver;" | N/A'
    elif situation == 'Splashed' and body['Splashed'] < body['Surface Landed']:
      print '| style="background-color: silver;" | N/A'
    elif situation.endswith('Threshold Altitude'):
      sort_key = '{0:010n}'.format(body[situation])
      unit_index = 0
      magnitude = body[situation]
      while magnitude >= 1000:
        unit_index += 1
        magnitude /= 1000
      print '| data-sort-value="{0}" | {1} {2}'.format(sort_key, magnitude, altitude_units[unit_index])
      print '| data-sort-value="{0:04.1f}" | {1}×'.format(body[situation], body[situation])