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Центр Управления Миссиями с открытым первым контрактом

Контракт - это требование от агенства на выполнение какой-либо задачи. Контракты были добавлены в версия 0.24 для режима карьеры. Первый контракт предопределен: [1], но затем будет создан бесконечный перечень контрактов, созданных на основании набора шаблонов.
Принимать договор - необязательно; любой договор может быть отклонен запросто и без штрафа - но, учтите, что выполнение контрактов может привести к существенным наградам. Успешное выполнение контрактов может вознаграждаться очками исследований, фондами и/или репутацией. Провал выполнения контракта приведет к потере фондов, и, возможно к потере репутации , если провал связан с потерей кербанавта. Одновременно, могут быть активными несколько контрактов , и у каждого из них может быть свой срок выполнения(или его вообще может не быть). Также возможно закрытие нескольких контрактов одним летательным аппаратом. [1] Их сложность варьируется от нетривиальных задач до исключительно трудных миссий.[2]
Так в версия 0.24.2 игра может сгенерировать невыполнимые контракты; в частности - те, в которых требуется Пусковую мачту "TT18-A" переместить со стартового стола.[3], указывающая проблемы и трудности с запретом отмыны контрактов.

Отказ от выполнения контракта

Canceling a contract does not count as failure and will not incur the failure penalty. Instead, when a contract is canceled, the advance is taken back and reputation is left unchanged.
This can be useful for contracts whose deadline will come before it is possible to complete the contract, or if a more appealing contract appears that will take much longer than the contracts already accepted, such as a contract to explore Jool, which will take multiple in game years.
Rather than potentially launching multiple missions to finish up active contracts first, before launching a long-term exploration vessel (which might take multiple real life hours to days), contracts which will expire before the vessel is due back may be canceled free of penalty. The funds given as an advance will be lost, but this is a small price to pay compared to contract failure, and results in having the same level of funds as before the contracts were accepted.

Виды контрактов

В версии 0.24.2[outdated] существует пять видов контрактов.

Тестирование модулей

Part testing involves transporting a certain part to a certain situation and activating it. Different contracts may specify different conditions under which the part must be tested, for example, it may need to be tested when the craft has landed on a certain body, or is in the water on Кербин, or is at a certain altitude and speed. If the player has not unlocked the required part, it will be available in the VAB/SPH until the contract has been completed or failed. The item will marked with **EXPERIMENTAL** during this period.
For most part tests, the stage with the part has to be activated when the exact conditions are met. However, in some cases the test has to be run by right-clicking on the part and choosing "run test".


A kerbonaut spawned stranded in orbit by a contract

Rescue contracts ask that an unfortunate kerbonaut be retrieved, brought down to the surface, and safely recovered. Accepting a rescue contract will spawn a new kerbonaut in a low orbit around Kerbin, who will be visible in the Tracking Station and map view. Kerbals spawned by rescue contracts can't be controlled until a craft is within 2.2 km of the object; once a craft has maneuver close enough the [ or ] keys will switch control over to him. [4]
Once the Kerbal has been rescued, he will be added to the crew roster in the Astronaut Complex. If the Kerbal is killed the contract is considered failed and the penalty will be assessed.

Сбор данных

Data collection contracts require that scientific data be gathered in a specific location- for example, orbiting the Mun. This may be done by either transmitting the data with an antenna or returning the craft to Kerbin and recovering it. These contracts usually reward quite a large sum of cash, but a negligible amount of science. Stationing a satellite equipped with a repeatable experiment like a 2HOT Thermometer and an antenna in orbit is a great way to fulfill these contracts several times making them a quick and easy source of cash.
It doesn't matter if no actual science is earned; running any experiment in the designated situation is enough to fulfill the contract.


Exploration contracts require that a craft be sent to the SOI of a planet or moon, land on its surface, and transmit or return the data from there.

Установка флага

Flag planting contracts require a kerbonaut to plant a flag on a moon or planet. Although the flavor text of these contracts mentions that the client would like to see their flag on the surface, it doesn't matter which insignia the player picks for the mission.


  • Первоначальная публикация.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Выполнение первого контракта” - опубликовано 11 Июля Мигелем (Maxmaps) на официальном канале Космической Программы Кербала.
  2. Версия 0.24 - Обзор (Космическая Программа Кербала)” опубликовано HOCgaming 14 Июля 2014 г.
  3. Пусковая мачта... На Муне” - ветка форума Daddy Cecil
  4. Kerbal Space Program - Early Access Look At Update v0.24” by Scott Manley released on July 14, 2014