Kerbal Space Program Wiki:Templates

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Revision as of 18:16, 24 December 2014 by Yoha (talk | contribs) (Highlighted inconsistency of data templates)
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Data templates

Language-independent information should be stored in a specific template (a “data template“), to be referred to by each localized template (e.g. English, French, etc). This avoids duplicating data in different pages and improves maintainability and stability. Such templates should use {{Data template used}}, which will categorize them in Category:Translating templates.

Data templates for parts

For instance, Rockomax 48-7S (English), Rockomax 48-7S/pl (Polish) and Rockomax 48-7S/ja (Japanese) all use the same raw data stored in the data template Rockomax 48-7S/Box to draw the infobox on the right. To do so, they simply include {{:Rockomax 48-7S/Box}}. Mind the colon (":").

Rockomax 48-7S/Box itself includes {{Infobox/Part}}, which defines how the infobox is to be drawn and how to translate it.

Data template for celestial bodies

Similarly, Kerbin/fr (French) and Kerbin/de (German) both use data from Kerbin/Data by simply including {{:Kerbin/Data}}.

For some reason, Kerbin (English) proceeds differently. Here, {{Infobox/Body}} is put directly in Kerbin and finds Kerbin/Param (duplicate of Kerbin/Data) by itself.