Difference between revisions of "Template:Stats Table Generators"

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(updated info,-drag, added fuel cells)
(Add Lang other)
(22 intermediate revisions by 12 users not shown)
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{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{{Stats Table Header||m|}}
{{Stats Table Header|r|m||t|m|t}}
!{{Stats Table Header/Maximum Temperature}}
! data-sort-type="number" | {{lang
!{{Stats Table Header/Tolerance}}
! data-sort-type="number" | {{lang|en=Electricity<br>({{Mark|echu}}/s)|pl=Elektryczność<br>({{Mark|echu}}/s)|ko=초당 발전량<br>({{Mark|echu}}/s)|hr=Električna energija<br>({{Mark|echu}}/s)|hu=[[Electric charge/hu|Áramtermelés]]<br>({{Mark|echu}}/s)|ja=発電量<br>({{Mark|echu}}/s)}}
! data-sort-type="number" | {{lang|en=Electricity Per Ton<br>({{Mark|echu}}/s·t)|pl=Elektryczność na tonę<br>({{Mark|echu}}/s·t)|ko=톤당 발전량<br>({{Mark|echu}}/s·t)|hr=Električna energija po toni<br>({{Mark|echu}}/s·t)|hu=Fajlagos Áramtermelés<br>({{Mark|echu}}/s·t)|ja=重量比発電効率<br>({{Mark|echu}}/s·t)}}
|ko=초당 발전량
|hr=Električna energija
|hu=[[Electric charge/hu|Áramtermelés]]
! data-sort-type="number" | {{lang
|en=Electricity per mass
|fr=Électricité massique
|pl=Elektryczność na tonę
|ko=톤당 발전량
|hr=Električna energija po toni
|hu=Fajlagos Áramtermelés
|es=Electricidad por masa
}}{{lang|<br>({{Mark|echu}}/({{dict|s}}·{{dict|t}}))|hu=<br><abbr title="elektromos töltésegység/(másodperc·tonna)">({{Mark|echu}}/s·t)</abbr>}}
! data-sort-type="number" | {{lang
|en=Fuel consumption
|fr=Conso. carburant
|es=Consumo de combustible
| [[File:Gigantor_XL.png‎|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|Gigantor XL Solar Array|hr=Solarno polje Gigantor XL|hu=Gigantor XL Napelemsor}}
{{!}} {{SortCell|1}}[[File:Gigantor_XL.png‎|60x60px|center]]
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|3000}}
{{!}} [[Gigantor XL Solar Array{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|Gigantor XL Solar Array}}]]
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.3|1}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|r}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1200}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|3000}}
| 8
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.3|1}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|24.4|1}}<ref group="{{Dict|Note}}" name="solar">{{lang
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1200}}
{{!}} 8
{{!}} 50
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|24.4|1}}<ref group="{{Dict|Note}}" name="solar">{{lang
|en=[[Electricity#Solar panels|Energy output]] depends on the distance and angle to the [[Kerbol|Sun]]. The value is achieved at [[Kerbin]]'s distance, with the panel pointed directly at the Sun.
|en=[[Electricity#Solar panels|Energy output]] depends on the distance and angle to the [[Kerbol|Sun]]. The value is achieved at [[Kerbin]]'s distance, with the panel pointed directly at the Sun.
|fr=[[Electricity/fr#Panneaux solaires|La production d'électricité]] dépend de la distance et de l'angle au [[Kerbol/fr|Soleil]]. Cette valeur est atteinte à la distance de [[Kerbin/fr|Kerbin]], avec les panneaux solaires pointés directement vers le Soleil.
|pl=[[Electric charge/pl#Panele S.C5.82oneczne|Energia wyjściowa]] zależy od odległości od  [[Kerbol/pl|Słońca]]. Ta wartość jest osiągalna na [[Kerbin/pl|Kerbinie]].
|pl=[[Electric charge/pl#Panele S.C5.82oneczne|Energia wyjściowa]] zależy od odległości od  [[Kerbol/pl|Słońca]]. Ta wartość jest osiągalna na [[Kerbin/pl|Kerbinie]].
|de=[[Electricity/de|Stromerzeugung]] hängt von der Entfernung zur [[Kerbol/de|Sonne]] ab. Der Wert wird in [[Kerbin/de|Kerbins]] Entfernung erreicht.
|de=[[Electricity/de|Stromerzeugung]] hängt von der Entfernung zur [[Kerbol/de|Sonne]] ab. Der Wert wird in [[Kerbin/de|Kerbins]] Entfernung erreicht.
|ja=[[Electricity#Solar panels|発電量]]は[[Kerbol|太陽]]からの距離に依存する。本項の数値は[[Kerbin]]の距離におけるものを記載する。
|ja=[[Electricity/ja#Solar panels|発電量]]は[[Kerbol/ja|太陽]]との距離・角度に依存。数値は[[Kerbin/ja|カービン]]の距離でパネルを正対させた値。
|hu=Az [[Electricity/hu#Solar panels|áramtermelés]] függ a [[Kerbol|naptól]] való távolságtól. A jelölt érték a [[Kerbin/hu|Kerbin]] távolságán értendő.
|hu=Az [[Electricity/hu#Solar panels|áramtermelés]] függ a [[Kerbol|naptól]] való távolságtól. A jelölt érték a [[Kerbin/hu|Kerbin]] távolságán értendő.
|ru=[[Electricity/ru|Мощность]] солнечных батарей зависит от расстояния до [[Kerbol/ru|Солнца]], угла падения лучей и прозрачности атмосферы. Приведённое значение соответствует орбите [[Kerbin/ru|Кербина]] и направлению панелей прямо на Солнце.
|es=[[Electricity/es#Solar panels/es|Salida de energía]] Depende de la distancia y el ángulo al [[Kerbol/es|Sol]]. El valor se alcanza a la distancia de [[Kerbin/es|Kerbin]], con el panel apuntando directamente al Sol.
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|81.33333333333333|1}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|81.33333333333333|2}}
| [[File:OX-4W.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|OX-4W 2x3 Photovoltaic Panels|hr=Fotonaponske ploče OX-4W 2x3|hu=OX-4W 2x3 Fotovillamos Tábla}}
{{!}} {{SortCell|2}}[[File:OX-4W.png|60x60px|center]]
| 380
{{!}} [[OX-4W 3x2 Photovoltaic Panels{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|OX-4W 3x2 Photovoltaic Panels}}]]
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.0175|4}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|r}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1200}}
{{!}} 380
| 8
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.0175|4}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.64|2}}<ref group="{{Dict|Note}}" name="solar" />
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1200}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|93.71428571428571|1}}
{{!}} 8
{{!}} 50
| [[File:OX-4L.png|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.64|2}}<ref group="{{Dict|Note}}" name="solar" />
| {{if lang link|OX-4L 1x6 Photovoltaic Panels|hr=Fotonaponske ploče OX-4L 1x6|hu=OX-4L 1x6 Fotovillamos Tábla}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|93.71428571428571|2}}
| 380
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.0175|4}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1200}}
{{!}} {{SortCell|3}}[[File:OX-4L.png|60x60px|center]]
| 8
{{!}} [[OX-4L 1x6 Photovoltaic Panels{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|OX-4L 1x6 Photovoltaic Panels}}]]
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.64|2}}<ref group="{{Dict|Note}}" name="solar" />
{{Radial Size/Cell|r}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|93.71428571428571|1}}
{{!}} 380
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.0175|4}}
| [[File:SP-W.png|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1200}}
| {{if lang link|SP-W 2x3 Photovoltaic Panels|hr=Fotonaponske ploče SP-W 2x3|hu=SP-W 2x3 Fotovillamos Tábla}}
{{!}} 8
| 440
{{!}} 50
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.025|3}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.64|2}}<ref group="{{Dict|Note}}" name="solar" />
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|93.71428571428571|2}}
| 8
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.64|2}}<ref group="{{Dict|Note}}" name="solar" />
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|65.6|1}}
{{!}} {{SortCell|4}}[[File:OX-10C front deployed.png|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} [[OX-10C Photovoltaic Panels{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|OX-10C Photovoltaic Panels}}]]
| [[File:SP-L.png|60x60px|center]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|r}}
| {{if lang link|SP-L 1x6 Photovoltaic Panels|hr=Fotonaponske ploče SP-L 1x6|hu=SP-L 1x6 Fotovillamos Tábla}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1200}}
| 440
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.09|2}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.025|3}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1200}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
{{!}} 8
| 8
{{!}} 50
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.64|2}}<ref group="{{Dict|Note}}" name="solar" />
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|8.25|2}}<ref group="{{Dict|Note}}" name="solar" />
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|65.6|1}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|91.66|2}}
| [[File:OX-STAT.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{if lang link|OX-STAT Photovoltaic Panels|hr=Fotonaponska ploča OX-STAT|hu=OX-STAT Fotovillamos Tábla}}
{{!}} {{SortCell|5}}[[File:OX-10L front deployed.png|60x60px|center]]
| 75
{{!}} [[OX-10L 1x5 Photovoltaic Panels{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|OX-10L 1x5 Photovoltaic Panels}}]]
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.005|3}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|r}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1200}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1200}}
| 8
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.09|2}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.35|2}}<ref group="{{Dict|Note}}" name="solar" />
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1200}}
| 70
{{!}} 8
{{!}} 50
| [[File:PB-NUK.png|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|8.25|2}}<ref group="{{Dict|Note}}" name="solar" />
| {{if lang link|PB-NUK Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator|hr=Radioizotopni termoelektrični generator PB-NUK|hu=PB-NUK Radioizotópos Termoelektromos Generátor}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|91.66|2}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|23300}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.08|2}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1200}}
{{!}} {{SortCell|6}}[[File:SP-W.png|60x60px|center]]
| 7
{{!}} [[SP-W 3x2 Photovoltaic Panels{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|SP-W 3x2 Photovoltaic Panels}}]]
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.75|2}}
{{Radial Size/Cell|r}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|9.375|1}}
{{!}} 440
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.025|3}}
| [[File:Image_needed.svg|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| {{if lang link|Fuel Cell}}
{{!}} 8
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|750}}
{{!}} 50
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.05|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.64|2}}<ref group="{{Dict|Note}}" name="solar" />
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|65.6|2}}
| 7
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.50|2}}<ref group="{{Dict|Note}}" name="fuel cell">{{lang
|en=[[Fuel cell]]s require the consumption of [[Liquid fuel]] and [[Oxidizer]]. For information on fuel consumption, see the respective parts pages.}}</ref>
{{!}} {{SortCell|7}}[[File:SP-L.png|60x60px|center]]
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|30|1}}
{{!}} [[SP-L 1x6 Photovoltaic Panels{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|SP-L 1x6 Photovoltaic Panels}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|r}}
| [[File:Image_needed.svg|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} 440
| {{if lang link|Fuel Cell Array}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.025|3}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|4500}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.24|2}}
{{!}} 8
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
{{!}} 50
| 7
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.64|2}}<ref group="{{Dict|Note}}" name="solar" />
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|18|2}}<ref group="{{Dict|Note}}" name="fuel cell"/>
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|65.6|2}}
| {{Formatnum/SortCell|75|1}}
{{!}} —
{{!}} {{SortCell|8}}[[File:SP-10C deployed.png|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} [[SP-10C Photovoltaic Panels{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|SP-10C Photovoltaic Panels}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|r}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1400}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.13|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
{{!}} 8
{{!}} 50
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|8.25|2}}<ref group="{{Dict|Note}}" name="solar" />
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|63.46|2}}
{{!}} —
{{!}} {{SortCell|9}}[[File:SP-10L deployed.png|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} [[SP-10L 1x5 Photovoltaic Panels{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|SP-10L 1x5 Photovoltaic Panels}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|r}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1400}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.13|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
{{!}} 8
{{!}} 50
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|8.25|2}}<ref group="{{Dict|Note}}" name="solar" />
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|63.46|2}}
{{!}} —
{{!}} {{SortCell|10}}[[File:OX-STAT.png|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} [[OX-STAT Photovoltaic Panels{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|OX-STAT Photovoltaic Panels}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|r}}
{{!}} 75
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.005|3}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1200}}
{{!}} 8
{{!}} 50
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.35|2}}<ref group="{{Dict|Note}}" name="solar" />
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|70|1}}
{{!}} —
{{!}} {{SortCell|11}}[[File:OX-STAT-XL Photovoltaic Panels.png|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} [[OX-STAT-XL Photovoltaic Panels{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|OX-STAT-XL Photovoltaic Panels}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|r}}
{{!}} 600
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.04|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1200}}
{{!}} 8
{{!}} 50
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2.8|2}}<ref group="{{Dict|Note}}" name="solar" />
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|70|1}}
{{!}} —
{{!}} {{SortCell|12}}[[File:PB-NUK.png|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} [[PB-NUK Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|PB-NUK Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|0}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|23300}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.08|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1200}}
{{!}} 7
{{!}} 50
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.75|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|9.375|2}}
{{!}} —
{{!}} {{SortCell|13}}[[File:FuelCell.png|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} [[Fuel Cell{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|Fuel Cell}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|r}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|750}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.05|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
{{!}} 7
{{!}} 50
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.50|2}}<!-- <ref group="{{Dict|Note}}" name="fuel cell">{{lang
|en=[[Fuel cell]]s consume [[Liquid fuel]] and [[Oxidizer]].
|fr=Les [[Fuel cell/fr|piles à combustible]] consomment de l'[[Liquid fuel/fr|ergol liquide]] et de l'[[Oxidizer/fr|oxydant]].
|de=Brennstoffzellen verbrauchen Flüssigtreibstoff und Oxidator.
|hu=Az [[Fuel cell/hu|üzemanyagcellák]] az áramtermeléshez [[Liquid fuel/hu|folyékony üzemanyagot]] és [[Oxidizer/hu|oxidálószert]] használnak fel.
|ru=[[Fuel cell/ru|Топливные ячейки]] потребляют [[Liquid fuel/ru|жидкое топливо]] и [[Oxidizer/ru|окислитель]].
|ja=[[Fuel cell/ja|燃料電池]]は[[Liquid fuel/ja|液体燃料]]と[[Oxidizer/ja|酸化剤]]を消費する。
|es=[[Fuel cell/es|Pila de combustible]] consume [[Liquid fuel/es|Combustible líquido]] y [[Oxidizer/es|Oxidante]].
</ref> -->
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|30|1}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.0016875|7}} {{if lang link|Liquid_fuel|LF}}<br>{{Formatnum|0.0020625|7}} {{if lang link|Oxidizer|Ox}}
{{!}} {{SortCell|14}}[[File:FuelCellArray.png|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} [[Fuel Cell Array{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|Fuel Cell Array}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|r}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|4500}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.24|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
{{!}} 7
{{!}} 50
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|18|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|75|1}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.02025|5}} {{if lang link|Liquid_fuel|LF}}<br>{{Formatnum|0.02475|5}} {{if lang link|Oxidizer|Ox}}
{{!}} {{SortCell|15}}[[File:LV-T30 Liquid Fuel Engine recent.png|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} [[LV-T30 "Reliant" Liquid Fuel Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|LV-T30 "Reliant" Liquid Fuel Engine}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|1}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1100}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.25|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
{{!}} 7
{{!}} 50
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|7|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|5.6|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.939|3}} {{if lang link|Liquid_fuel|LF}}<br>{{Formatnum|1.147|3}} {{if lang link|Oxidizer|Ox}}
{{!}} {{SortCell|16}}[[File:LV-T45 LFE.png|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} [[LV-T45 "Swivel" Liquid Fuel Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|LV-T45 "Swivel" Liquid Fuel Engine}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|1}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1200}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.5|1}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
{{!}} 7
{{!}} 50
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|6|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|4|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.955|3}} {{if lang link|Liquid_fuel|LF}}<br>{{Formatnum|1.167|3}} {{if lang link|Oxidizer|Ox}}
{{!}} {{SortCell|17}}[[File:KS-25 LFE.png|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} [[S3 KS-25 "Vector" Liquid Fuel Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|S3 KS-25 "Vector" Liquid Fuel Engine}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|1}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|18000}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|4|1}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
{{!}} 22
{{!}} 50
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|3|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0,75|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|9.699|3}} {{if lang link|Liquid_fuel|LF}}<br>{{Formatnum|11.854|3}} {{if lang link|Oxidizer|Ox}}
{{!}} {{SortCell|18}}[[File:ToroidalAerospikeLiquidFuelEngine.png|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} [[T-1 Toroidal "Aerospike" Liquid Fuel Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|T-1 Toroidal Aerospike "Dart" Liquid Fuel Engine}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|1}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|3850}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.0|1}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
{{!}} 20
{{!}} 50
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|5|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|5|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.970|3}} {{if lang link|Liquid_fuel|LF}}<br>{{Formatnum|1.186|3}} {{if lang link|Oxidizer|Ox}}
{{!}} {{SortCell|19}}[[File:LV-N Atomic.png|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} [[LV-N "Nerv" Atomic Rocket Motor{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|LV-N "Nerv" Atomic Rocket Motor}}]]<ref group="{{Dict|Note}}">{{lang
|en=Consumes [[liquid fuel]] only.
|fr=Ne consomme que de l'[[Liquid fuel/fr|ergol liquide]].
|hu=Csak [[liquid fuel/hu|folyékony üzemanyagot]] fogyaszt.
|ru=Потебляет только [[liquid fuel/ru|жидкое топливо]].
|ja=[[liquid fuel/ja|液体燃料]]のみ消費。
|es=Consume [[liquid fuel/es|combustible líquido]] solamente.
{{Radial Size/Cell|1}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|10000}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|3|1}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2500}}
{{!}} 12
{{!}} 50
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|5|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.67|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.306|3}} {{if lang link|Liquid_fuel|LF}}
{{!}} {{SortCell|20}}[[File:RockomaxPoodle.png|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} [[Rockomax "Poodle" Liquid Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|RE-L10 "Poodle" Liquid Fuel Engine}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1300}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.75|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
{{!}} 7
{{!}} 50
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|8|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|4.57|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.818|3}} {{if lang link|Liquid_fuel|LF}}<br>{{Formatnum|1|3}} {{if lang link|Oxidizer|Ox}}
{{!}} {{SortCell|21}}[[File:Skipper.png|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} [[Rockomax "Skipper" Liquid Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|RE-I5 "Skipper" Liquid Fuel Engine}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|5300}}
{{!}} 3
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
{{!}} 8
{{!}} 50
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|10|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|3.33|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.861|3}} {{if lang link|Liquid_fuel|LF}}<br>{{Formatnum|2.275|3}} {{if lang link|Oxidizer|Ox}}
{{!}} {{SortCell|22}}[[File:Rockomax Mainsail transparent.png|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} [[Rockomax "Mainsail" Liquid Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|RE-M3 "Mainsail" Liquid Fuel Engine}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|13000}}
{{!}} 6
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
{{!}} 7
{{!}} 50
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|12|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|3.696|3}} {{if lang link|Liquid_fuel|LF}}<br>{{Formatnum|4.517|3}} {{if lang link|Oxidizer|Ox}}
{{!}} {{SortCell|23}}[[File:Big1.png|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} [[Kerbodyne KR-2L+ "Rhino" Liquid Fuel Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|Kerbodyne KR-2L+ "Rhino" Liquid Fuel Engine}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|3}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|25000}}
{{!}} 9
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
{{!}} 7
{{!}} 50
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|12|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.33|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|4.493|3}} {{if lang link|Liquid_fuel|LF}}<br>{{Formatnum|5.491|3}} {{if lang link|Oxidizer|Ox}}
{{!}} {{SortCell|24}}[[File:Quad.png|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} [[S3 KS-25x4 "Mammoth" Liquid Fuel Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|S3 KS-25x4 "Mammoth" Liquid Fuel Engine}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|3}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|39000}}
{{!}} 15
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
{{!}} 20
{{!}} 50
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|12|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.8|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|9.698|3}} {{if lang link|Liquid_fuel|LF}}<br>{{Formatnum|11.853|3}} {{if lang link|Oxidizer|Ox}}
{{!}} {{SortCell|25}}[[File:J90JunoBasicJetEngine.png|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} [[J-20 "Juno" Basic Jet Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|J-20 "Juno" Basic Jet Engine}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|0}}
{{!}} 450
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.25|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
{{!}} 7
{{!}} 50
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|4|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.064|3}} {{if lang link|Liquid_fuel|LF}}
{{!}} {{SortCell|26}}[[File:J33WheesleyBasicJetEngine.png|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} [[J-33 "Wheesley" Turbofan Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|J-33 "Wheesley" Turbofan Engine}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|1}}
{{!}} 1440
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.5|1}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
{{!}} 7
{{!}} 50
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|4|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2.67|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.0583|4}} {{if lang link|Liquid_fuel|LF}}
{{!}} {{SortCell|28}}[[File:J404PantherAfterburningTurbofan.png|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} [[J-404 "Panther" Afterburning Turbofan{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|J-404 "Panther" Afterburning Turbofan}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|1}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.2|1}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
{{!}} 7
{{!}} 50
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|5|2}} / 3
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|4.17|2}} / {{Formatnum|2.5|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.0386|4}} {{if lang link|Liquid_fuel|LF}} / {{Formatnum|0.1326|4}} {{if lang link|Liquid_fuel|LF}}
{{!}} {{SortCell|29}}[[File:JX4WhiplashTurboRamjetEngine.png|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} [[J-X4 "Whiplash" Turbo Ramjet Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|J-X4 "Whiplash" Turbo Ramjet Engine}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|1}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2250}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|1.8|1}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
{{!}} 7
{{!}} 50
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|5|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2.78|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.1326|4}} {{if lang link|Liquid_fuel|LF}}
{{!}} {{SortCell|25}}[[File:J-90 Goliath Turbofan Engine.png|60x60px|center]]
{{!}} [[J-90 "Goliath" Turbofan Engine{{if lang}}|{{Dict/part name|J-90 "Goliath" Turbofan Engine}}]]
{{Radial Size/Cell|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2600}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|4.5|1}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|2000}}
{{!}} 7
{{!}} 50
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|16|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|3.56|2}}
{{!}} {{Formatnum/SortCell|0.0364|4}} {{if lang link|Liquid_fuel|LF}}
<small><references group="{{Dict|Note}}" /></small>
<small><references group="{{Dict|Note}}" /></small>
The following parameters filter the parts:
* {{{solar}}} - solar panels only
* {{{rtg}}} - RTGs only
* {{{fuel}}} - fuel cells only
* {{{dedicated}}} - dedicated devices (solar panels, RTGs, Fuel cells) only
* {{{engine}}} - engines only
[[Category:Template:Stats Tables]]</noinclude>

Latest revision as of 13:02, 9 November 2024

Image Part Radial size Cost
Max. Temp.
Electricity per mass
Fuel consumption
(Units of fuel/s)
Gigantor XL.png
Gigantor XL Solar Array Radial mounted 3 000 0.3 1 200 8 50 24.4[Note 1] 81.33
OX-4W 3x2 Photovoltaic Panels Radial mounted 380 0.0175 1 200 8 50 1.64[Note 1] 93.71
OX-4L 1x6 Photovoltaic Panels Radial mounted 380 0.0175 1 200 8 50 1.64[Note 1] 93.71
OX-10C front deployed.png
OX-10C Photovoltaic Panels Radial mounted 1 200 0.09 1 200 8 50 8.25[Note 1] 91.66
OX-10L front deployed.png
OX-10L 1x5 Photovoltaic Panels Radial mounted 1 200 0.09 1 200 8 50 8.25[Note 1] 91.66
SP-W 3x2 Photovoltaic Panels Radial mounted 440 0.025 2 000 8 50 1.64[Note 1] 65.60
SP-L 1x6 Photovoltaic Panels Radial mounted 440 0.025 2 000 8 50 1.64[Note 1] 65.60
SP-10C deployed.png
SP-10C Photovoltaic Panels Radial mounted 1 400 0.13 2 000 8 50 8.25[Note 1] 63.46
SP-10L deployed.png
SP-10L 1x5 Photovoltaic Panels Radial mounted 1 400 0.13 2 000 8 50 8.25[Note 1] 63.46
OX-STAT Photovoltaic Panels Radial mounted 75 0.005 1 200 8 50 0.35[Note 1] 70.0
OX-STAT-XL Photovoltaic Panels.png
OX-STAT-XL Photovoltaic Panels Radial mounted 600 0.04 1 200 8 50 2.80[Note 1] 70.0
PB-NUK Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator Tiny 23 300 0.08 1 200 7 50 0.75 9.38
Fuel Cell Radial mounted 750 0.05 2 000 7 50 1.50 30.0 0.0016875 LF
0.0020625 Ox
Fuel Cell Array Radial mounted 4 500 0.24 2 000 7 50 18.00 75.0 0.02025 LF
0.02475 Ox
LV-T30 Liquid Fuel Engine recent.png
LV-T30 "Reliant" Liquid Fuel Engine Small 1 100 1.25 2 000 7 50 7.00 5.60 0.939 LF
1.147 Ox
LV-T45 LFE.png
LV-T45 "Swivel" Liquid Fuel Engine Small 1 200 1.5 2 000 7 50 6.00 4.00 0.955 LF
1.167 Ox
KS-25 LFE.png
S3 KS-25 "Vector" Liquid Fuel Engine Small 18 000 4.0 2 000 22 50 3.00 0.75 9.699 LF
11.854 Ox
T-1 Toroidal Aerospike "Dart" Liquid Fuel Engine Small 3 850 1.0 2 000 20 50 5.00 5.00 0.970 LF
1.186 Ox
LV-N Atomic.png
LV-N "Nerv" Atomic Rocket Motor[Note 2] Small 10 000 3.0 2 500 12 50 5.00 1.67 0.306 LF
RE-L10 "Poodle" Liquid Fuel Engine Large 1 300 1.75 2 000 7 50 8.00 4.57 0.818 LF
1.000 Ox
RE-I5 "Skipper" Liquid Fuel Engine Large 5 300 3 2 000 8 50 10.00 3.33 1.861 LF
2.275 Ox
Rockomax Mainsail transparent.png
RE-M3 "Mainsail" Liquid Fuel Engine Large 13 000 6 2 000 7 50 12.00 2.00 3.696 LF
4.517 Ox
Kerbodyne KR-2L+ "Rhino" Liquid Fuel Engine Extra large 25 000 9 2 000 7 50 12.00 1.33 4.493 LF
5.491 Ox
S3 KS-25x4 "Mammoth" Liquid Fuel Engine Extra large 39 000 15 2 000 20 50 12.00 0.80 9.698 LF
11.853 Ox
J-20 "Juno" Basic Jet Engine Tiny 450 0.25 2 000 7 50 1.00 4.00 0.064 LF
J-33 "Wheesley" Turbofan Engine Small 1440 1.5 2 000 7 50 4.00 2.67 0.0583 LF
J-404 "Panther" Afterburning Turbofan Small 2 000 1.2 2 000 7 50 5.00 / 3 4.17 / 2.50 0.0386 LF / 0.1326 LF
J-X4 "Whiplash" Turbo Ramjet Engine Small 2 250 1.8 2 000 7 50 5.00 2.78 0.1326 LF
J-90 Goliath Turbofan Engine.png
J-90 "Goliath" Turbofan Engine Large 2 600 4.5 2 000 7 50 16.00 3.56 0.0364 LF
  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 Energy output depends on the distance and angle to the Sun. The value is achieved at Kerbin's distance, with the panel pointed directly at the Sun.
  2. Consumes liquid fuel only.

The following parameters filter the parts:

  • {{{solar}}} - solar panels only
  • {{{rtg}}} - RTGs only
  • {{{fuel}}} - fuel cells only
  • {{{dedicated}}} - dedicated devices (solar panels, RTGs, Fuel cells) only
  • {{{engine}}} - engines only