Difference between revisions of "Key bindings"

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(Added ship cycling, updated camera modes, reorganized controls to be more logical)
(Beginning 0.15 additions, focusing on flight controls)
Line 18: Line 18:
| Caps Lock || Toggle between instant or precision control mode || 0.08.5
| Caps Lock || Toggle between instant or precision control mode || 0.08.5
| C || Toggle camera view [auto/free/orbital in 0.14.x; auto/free/chase in 0.13.3]|| 0.07.3
| Alt+WSADQE || Trim Pitch/Yaw/Roll || 0.15.0
| G || Toggle Landing Struts position|| 0.14.0
| Alt+X || Reset trim || 0.15.0
| C || Toggle camera view [auto/free/orbital in 0.14.x; auto/free/chase in 0.13.3] || 0.07.3
| G || Toggle Landing Struts position || 0.14.0
| U || Toggle vehicle lights || 0.15.0
| Left-Shift || Increase [[throttle]] || 0.07.3
| Left-Shift || Increase [[throttle]] || 0.07.3

Revision as of 23:51, 17 May 2012

Here is a list of current default Key Bindings.

Key Effect since
W Pitch adjustment (up/back) 0.07.3
S Pitch adjustment (down/forward) 0.07.3
A Yaw adjustment (port/left) 0.07.3
D Yaw adjustment (starboard/right) 0.07.3
Q Roll adjustment 0.07.3
E Roll adjustment 0.07.3
Caps Lock Toggle between instant or precision control mode 0.08.5
Alt+WSADQE Trim Pitch/Yaw/Roll 0.15.0
Alt+X Reset trim 0.15.0
C Toggle camera view [auto/free/orbital in 0.14.x; auto/free/chase in 0.13.3] 0.07.3
G Toggle Landing Struts position 0.14.0
U Toggle vehicle lights 0.15.0
Left-Shift Increase throttle 0.07.3
Left-Control Decrease throttle 0.07.3
X Stop all engines (hidden 0.12 function) 0.12.0
Space Advance stage 0.07.3
Alt+L Lock current stage 0.08.4
T Toggle S.A.S Module and S.A.S functions in other parts. 0.07.3
F Hold to activate S.A.S Module and S.A.S functions in other parts. 0.07.3
Alt+left mouse click Duplicate part or assembly in VAB 0.08.5
Shift+left mouse click Select the entire ship in VAB 0.09.0
Control+Z Undo last action in VAB 0.08.0
Control+Y Redo last action in VAB 0.08.0
X Scroll through symmetry settings in VAB 0.08.5
Page Up Scroll view up in VAB 0.08.5
Page Down Scroll view down in VAB 0.08.5
+ Zoom view in 0.08.5
- Zoom view out 0.08.5
R Toggle RCS Thrusters 0.11.0
H RCS Thruster forward 0.11.0
N RCS Thruster rearward 0.11.0
I RCS Thruster translate down 0.11.0
J RCS Thruster translate left 0.11.0
K RCS Thruster translate up 0.11.0
L RCS Thruster translate right 0.11.0
M Orbital Map toggle 0.11.0
Tab Switch focus in Orbital Map 0.11.0
. (numpad del) Toggle Navball 0.12.0?
. Time Warp increase 0.11.0
, Time Warp decrease 0.11.0
] Cycle through active ships (forwards) 0.14.0
[ Cycle through active ships (backwards) 0.14.0
F1 Screenshot 0.07.3
F2 Toggle UI visibility 0.13.0
Alt+F2 Open debug console 0.08.5
F3 Toggle Results Screen 0.14.0
F4 Toggle Ship Labels 0.14.0
F5 Quicksave 0.14.0
F9 Quickload 0.14.0
Control+F10 Load saved game state dialogue box (hidden feature, looks in /KSP/saves/scenarios/) 0.14.1?

Highlight legend

  •     - RCS.
  •     - (A)SAS.
  •     - VAB.