Cargo item

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A cargo item is an item whose function relates to being used in a Kerbal's inventory. Many cargo items (such as the EVA Jetpack) allow the Kerbal to perform extra actions (such as using the RCS jetpack). Other cargo items (such as the Stamp-O-Tron Ground Anchor) can be deployed from a Kerbal's inventory.

Cargo items can be stored in inventories. Cargo modules are designed to transport cargo; they have the largest inventories for their size, compared to other parts. In addition, some cargo can be stored in crewed command modules (such as the Mk1 Command Pod) and habitation modules (such as the PPD-10 Hitchhiker Storage Container), and in a Kerbal's inventory. All cargo items have both a mass and a volume; and all inventories have a limit on mass and volume.


Equipment is used by Kerbals who carry it to perform actions:

Image Part Cost
Max. Temp.
Packed Volume
Stacking Capacity
Experiments Kit.png
EVA Experiments Kit 150 0.02 1 200 14 50 5.0 4
Fuel Cylinders.png
EVA Fuel Cylinders 50 0.02
2 000 10 50 15.0 -
EVA Jetpack 25 0.045
2 000 12 50 17.0 -
Repair Kit.png
EVA Repair Kit 75 0.01 1 200 12 50 5.0 4
Personal Parachute 10 0.004 2 000 12 50 10.0 -

Deployable parts

Image Part Cost
Max. Temp.
Packed Volume
Stacking Capacity
GroundLight1 icon.png
Work Lamp (Small) 25 0.002 1 200 12 50 20.0 2
GroundLight2 icon.png
Work Lamp (Stand) 35 0.003 1 200 12 50 40.0 -
GroundAnchor icon.png
Stamp-O-Tron Ground Anchor 300 0.05 2 000 12 50 40.0 -


  • The inventory system was initially added in version 1.7.1, and only used by the Breaking Ground expansion. Cargo parts were added to the stock game in version 1.11.
