Tutorial: Vostok 1/zh-cn

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在发射无人卫星并把它送入轨道之后,我们现在将进入太空探险的下一个篇章:把 Kerbal 小绿人送入太空并安全返回。

1961 年 4 月 12 日,苏联宇航员尤里·加加林乘坐“东方” 1 号飞船发射升空,并绕地球飞行。加加林是第一位亲眼从太空中观察地球的人,并亲身体验了长时间的失重。继“斯普特尼克”之后,苏联人又一次让美国的太空计划蒙羞,他们完成了首次载人航天飞行。这最终导致了约翰·F·肯尼迪总统的那次著名演讲,他表示将举全国之力在十年之内完成登月,因为他不希望看到苏联再次拔得头筹。


具有讽刺意味的是,KSP 中设计载人飞船甚至要比无人飞船还要容易一点,因为乘员舱具有自维持能力。也就是说,我们不用再像“斯普特尼克”任务时必须考虑为其提供能源。取而代之的是,我们要安装另一个组件来保证我们的加加林能安全返回:降落伞。



要注意的是,单组元推进剂 RCS 发动机及其燃料依然处于第二级。这意味着它们无法在火箭末段飞行起作用。不过这不是问题,因为飞船本身有操控设备,其能力完全可以满足最上级的飞控任务。

另外,最末级并没有使用 LV-T30 型发动机,而是更轻、更节约燃料的 LV-909型发动机。只有离开大气层后,该级发动机才会点火启动,而在这个阶段,发动机的经济性远比推力重要的多。



上升段的东方 1 号

火箭的发射与“斯普特尼克”任务基本一样。向上发射飞行,第一级分离,二级火箭点火,在 10 km 以后进行重力转弯。由于载人飞行的第二级火箭的推重比相对较低,所以完成引力转弯的速度也会更慢。在操控火箭向方向标记转弯时应尽量的慢。在这个任务里,我们的第二级火箭完全用于了提升远地点。

在到达远地点之前(LV-909 型发动机加速较慢,所以我们必须提前点火加速),利用最后一级火箭来把轨道调整为圆形轨道。应注意的是不要把燃料完全耗尽,因为你在返回大气层时还需要一定的燃料。


从舷窗观察 Kerbin

为了以我们的“加加林”的视角体验飞行,点击小绿人的头像,选择 “IVA”(飞行器内部视角的缩写)。你就可以从他上方的小窗口看看外面的景象,亲眼看看其他 Kerbal 人没有看到过的 Kerbin 世界了。假如你只能看到星星,就操控飞船进行一定的轴向旋转(在 IVA 视角你也可以进行此类操控)。如果只能看到一片黑暗,那很可能你是位于 Kerbin 的阴影面。加速时间直到日出吧。



After Yuri had his fun in orbit, it's time to bring him back home so he can shake hands with politicians, get his parade, write books and go to talk shows. To do so, wait until you are at the apoapsis of your orbit and accelerate retrograde until the trajectory points onto Kerbin's surface. Keep in mind that it doesn't take atmospheric drag into account, so your actual landing will be not as far as the trajectory indicates. Keep this in mind when you intend to land on ground.

When you enter the atmosphere, you will notice a dangerous-looking orange glow around the capsule due to atmospheric reentry heat. But don't worry: as of writing (0.19) this effect is purely visual and can not actually damage your vehicles (with the exception of extended solar panels). In later versions you will likely have to avoid going down too steep, or you will burn up in the atmosphere.


Command capsule on parachute

The real Gagarin didn't actually land with the Vostok 1 - he ejected in the lower atmosphere and landed with a personal parachute. Unfortunately KSP doesn't have personal parachutes (as of, so we are going to land with the capsule.

Before you activate your parachute, separate the thruster stage - the MK16 parachute can't carry much more weight than the command capsule. Then deploy the parachute.

There isn't really anything you can do wrong here. When you are in the atmosphere, just activate the parachute like you activate a stage (space), panic for a moment while it doesn't seem to be doing anything, and breath in relief when it opens automatically at exactly 500m above ground.

When the capsule has touched the ground, you can let Yuri exit the capsule by clicking on his portrait and then clicking on "EVA" (Extra-Vehicular Activity). Now you can walk around the landing area and pose in front of the capsule for some press photos.

So where is my parade, comrades?

What now

Now you can go to the next level and learn advanced orbital maneuvers: Extra-vehicular activities and docking.