Jebediah Kerman

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Jebediah "Jeb" Kerman is the kerbonaut who mans the first rocket of each game. He is also presumed to be the owner of Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spaceship Parts Co., manufacturer of the FL-R25 and FL-R1 RCS fuel tanks, various medium-size rocket engines like the popular LV-T30 or the PPD-10 Hitchhiker Storage Container.


A possible reason why he is the first to fly your contraptions is likely because the fact that his company is both a junkyard and a spaceship component supplier lead to a bad image of his products. To prove that his parts are reliable he is forced to volunteers to be the first to entrust his life to them. Combined with the usual inexperience of a player at the first launch, this often ends badly for him.

Jebediah along with Bob and Bill Kerman wear orange spacesuits instead of the normal white on the in ship camera during flight, however on EVA he still wears white. He has the Badass flag enabled, which means he isn't afraid of anything.

Along with Bill and Bob, Jebediah is sometimes cloned by the game.
