Research and Development/ko

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Research and Development
KSC building
Research and Development
단계 3
단계 1
단계 2
단계 1 단계 2
위치 TinyKerbin.png 커빈 (Kerbin)
TinyKSC.png Kerbal Space Center
고도 67 미터
버전 이후 0.22

연구소는 버전 0.22에서 추가되었고, 유일하게 커리어 모드와 과학 모드에서만 사용할 수 있습니다. 샌드박스 모드에서는 '시설이 닫혀 있습니다'라고 나옵니다.


처음 두 개의 기술 잠금이 해제된 상태

연구소는 두 가지 기능이 있습니다: 테크 트리를 통해서 부품들의 잠금을 풀고, 과학 연구 결과를 검토할 수 있게 하는 것입니다.

The Technology tab displays the tech tree. On it are the unlocked nodes and all nodes directly following them. Unlocking nodes requires Science points, though parts in locked nodes whose prerequisite nodes have been unlocked can be individually unlocked with funds.

The Science Archives allows browsing results of previously executed science activities. There are several filters available to limit it only to a specific body, situation, biome or experiment. Seeing which areas the experimental data is lacking from helps guide where best to send science-focused missions.


Agency logo of the Research & Development Department

Since 버전 0.24, Research & Development Department has been an agency offering contracts, one of only two[outdated] which is not a manufacturer. Their contracts are focused entirely on gathering Science data and doing things that have never been done before. Crew survival isn't unwelcome either.

Agency description

The Space Program's own Research & Development Department. Headed by celebrity rocket scientist Wernher von Kerman, these guys are the brains of the whole operation. Driven by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, no piece of data is too small or too irrelevant, and increasing the accumulated knowledge of Kerbalkind is their main motivation. Our resident geniuses only ask to be given due academic credit for their contributions to science, and that all astronauts PLEASE refrain from entering the labs without cleaning their boots first.


The Research and Development Facility is the largest structure in the Kerbal Space Center and consists of several buildings, though none are nearly as large as the Vehicle Assembly Building or the Spaceplane Hangar. Its complex architecture notably includes a two-storey tall tunnel through a large building and an elevated hallway connecting two buildings about five-storeys up. In the southwest corner is an observatory, presumably for an optical telescope. A separate building on the south side has massive ductwork for a wind tunnel. Nearby is a tank tower similar to that by the launch pad. Scattered around are numerous smaller buildings and quonset huts.


The result for taking a surface sample at KSC says it is the substance that “makes the scientists yell at us when we go into the labs without cleaning our boots first”. This theme may be a reference to real-life cases of extraterrestrial scientific samples being contaminated by terrestrial materials, such as the Earth bacteria discovered on drill bits used by Curiosity while on Mars.

If a player tries to enter the R&D facility in sandbox mode, a message will appear saying "The research and development facility is closed". Attempting to send experimental data (ex. from a Mystery Goo™ Containment Unit) will yield one of three messages such as "You feel that you aren't really learning anything."


첫 번째 공식 릴리스인 0.23.5 에서는, 시설을 방문할 때마다 기술의 발전 정도가 재설정되는 버그가 있었습니다.[1] 이후버전의 번호가 미세하게 변경됨) 업데이트에서는 이 문제가 해결되었습니다.[2]


  1. Jump up Notification from Rowsdower about that issue in the forums
  2. Jump up KSP: Asteroid Redirect Mission is Officially Released!” by HarvesteR released on April 1st 2014