Tutorial: Mars One

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Revision as of 22:21, 21 April 2014 by LABHOUSE (talk | contribs) (Ship Design)
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Mars One is a planned mission to mars to set up a permanent settlement there.

Mars One rover

The Mars One rover will be launched in 2018 to move the modules together and find a good place to settle.

Ship Design

Life Support and Crew Habitat

We currently have no life support units or inflatable habitats.

Mars Transit Vehicle

The mars transit Vehicle will send the people to mars in 2024 getting there in 2025.

Ship Design

First you launch the Mk1-2 Command Pod and Mk1 Lander Can and the Clamp O' Tron Docking Port. Then you launch the rest and connect it in orbit after you transfer the one man crew in the Mk1 Command Pod you should include in the rocket that launches the lower part (but separate after docking and transferring the crew from the Mk1 Command Pod you seperated to the Mk1 Lander Can.

Falcon Heavy - Luancher

The most powerful rocket in the world and the cheapest for it's power.

Ship Design