Mun(亦被称作the Mun有时写作为Mün)是Kerbin最大的一颗卫星。Mun在外观上与现实中的月球很相似。Mun的表面呈灰色,大量的撞击坑遍布其表面,表面最高处可达3400米。Mun表面重力平均为1.63 m/s²,小于Kerbin的8.18 m/s² ,与月球的表面重力(1.624 m/s²)相似。由于Mun是距离Kerbin最近的天体,所以Mun常常成为玩家第一个登陆的天体,此外还可以利用Mun实现引力助推(引力弹弓效应)以更少的燃料消耗抵达Minmus或者进入环Kerbol轨道。
Mun的表面可以发现数个被称为拱门(Mun Arches)和巨石(Monoliths或Munoliths)的地理异常点(彩蛋)。为保持新玩家对探索Mun的好奇心, 这些地点的确切坐标并未被官方公布。
Mun没有同步轨道,因为理论上其同步轨道高度为0.00 米,然而这一高度超过了Mun的引力范围。但是呢,当飞船刚好在其引力范围外通过同样的SMA可以实现近似的静止效果。从Mun表面出发进入25公里环绕轨道需要大约800 m/s delta V。Mun的半同步轨道高度约为1797.41公里。
Mun地形较为平滑,表面呈灰色遍布撞击坑。洼地区域颜色上跟暗。 Mun的表面还有宽数百米,长达数公里的峡谷。
Mun靠近两极的地表最高点达到3340米。中低纬度的地表最高点达到2967米,位于一个大型撞击坑的东部边缘一个峡谷的北侧(129.64° W, 0.97° N)。同样在此撞击坑的东部(35.42° E, 8.27° N)有Mun的最低点,高度0米。
当地形散射(terrain scatters)在游戏图形设置中开启时,会有大量的岩石分布于Mun的表面。和大多数地形散射(terrain scatters)一样,这些岩石仅仅是装饰不会对任何物体产生碰撞效果。
The Mun's orbit keeps it directly above Kerbin's equator. Because the Mun is tidally locked to Kerbin with a perfectly circular, noninclined orbit, exactly 50% of the Mun's surface (excluding areas on the edge obscured by the Mun's mountains) is ever visible from Kerbin. This also means that Kerbin is only visible from this same 50% of the Mun's surface, and that Kerbin never sets or rises as seen from the Mun. The Mun longitude for which Kerbin remains directly above in the sky (at the Zenith) is about 47 degrees east. The Mun's equator is coplanar with Kerbin's, so any location on the Mun's equator that faces Kerbin will also face Kerbin's equator.Kerbin is not tidally locked to the Mun, so any point on the Mun where Kerbin is not obscured by the Mun's landscape will be able to observe every point on Kerbin as Kerbin rotates.
- Screenshot1.png
A successful landing on the Mun with a two-kerbal capsule. This is often a milestone for new players.
- Prior to version 0.14.2, the tallest points on the munar surface were no higher than roughly 600m.
- Mun was Kerbin's, and indeed the game's, very first moon.
- After its implementation, many fans began calling the body Mün, pronounced "myoon", believing the original spelling to be a mistake. However, several of the game's developers have been heard referring to it as Mun, pronounced "muhn". In the "Surface of the Mün" title screen, a crashed lander has the words "Mün or Bust" scrawled on the side. Both spellings are generally accepted, however the spelling in-game is Mun.
- Mun's orbit is perfectly circular and has zero orbital inclination. Such an orbit in reality would be impossible since this would require precise positioning of any dust/bodies that created it during the planetary system's formation, as well as the absence of a central star or other planets.
- 彩蛋(增加一个,修正一个)
- New small art pass.
- 材质改进
- 增加彩蛋
- 材质改进
- 地形重整
- 首次被加入游戏