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< Laythe
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Laythe jest jednym z 5 Naturalnych satelitów Joola. Chociaż w większości pokryty jest morzami, Laythe ma liczne skaliste, piaszczyste wyspy. Laythe jest w orbicie synchronicznej z Jool. Synchroniczna orbita nad Laythe nie jest możliwa ponieważ jest poza jego strefą wpływów


Laythe's atmosphere begins at 55,500 meters and is slightly less dense than Kerbin's. It is the only natural satellite in the game which has an atmosphere.

Like all other atmospheres in the game, Laythe's atmosphere fades exponentially with increasing altitude (with a scale height of 4000 m). In general, the atmospheric pressure on Laythe at an altitude expressed in meters is:[1]

With proper aerobraking near Laythe and Jool, reaching Laythe may require the least delta-V of all of Jool's moons. When approaching Jool on a Hohmann transfer orbit from Kerbin, aerobraking with a Jool periapsis of 119.5 km will put your apoapsis roughly near Laythe's orbit.

Reference Frames

Rotational/Inertial transition: >600,000 m

Warp Minimum Altitude
1x 0 m
5x 30,000 m
10x 30,000 m
50x 60,000 m
100x 120,000 m
1,000x 240,000 m
10,000x 480,000 m
100,000x 600,000 m



  • Initial Release


  1. A nuclear engine has a specific impulse of 220 in 1 atm, 800 in vacuum, and the following at various Laythe altitudes:
    altitude (m) 600 1464 1800 2238 2698 3296 4104 16435
    specific impulse 400.7 478.2 504.2 534.8 563.7 596.5 633.7 792.4